The Suffolk Police & Crime Commissioner’s Fund is administered by Suffolk Community Foundation. Membership of the Panel, convened to consider grants, will include the PCC, a representative of the PCC’s executive team and the Chairs of the local Community Safety Partnerships (Ipswich, West Suffolk, Suffolk Coastal and Waveney Community Safety Partnerships).  Decision papers relating to the specific rounds of grant funding can be found on the decisions page of the PCC’s website.

The fund is open four times a year. For more information and details on how to apply please visit the ‘Suffolk Police and Crime Commissioner’s Fund’ page on the Suffolk Community Foundation website.

Read the full impact reports for grants awarded.

PCC’s Fund leaflet

OrganisationBenefit AreaFunding PurposeAmount AwardedDate Awarded
Fresh Start Future EnterprisesSuffolkTo provide remote wraparound support to offenders in Suffolk from HMP Norwich.£19,568.28Round 38
November 2024
Green Light TrustSuffolkTo support the 'Young Futures' project in Ipswich, Martlesham and Bury St. Edmunds.£19,482Round 38
November 2024
Headway SuffolkIpswichTowards supporting people who have a neurological condition who are on probation.£10,000Round 38
November 2024
Lofty HeightsIpswichTo support the Velo Build Bike Project, a practical 'hands on' course, aimed at empowering young people, particularly those at risk of engaging in criminal activity by addressing the challenges they face.£20,000Round 38
November 2024
Mid Anglia Enterprise Agency (MENTA)EastTo support the Skills for Success project in Lowestoft offering trade skills and business support.£20,000Round 38
November 2024
Selig TrustIpswichTo support the Springboard project providing supported accommodation for those who would otherwise be homeless.£15,000Round 38
November 2024
The Cyber HelplineSuffolkTo support the Suffolk Cybercrime Helpdesk, providing technical support for digital safety after fraud.£4,605Round 38
November 2024
Unity Schools PartnershipSuffolkTo fund 'Keep Safe' month - a range of school based activities to enhance self confidence and manage the challenges young people may face including knife crime, drugs and anti-social behaviour. Areas include Haverhill, Newmarket, Bury St. Edmunds, Felixstowe, Brandon and Great Cornard.£11,200Round 38
November 2024
British Racing SchoolEastTo support the Newmarket Pony Academy and their provision for children and young people at risk of criminal activity or anti-social behaviour.£5,250Round 37
July 2024
Future Female SocietyWestTo deliver ‘Girls Where You At?’, a weekly project for girls and young women who are vulnerable, at risk of exploitation or exhibiting poor mental health.£17,950Round 37
July 2024
Innov8SuffolkTowards Project Pine, a project to double their wellbeing and vocational skills provision for students who are Emotional Based School Avoidance, school refusers, have mental ill-health or Social, Emotional and Mental Health needs.£20,000 + £20,000 subject to conditionsRound 37
July 2024
NSPCCSuffolkTo deliver ‘Childline Reach Suffolk’, to support victims of Child Criminal Exploitation and divert young people from criminality.£17,800Round 37
July 2024
The Nest FarmsEastTo deliver ‘Brighter Futures Initiative’, reducing the link to crime by empowering youth through mental health education 2024-2026.£9,000Round 37
July 2024
OrganisationBenefit AreaFunding PurposeAmount AwardedDate Awarded
Emmaus Suffolk LtdIpswichTowards delivering an ongoing programme of learning and development in hospitality, for 10 offenders, ex-offenders, prison leavers furthest from the labour market.£20,000 + £19,775 subject to conditionsRound 36
March 2024
Ipswich Community FoundationHMP Hollesley BayTo support the Twinning Project – Leadership Through Football delivered in prison.£2,000Round 36
March 2024
Level Two ProjectFelixstoweTowards a container conversion turning it into a new youth and community venue at Beach Street, Felixstowe.£20,000Round 36
March 2024
Pathways Care FarmLowestoftTowards the cost of providing woodwork courses to ex-offenders so they learn new practical skills which will help them when seeking employment.£10,800 + £5,400 subject to conditionsRound 36
March 2024
Right Time Counselling ServicesLowestoftTowards a pilot programme ‘Recovery Inclusion’ working with Suffolk Probation to provide solution-focussed therapy for offenders, repeat offenders, and recent prison leavers.£3,840Round 36
March 2024
Union Romani VoiceIpswichTowards core support services that help the Roma community with housing, benefits, debt, health, legal, education, mental health and wellbeing. Outreach support that aims to reduce crime and disorder and improve community safety.£10,000Round 36
March 2024
Volunteer it YourselfLowestoftTowards delivering a facility improvement project at Sam’s café in Lowestoft benefitting 20 plus marginalised/excluded/disengaged and NEET or risk of NEET young people. £17,275Round 36
March 2024
Missing PeopleSuffolkTowards a digital support service for young people aged 13-18 to empower them to find a way out of exploitation, abuse, and coercive situations.£8,526Round 35
December 2023
River ChurchIpswichTo support the River Football Project (Bridge the Gap) aimed at addressing ASB for 19-25 year olds in central Ipswich.£5,000Round 35
December 2023
Rock, Paper, ScissorsSuffolkTowards a community art project, creating murals with school children to be displayed in areas around their school which have high incidences of ASB.£4,995Round 35
December 2023
St Thomas the Apostle and MartyrIpswichTowards weekly youth provision for young people aged 11-19 in the Whitehouse area. Aimed to address ASB and provide an alternative to young people, whilst also providing advice on drug misuse.£8,000Round 35
December 2023
ActivLivesIpswichWork experience placements for people on probation. The project will work with two Approved Premises in Ipswich to allow 20 high-risk offenders to develop employability skills.£14,700Round 34
September 2023
Clean SheetSuffolkRemote employment support for people with convictions living in Suffolk to build confidence and increase employability. A dedicated adviser provides personalised support and access to a directory of approved employers.£4,818Round 34
September 2023
For Children and Young People (4YP)IpswichTo continue and expand detached youth work within hotspot areas Gainsborough, Ravenswood, Chantry. Informal education, identifying vulnerable young people, onward referrals and 1:1 drop ins for young people to provide safeguarding.£20,000Round 34
September 2023
Murrayside Community Development CICIpswichTo expand youth provision in an ASB hotspot where young people are vulnerable to further exploitation. Funding will expand classes available to develop skills and provide an alternative to ASB/crime.£9,718Round 34
September 2023
Northampton Saints FoundationIpswichTo continue the Engage programme based at Ipswich Rugby Club supporting young people (aged 7-16) who have disengaged with mainstream education – on the periphery of gang culture – to develop a progression pathway.£20,000Round 34
September 2023
Room 4...HaverhillTrauma-recovery focussed psycho-therapeutic interventions for hard-to-reach young people at risk of exploitation. The project is a multi-year project, aimed at offering sessions across Haverhill. The project will identify 15 young people in need, working with them for a minimum of two years.£15,000Round 33
June 2023
Haverhill Community TrustHaverhillTwo youth projects to reduce and prevent anti-social behaviour and crime through: a theatre production to visit all primary schools to address issues of ASB and weapon-related crime; and, a street art project at the location of an incident which involved knife crime and resulted in the
death of a young local person.
£18,046Round 33
June 2023
Abbeycroft LeisureMildenhallYouth provision targeted at those in troubled families aged 11-17 years to reduce anti-social behaviour (ASB) and offending. It aims to create opportunities to socialise where a youth support officer will offer support and guidance.£10,403Round 33
June 2023
Aspire Black Suffolk CICIpswich West, East and CentralA mentoring programme in schools for young men aged 11 – 16 years to divert them from being drawn into criminal activity outside of the school setting.£12,500Round 32
March 2023
Be Me Like WeIpswichTowards the continuation of diversionary and preventative work for young Black and Mixed-Heritage young people aged 5 – 11 years. The project focuses on deterring its participants from being drawn into county lines activities and grooming.£700Round 32
March 2023
Monkey Workshops CICBury St EdmundsContribution of funding towards ‘Project Oak’ – Workshops which provide training, education, and development in a number of practical areas as well as mentoring for vulnerable young people aged 11 – 16 years.£20,000Round 32
March 2023
Suffolk MindCountywideToward supporting victims of crime in Suffolk (except victims of domestic violence and abuse who can access other PCC funded specialist services) through support groups, an anxiety management course and counselling sessions.£19,914Round 32
March 2023
Forces Employment CharityCounty-wide but in particular Ipswich, Lowestoft, Bury St Edmunds, MildenhallProject Nova, an early intervention programme for veterans in Suffolk to reduce reoffending/ break the cycle of offending by addressing barriers to employment, such as mental health, homelessness, and substance misuse£20,000Round 31
December 2022
Ipswich Community Media and Learning CIOIpswichDiversionary activities for disadvantaged young people (aged 13 – 18) who have offended, or are at risk of offending, the Youth Worker will mentor and support through music, radio, film and creative arts£18,250Round 31
December 2022
Bridge ProjectSudbury and surrounding areasKeeping Safe, workshops for adults with learning disabilities and/ or autism on safety, awareness raising sessions on Hate Crime and Domestic Abuse, and how to report being a victim of crime£4,200Round 30
October 2022
Inspire SuffolkWhitton Estate, LowestoftSupport for vulnerable young people through engagement/ sport sessions, counselling and awareness raising workshops to reduce crime and disorder£19,196Round 30
October 2022
Porch ProjectHadleigh, Sudbury, Great Cornard and surrounding areasDetached youth workers facilitate sessions educating, informing and supporting vulnerable young people of Hadleigh and Great Cornard£20,000Round 30
October 2022
Selig (Suffolk) TrustIpswichSpringboard to Employment programme. Intensive 1:1 support covering life skills, interview techniques and budgeting to transform homeless persons’ lives into a more independent, crime free life £6,000Round 30
October 2022
Solo Housing (East Anglia) LtdBabergh and Mid SuffolkIntensive support for women in contact with the criminal justice system, including practical support, coaching/mentoring, and support into employment£19,806Round 30
October 2022
Suffolk Chinese Family Welfare AssociationCountywideDedicated 1:1 support to victims of crime within the Chinese community, monthly training and community-led awareness raising sessions addressing pertinent issues£4,260Round 30
October 2022
Suffolk Refugee SupportCountywideWork with refugees around crime prevention and safety of vulnerable people (particularly young people, women and families) on online crime, gangs, drug misuse and other harmful behaviours£20,000Round 30
October 2022
Suffolk Young People's Health ProjectGainsborough, Chantry, Priory HeathDetached youth work in areas of deprivation in Ipswich providing guidance and educational support on safety, crime and ASB£19,987Round 30
October 2022
Access Community TrustLowestoftOutreach support sessions and outdoor activities for young people at Bungay Riverside Youth Club who have had/ are at risk of involvement in ASB£16,500Round 29
June 2022
Be Me Like WeIpswich Town CentreSupport for young people of African, Caribbean and dual heritage backgrounds focusing on crime prevention, awareness raising of hate crime and encouraging engagement with local police£8,000Round 27
January 2022
Bures Sportsground CommitteeBures, Cornard, SudburyA youth engagement programme to help reduce ASB, police call outs and increase community safety£3,500Round 27
January 2022
Future Female SocietyIpswichGirls Where You At? Project, engaging vulnerable young girls exhibiting poor mental health and who are at risk of exploitation£19,958Round 25
August 2021
Green Light TrustBury St Edmunds,
Sudbury, Ipswich,
Saxmundham and
surrounding villages
Nature-based group work engaging vulnerable women who need support to overcome issues and/or barriers and move forwards in life£18,297Round 26
October 2021
Ipswich BMX ClubGainsborough,
Contribution towards a safety fence around the new track to help reduce ASB and gang activity by providing an alternative activity for young people
£1,505Round 26
October 2021
Ipswich Community Media and Learning CIOIpswichMaking Waves Project, engaging hard-to-reach young people at risk of offending and to improve outcomes in the criminal justice system£20,000Round 25
August 2021
MN Well-Child Support CICLowestoftWork with primary school aged children who have been involved in the criminal justice system or anti-social behaviour£6,579Round 27
January 2022
Northampton Saints FoundationIpswichEngage Programme, support for the most vulnerable young people who are in, affected by, or on the periphery of crime and/ or gang culture£20,000Round 29
June 2022
Ormiston Families CountywideBreaking Barriers, support to improve emotional well being and resilience for 70 children living in Suffolk with a parent or significant carer in prison £20,000Round 28
March 2022
Porch ProjectHadleigh, Great Cornard and surrounding villagesTowards the overhead costs of the youth clubs in Hadleigh and Great Cornard£20,000Round 25
August 2021
RFEA - The Forces Employment CharitySuffolkProject Nova, an early intervention programme to reduce reoffending, for veterans in Suffolk£20,000
Round 26
October 2021
River Church IpswichIpswich CentralFootball sessions and 1:1 support for males aged 16-2) at risk of offending, anti-social behaviour or social exclusion£9,176Round 29
June 2022
Room 4HaverhillFuture Possibilities Programme, trauma based therapy sessions for those at risk of gang affiliation, county lines and child sexual exploitation (CSE)£7,000Round 27
January 2022
Saint Augustine's Church IpswichPriory Heath Ward, IpswichAn increase in youthwork provision to launch a targeted programme for local young people£12,801Round 25
August 2021
St Giles TrustStowmarket Towards the SOS+ programme at the Olive Academy and other schools raising awareness of gangs, exploitation and serious violence£20,000Round 28
March 2022
Suffolk MindIpswich Counselling and training for vulnerable adults who have poor mental health and struggle with their anger and anxiety following the effects of crime£13,800Round 26
October 2021
Suffolk Refugee SupportIpswich (but not
limited to this area)
Work with refugees around crime prevention and safety of vulnerable people, particularly young people, women and families and online crime£20,000Round 26
October 2021
The CompassFelixstoweCommunity Outreach Worker providing 1:1 practical support for ex-offenders and have substance misuse issues/ criminal background £9,176Round 29
June 2022
The Hive Ipswich CICNorwich Road, IpswichCommunity space encouraging community cohesion to engage and build relationships within their community and with local police£10,000Round 27
January 2022
The Mix StowmarketStowmarket and Needham Market Positive engagement opportunities for disadvantaged and hard-to-reach young people to reduce crime£16,701Round 28
March 2022
Wickham Market Parish CouncilWickham MarketOutreach work with young people providing a safe space and to reduce social isolation£3,000Round 29
June 2022
Volunteering MattersIpswichYouth social action programme for young people to stay safe online£20,000Round 27
January 2022

OrganisationBenefit AreaFunding PurposeAmount AwardedDate Awarded
Access Community TrustLowestoftTowards 'Access' - A skills project in Kirkley &Pakefield for adult offenders or young people at risk of offending.£19,250December 2019
AdfamAcross Mid SuffolkTo provide a Peer Supporter programme to vulnerable families in Suffolk.£18,340March 2019
AdfamSt Edmundsbury and Ipswich Towards a peer supporters programme. Supporting vulnerable families/ carers in Suffolk affected by drug or alcohol use. Key partners Suffolk Family Carers, Turning Point, Al Anon in Suffolk£14,655September 2017
Albany Pupil Referral UnitBury St Edmunds, Howards Estate Towards the outdoor learning space for students at risk of disengaging with education, those known to youth offending and with anger and violence issues. The outdoor classrom, supported by local businesses, will be used to teach practical skills by those who may offer future employment.£9,268December 2019
Anglia Care TrustCountywideTowards continuing a countywide outreach service aimed at reducing the negative impact of alcohol.£20,000December 2017
Anglia Care TrustSuffolkTo support the continuing delivery of the Freedom from Financial Abuse programme on an Outreach basis.£20,000December 2018
Anglia Care TrustSuffolk Towards the continuation of the money advice service specifically for victims of abuse. The panel meeting scheduled for March 2020 was cancelled and so £3,543 for the same purpose was awarded by the PCC as an interim grant. £3,543
May 2020
Bangladeshi Support Centre - Multicultural ServicesIpswichTowards the Tackling BME Hate Crime project.£15,595September 2019
Bangladeshi Support CentreIpswichTo deliver sessions to raise awareness of forced marriage, honour based violence and domestic violence.£15,976December 2017
Carlton Colville Town Council Carlton ColvilleTowards the cost of IMPACT - Detached Youth Outreach workers to support young people, provide advice and help reduce anti-social behaviour.£2,500December 2018
Catch 22SuffolkTo continue the Catch 22 Mediation Service.£14,194September 2019
Catch 22SuffolkTowards the Catch 22 Mediation Service addressing local noise, harassment, ASB and intimidation issues.£14,322September 2018
Chapman Centre TrustIpswichTowards the weekend opening of The Chapman Centre.£14,829March 2019
Combat2Coffee CICIpswichTowards the Coffee Cell Café project - training and reintegration of ex-offenders/armed forces veterans who are also ex-offenders back into society. This project will support 12 individuals.
£2,153September 2020
Eastern Enterprise Hub St Edmundsbury/ HaverhillTowards the Back to Your Future project. A programme to support long term unemployed people back into work, primary beneficiaries young people who have committed a crime with a view to empowering them to change their lives and look to unleash potential. £17,981September 2017
Eden's ProjectSudbury DistrictTo support 'Living My Best Life', offering mentoring and counselling for young people.£6,502December 2019
Emmaus Suffolk LtdIpswich and Felixstowe To support Project Turn Around, working with those who have offended, in Ipswich and Felixstowe, or are on day release from prison. This project will support up to 30 individuals with a structured group learning programme.£19,630May 2020
Focus 12St EdmundsburyTowards the Second Chances project, supporting those who are ready for rehab from drug and alcohol addiction.£20,000March 2018
Fresh Start Future EnterprisesSuffolkTo support the Pathway to Employment programme – Group and individual workshops (virtual/ telephone) to Inspire, Educate and Support individuals upon release from HMP Norwich that reside in Suffolk. This project will support 20 individuals.
£17,712September 2020
Future Female SocietyIpswichTo support the delivery of the 'Girls where you at?' programme.£5,500December 2019
Greenfinch ChurchChantry Estate and IpswichTowards start up costs and running of the Freedom Programme for victims of domestic violence.£1,014December 2019
Green Light TrustCountywideTo support the Women's Woodland Programme.£10,000February 2021
Green Light TrustBury St Edmunds, Sudbury, Ipswich triangleTo support the Women's Woodland Programme.£19,805September 2019
Green Light TrustSuffolk CoastalTowards a nature based rehabilitation activity for women, who, are suffering with drug or alcohol misuse,£9,470June 2018
Guide Dogs for the BlindSuffolkTowards raising awareness of attacks on assistance dogs.£9,187December 2018
Hate Crime CollaborationCountywideA collaborative bid to support awareness raising workshops, social media campaign and literature around hate crime. Suffolk Refugee Support are the lead organisation in a collaborative bid.£17, 417March 2018
Headway SuffolkIpswich, Bury St Edmunds, Haverhill and Felixstowe Towards the Brainy Dogs project, supporting prisoners from Hollesley Bay to be trained as a dog trainers to allow the use of companions/ rehab dogs for those with neurological conditions. £10,000September 2017
Home-Start Mid & West SuffolkWest SuffolkTowards the Keeping Safe 2 project.£19,930September 2019
Home-Start Mid SuffolkSt Edmundsbury Supporting the Keeping Safe project. To support family coordinators to expand provision into St Edmundsbury, working with young people whose parents have chaotic lives, been subjected to violence or been part of police interventions. £9,996September 2017
Home-Start Mid and West SuffolkMid and West SuffolkTowards funding 2 family co-ordinators and mileage of staff and volunteers working with families in dispute, those with addiction problems or abuse.£19,986September 2018
Iceni Ipswich Ipswich To support the Venta Project. A 16 week 66 hour programme to support men who have behaved in a coercive controlling manner within an intimate or family relationship.£20,000September 2017
Inspire SuffolkWhitton Estate (Lowestoft)Towards continuing the Colville House youth club.£14,289March 2019
Ipswich Community ChurchWestgate Ward, IpswichTo help with the purchase and erection of a perimeter Security Fence.£2,000December 2019
Ipswich Community MediaIpswichTo support Making Waves 2 - project for young people invo;lved in/or at risk of being involved in gangs and criminal activity in Ipswich.£19,990September 2018
Ipswich Community MediaIpswichTowards the Making Waves 2 project, continuation funding for a music programme engaging hard to reach young people to improve the outcomes for young people in the criminal justice system and those at risk of offending.£20,000December 2019
Just Enough Global LimitedIpswichTo take a modern day slavery workshop into 56 primary/junior schools in Ipswich to raise awareness.£17,920December 2017
Level Two Youth Project Felixstowe To support Level Two Mobile Youth Service making youth provision available in areas other than the town centre, i.e. Trimley, Kirton and some estates in Felixstowe.£9,492September 2017
Matthew ProjectSuffolkTowards Outside the Wire - Suffolk Prisons.£9,794March 2019
Nansen Road Baptist ChurchIpswichTowards Nansen Road Community Day working with organisations to address community cohesion, gang and knife crime.£1,000September 2019
Noise Solution LtdNewmarketTowards core services of Noise Solution delivering in Newmarket.£9738March 2019
Northampton Saints FoundationGainsborough Estate, IpswichTo support Values and Communities initiative – support and skill building for young people at risk of involvement in gangs, crime or antisocial behaviour. This project will support 12 individuals.
£20,000September 2020
Ormiston Families Countywide To support the Breaking Barriers project. An outreach project across Suffolk that works with children aged 4-16 and their families where they have been affected by imprisonment. £13,728September 2017
Ormiston FamiliesCountywideTowards the Breaking Barriers project supporting children and young people who have a parent in prison.£8,584December 2018
Ormiston FamiliesIpswichTo support the costs of delivering Breaking Barriers, Suffolk, which supports children with a parent in prison.£20,000December 2019
Ormiston FamiliesIpswichTowards Breaking Barriers service – Supporting children with a parent or significant carer in prison.£15,325December 2020
Pathways Care Farm Waveney Towards the Restore project. To create a woodworking barn area and fit out with the necessary tools, to enable up to 18 offenders over the course of the year learn life skills and a trade in refurbishing/restoring furniture.£18,368September 2017
P.L.O.T. Community Interest CompanyIpswich, Lowestoft and surrounding areasTowards PLOT, alternative eductaion provision for young people who are disengaged with the mainstream education and at risk criminality.£6,920December 2019
Porch ProjectBaberghTowards youth workers' salaries.£20,000June 2018
Porch ProjectGreat CornardTowards youth workers' costs to support young people in Great Cornard.£20,000June 2019
Prince's Trust (Suffolk)WaveneyTowards delivering their 'Get Into' employment project to Waveney to inspire and empower 12 young people to take up employment opportunities in Healthcare or Leisure.£9,794September 2018
Reflections Youth CentreNacton area, IpswichTo support activities at the Reflections Youth Centre.£2,300December 2019
RFEA - The Forces Employment CharitySuffolkTowards Project Nova (Suffolk) for veterans who have been arrested and identified as at risk. Additionally work on delivering prevention activities with this group to reduce the risk of violent crime.£20,000May 2020
Right Time Counselling Services CICLowestoftTowards the Right Time Recovery Network Counselling Services£4,940March 2019
Room 4HaverhillTowards Future Possibilities Project – workshops for young people to raise awareness of drugs, gang involvement, Child Criminal Exploitation and Child Sexual Exploitation. This project will support 14 individuals.
£2,500September 2020
Saints Youth ClubWickham MarketTowards core running costs & youth workers' salaries.£4,000June 2019
St Giles TrustStowmarketTowards a SOS+ Mentor/ Facilitator.£20,000February 2021
St Giles TrustIpswichTo deliver an individualised intervention service working with 16 young people over a 12 month period.£20,000December 2017
St Giles TrustIpswich and surrounding communitiesTowards the St Giles Trust Prevention and Intervention Service.£20,000March 2019
Suffolk FAIpswichTowards sports based activities for young people to raise aspirations and provide an opportunity to gain valuable skills to help secure employment. This will support 260 individuals.
£19,564September 2020
Suffolk Family CarersSuffolkTowards the Who's in Charge Programme.£11,226June 2019
Suffolk Lowland Search and RescueCountywideTowards core running costs of the organisation who help find missing children and vulnerable adults.£5,439December 2020
Suffolk MindSuffolk (Bury St Edmunds and Ipswich)To provide anger and anxiety management courses to vulnerable adults with mental health problems who have been affected by crime.£18,409December 2018
Suffolk Neighbourhood Watch AssociationCountywideTo purchase resources to enable better profiling of Neighbourhood Watch Schemes.£3,145.95June 2018
Suffolk Refugee SupportCountywideTowards addressing 'Hidden Harm' amongst Refugees & Asylum Seekers in Suffolk.£19,956December 2017
Suffolk Refugee SupportIpswichTowards staff and volunteer costs.£19,956June 2019
Suffolk Refugee SupportCountywideToward core costs of supporting refugees and asylum seeker in Suffolk as well as group session expenses. This will support 125 individuals. £20,000September 2020
Suffolk Young People's Health ProjectSuffolkToward core support services for young people across Suffolk.£15,170September 2019
Talitha KoumSuffolkTowards their General Manager's salary costs who will oversee the delivery of support services to vulnerable women.£10,000March 2019
Tall Ships Youth TrustSuffolkTowards the Sailing Beyond Expectations project.£4,000June 2019
The Albany Pupil Referral Unit (PRU)Bury St Edmunds, Haverhill, Sudbury, StowmarketTowards the Building and Skills project£8,895February 2021
The Befriending SchemeBarberghTowards online safety training workshops for members with learning difficulties.£5,501June 2018
The Cinnamon Network Ipswich Towards a demand reduction partnership in Suffolk. A project piloted with Sussex Police (successfully, now with 8 police forces using them). To develop a civic engagement strategy with 5 churches offering social action projects for 18 months. Training for 30 delegates so the project can be run across the country. £18,900September 2017
The Forward TrustCountywideTowards recovery and reintegration services in 3 Suffolk based prisons – support for offenders with mild to moderate mental health difficulties prior to, and following, release from prison. This will support 75 individuals.
£20,000September 2020
The Mix StowmarketStowmarketTowards the Open Out project.£19,861March 2019
The Mix StowmarketStowmarketTo support the detached youth work project – Open Out and extension of provision to Needham Market.£16,253December 2020
The Prince's TrustIpswichTowards Positive Pathwasy project.£17,120February 2021
The Prince's TrustIpswichTo fund the Positive Pathways programme, preparing those young people furthest from the jobs market for future employment.£19,250December 2019
The Racing CentreNewmarket To support a detached youth worker in Newmarket to prevent antisocial behaviour in the community and support young people to engage with positive activities in safe places.£10,000May 2020
The ReaderIpswichTowards a Shared Reading Project with ex-offenders to help break cycles of re-offending and support rehabilitation and reintegration.£15,447December 2018
The ReaderSuffolk To continue and extend “Through the Gate", helping ex-offenders with their mental health and wellbeing through reading groups and volunteering on release.£7,527May 2020
UnseenIpswichTo support Spotlight - shining a light on slavery and exploitation.£12,185December 2017
Volunteering MattersIpswichTo support the development of the WASSUP project.£20,000December 2017
Volunteering MattersIpswichTowards We Are Patrick (WASSUP).£20,000March 2019
Whitton Youth PartnershipNorth West IpswichTo support a part time youth worker£2,500December 2019
YMCA Trinity GroupIpswichTo support the continuation of the Positive Behaviour Project.£19,504March 2018
YMCA Trinity GroupIpswichTowards installing electric gates across the entrance to the car park reducing ASB and crime on and near the premises and safeguarding vulnerable residents and clients.£5,000September 2018
YMCA Trinity GroupIpswichTowards the Youth Ipswich Project – Work with disadvantaged young people at risk of offending or criminal exploitation.£20,000December 2020

OrganisationBenefit AreaOrganisation PurposeFunding purposeGrant Awarded
Access Community TrustLowestoftTo provide accommodation, support, and resettlement services for people who are homeless and also support for local people who are socially excluded and disadvantaged. Contribution towards rent and utilities so that they can continue and develop their youth outreach services at The Globe in Lowestoft. £12,657
Castle Community Radio CICFramlinghamTo provide a community focused radio station for Framlingham and the surrounding area.Towards the promotional costs of providing twice monthly policing broadcasts.£200
Ipswich CSV MediaIpswichTo advance citizenship and community development through the promotion of volunteering.Contribution towards developing their family intervention project to include a range of domestic abuse programmes to support local victims of domestic abuse delivered by trained multi-lingual volunteers.£10,704
Ipswich Housing Action GroupIpswichTo provide temporary housing for single homeless people for whom there is no statutory assistance and to provide a range of support services to marginalised and vulnerable people that encourage successful independent living.Contribution towards the salary of an Assertive Street Outreach Co-ordinator.£18,663
Suffolk MindBury St Edmunds and IpswichTo improve the mental health and wellbeing of people across Suffolk.To provide a wellbeing support package for victims of crime who have mental health problems in Bury St Edmunds and Ipswich.£15,420
Bury St Edmunds and Haverhill
To work with young people who find themselves in difficult situations to help them become more positive, productive, and independent citizens.Towards delivering open access sports in Bury St Edmunds and Haverhill.£13,040
Anglia Care TrustIpswichTo provide preventative, community based services, giving people the stability, support, and challenge which is often required in order to enable them to realise their full potential.Contribution towards the salary and associated costs of an Outreach Support Officer to minimise the impact of street drinking in Ipswich and the surrounding area. £20,000
Bury St Edmunds Women's Aid CentreBury St EdmundsTo provide a place of safety and to support women and their children who are victims of domestic abuse.Towards delivering three 12 week courses of the Freedom Programme to female victims of domestic violence.£1,999
Papworth Trust
Bury St Edmunds
To provide support for people with disabilities so that they have choice, control and independence in their lives. Towards providing work-focused placements at Workwise for up to 20 adults with dual diagnosis of substance misuse and mental health issues.£18,060
Red Rose ChainIpswichTo provide theatre and film productions that engage and give a voice to hard to reach groups of young people and adults.Towards delivering workshops and theatre productions that educate 12-15 year olds on the reasons not to commit crime. £16,893
Suffolk Rape CrisisCountywideTo provide counselling and support to women and girls (over the age of 13 years) that have experienced any form of sexual violence.Contribution towards the salary of their Counselling Coordinator who is critical to the organisation providing support to women and girls who have experienced sexual violence.£14,000
Havebury Housing Partnership St EdmundsburyA registered social landlord, based in St Edmundsbury, provides support to tenants through the Trust programme aimed at supporting tenants to better manage their tenancies.Based on the principles of Suffolk Family Focus, support for families where issues prevent them from functioning effectively. Salary costs are sought for salary and to cover the costs of a piece of research. [Costs for research awarded]£1,350
Mentis Tree (Acorn Counselling)CountywideA registered charity offering commercial rate counselling and low rate counselling as well as giving opportunities to training counsellors to further their qualifications.To train volunteer counsellors in specific sexual abuse counselling and to provide a bursary for 30 new clients who will all of had experience of sexual abuse.£15,800
Ormiston FamiliesCountywideSupports children and young people and their families manage the challenges they face, with a vision that every child is loved, nurtured and valued. A joint project with the Suffolk Fire & Rescue Service to deliver a 12 week programme aimed at educating young people in the dangers they take and delivering serious messages around drug and alcohol abuse.£18,953
Waveney Domestic Violence and Abuse ForumWaveneyTo provide support to victims of domestic violence and abuse. To raise awareness in the community, provide training, and to sign post victims to the correct agencies.To provide for 66 victims of domestic violence to receive trauma therapy.£20,000
Fresh Starts New BeginningsCountywideA charity supporting those who are victims of childhood sexual abuse.To cover the cost of providing therapy sessions to families.£19,897.50
Survivors in TransitionCountywideProvides therapy to survivors of sexual abuse.To cover the cost of employing a support worker to undertake admin and some assessment work.£19,550
Waveney Domestic Violence & Abuse ForumWaveneyTo relieve the emotional distress and support the wellbeing of people who have suffered or are exposed to domestic violence and abuse.To run the Caring Dads programme, for fathers who have abused or neglected their children, or exposed their children to domestic violence or who are deemed to be at high-risk for these behaviours.£8,621
Porch ProjectGreat Cornard and the surrounding areaTo create a youth project that is aimed at supporting young people's physical, mental, social, spiritual and educational well-being.To provide a qualified Youth Worker to facilitate the setting up and running of a Youth Welfare Project in Great Cornard.£20,000
LapwingChantry and Stoke Park (Ipswich)A Suffolk-based charity providing bespoke education, coaching and experiences of work for young people marginalised by disability or circumstance. To set up and run 'Safe Ground', supporting young people who are vulnerable as victims or perpetrators of anti-social behaviour, helping to build their self-esteem, resilience and character development.£15,000
Eden's ProjectSudbury and Great CornardA Christian youth group to support ALL young people and help them achieve their true potential, through mentoring, support and providing positive opportunities.To run youth sessions and a positive parenting course.£5,247
Crimestoppers Trust CountywideThat individuals and communities have the right to feel safe from crime and the fear of crime. Offering the chance of reporting crime with anonymity.Towards the provision of an anonymous domestic abuse reporting telephone line for Suffolk.£15,782
GYROSLowestoftTo relieve poverty, hardship and distress, in particular for people seeking asylum, migrant workers and refugees.To expand service provision into Lowestoft funding challenging and complex migrants needs.£20,000
Safe Partnership LimitedWest SuffolkTo provide home security and advice to vulnerable victims of crimes that compromise the security of their homes.To fund free and immediate home security for victims of domestic violence. £6,000
Signpost GuntonLowestoftSupporting families in times of crisis, with foodbank, furniture projects, as well as young people through there youth provision.To fund the employment of 2 part-time workers to work alongside families in crisis and help young people make the right choices.£16,120
Suffolk Rape CrisisIpswich, Bury St Edmunds and LowestoftSupporting women and girls aged 14 plus who have suffered from sexual crimes.To support the counselling co-coordinator and provide 75 counselling sessions across Suffolk.£20,000
Suffolk Refugee SupportIpswichTo provide advocacy, advice and support services for refugees and asylum seekers.Towards the cost of providing an independent, personalised and holistic support and advice service for vulnerable asylum seekers and refugees.£19,997
CompassionBaberghTo support those suffering from domestic violence of abuse in the Babergh area.To continue to provide comprehensive, community-based services for adults and children who have experienced domestic abuse.£4,483
Inspire SuffolkIpswichTo support the people of Suffolk overcome personal challenges and make improvements in their lives through increasing education attainment, health and active participation.Towards running a sports, citizenship and cultural understanding programme aimed at young men from all Eastern European & Asian communities.£20,000
Ipswich Housing Action Group (IHAG)Ipswich To provide support and services to those homeless adults in Ipswich.Towards the cost of the Assertive Street Outreach Coordinator who engages with people who are at risk of sleeping rough.£20,000
Raedan Trust (Suffolk)Mid-SuffolkTo promote mental well-being and provide counselling to those who are victims of crime.To support victims of crime with free counselling sessions.£7,344
Suffolk Chinese Family Welfare AssociationMid-SuffolkTo provide a venue and activities for members of the Chinese community to help integrate into Society and increase community cohesion.To provide support and sign posting service to Chinese domestic violence/ servitude victims.£1,747 + £1,233 subject to conditions
Suffolk MindSt Edmundsbury and IpswichThe group strives to support the mental health and well being of people across Suffolk.To provide a wellbeing support package for victims of crime who have mental health problems.£19,942
Fresh Starts - New BeginningsIpswichTo provide therapeutic treatment services to children who have disclosed being sexually abused and to support families by giving them skills to help their child.Supporting salary costs for 15 child victims of sexual violence whilst they await appearance in court as a witness.£20,000
Junction10 for Young People CICSt EdmundsburyTo provide counselling and coaching services to children and young adults, supporting emotional, behavioural and life-skills.Providing counselling and coaching services to young people.£20,000
Anglia Care TrustCountywideTo provide preventative, community based services, giving people stability, support and a challenging environment to help the realise their full potentialTo support the continuation of the Alcohol Recovery Service across Suffolk on an outreach basis£20,000
Volunteering MattersIpswichTo provide volunteering programmes to help build stronger and more inclusive communitiesTo offer a creative and innovative youth programme to support young people at risk of/or affected by Childhood Sexual Exploitation or violence£20,000
Walking with the WoundedSuffolk CoastalA national charity set up in 2010 by two ex-servicemen to support veterans with physical, mental and/or social injuriesA contribution towards the cost of working with veterans in Suffolk as part of an early intervention programme£15,000
Waterfront Community CentreIpswichTo develop skills and provide facilities for those who are socially and economically disadvantagedtowards running a pilot project for young people who are from the traveller and gypsy community£2,000
Access Community TrustWaveneyWorking in disadvantaged areas of Suffolk providing support with housing, health, well-being, education, employment and youth services.To support young people in the Waveney area £18,745
Child Exploitation Prevention Awareness TrainingCountywideAims to raise awareness to all children and young people and professionals of the dangers of online exploitation and the risk of becoming victims of sexual offences.To pilot the service of raising awareness to children of the forms of exploitation. £9,000
Focus12CountywideTo provide specialist treatment/rehabilitation services for those with substance misuse issuesTo work with offending addicts.£16,000
St Giles TrustIpswichA group that aims to break the cycle of disadvantage and crime and create safer communities.To support trained mentors for young people. £19,166
Suffolk SportIpswichThe county sports partnership for Suffolk, statutorily funded for the main work but additionality has to be funded separately.To support young people in their Be Inspired project.£8,274
Talitha KoumCountywideOffering compassion and support to women struggling with addictions, building on the support provided for the women who were murdered in Ipswich 10 years ago.To help fund the start up of a residential centre.£10,000
National Ugly MugsCountywideTo develop skills and provide facilities for those who are socially and economically disadvantatedSupporting the costs of the organisation who alert both sex workers and the police to potential dangers.£3,000
Embrace CVOC (Child Victims of Crime)CountywideFocusing on supporting young people who are victims of life-changing crimes, supporting them and their families.Family-focused therapy for victims of crime. Primary group of support is to those under 18,£3,170
Home-Start South Suffolk & DistrictIpswichTo provide emotional and practical support to families.Towards the Better together project supporting families at risk of being victims of crime or with Young people who have committed crimes.£9,443.23
Museum of East Anglian LifeStowmarketA museum and social enterprise with a mission to improve the quality of life for people in East Anglia.Funding towards the Better Lives programme run in conjunction with Hollesley Bay prison.£19,250
Porch ProjectBaberghYouth project supporting young people's physical, mental, social, spiritual and educational well-being.To continue providing a qualified professional Youth Worker for the Gt Cornard project.£20,000
Raedan Trust (Suffolk)Mid SuffolkPurpose is to promote mental well-being in Suffolk and relieve mental suffering.To support clients affected by crime and to continue to provide the service free at point of delivery.£5,244
Suffolk Lowland Search and RescueCountywideTo relieve suffering and distress of people endangered by accidents or natural hazards by the provision and maintenance of trained search and rescue teams to operate primarily in Suffolk.A grant to purchase four hand held thermal imaging cameras.£16,745
Suffolk Refugee SupportIpswich to provide advice, advocacy and support to asylum seekers and refugees in Suffolk.Towards the cost of continuing their work with victims of crime or those who are vulnerable to criminal activity.£20,000
YMCA SuffolkIpswich to transform communities so that all young people can belong, contribute and thrive. Towards the cost of employing 2 workers to tackle Anti Social Behaviour.£19,504
Catch 22CountywideOffering support services in education, justice, employment for young people and families.Funding to continue providing a mediation service across Suffolk.£15,663

Ipswich Community Media/Out loud music

Ipswich, Priory Heath and Westgate Ward
The organisation delivers quality flexible learning, events, media engagement, and community based projects that are responsive to the needs of the local community.One to One Music and Media Sessions in partnership with Out Loud Music for hard to reach young offenders and those at risk of offending.£19,980
Suffolk MindCountywideStriving to support those suffering from mental ill health across Suffolk.To provide a high quality wellbeing support package for anyone affected by a crime. £19,617
Whitton Youth PartnershipIpswichA resource for children/young people living in Whitton and North Ipswich, providing advice & assistance & organising programmes of physical, educational & other activities.To improve anti-social behaviour - sessions of detached youth work, Friday football and single gender groups.£4,000