From 1 October 2014 the locally commissioned landscape of support for victims of crime changed with all Police and Crime Commissioners starting to fund the majority of services to support victims in their areas.  Some specific services will remain nationally commissioned such as support for families bereaved by homicide, for rape victims, for victims of human trafficking and for witnesses at criminal courts.

The below tables provide more information on the funding position in Suffolk.   More information is available on the support for victims.

Victims’ services commissioned by the Suffolk Police and Crime Commissioner in 2024/25 can be found below.

Funded by the PCC:

The Restorative Justice (RJ) Service – Extension of Service 2023 – 2025 (PDF, 253KB)  £57,919 for year 2 of the 2 year extension

Funded through the Ministry of Justice (MoJ) and PCC:

Services for Victims of Domestic Abuse and Sexual Violence – £389,000 (PDF, 283 KB) and
Support Services for Victims of Domestic Abuse and Sexual Violence 2022/23 – £262,896 (PDF, 503 KB)

* Please note that due to the closure of Suffolk Rape Crisis at the end of July 2024, £60,000 of its £90,000 annual grant award was reallocated to Survivors in Transition to ensure there is specialist support available to victims of sexual violence in Suffolk (PDF, 253KB)

Grants award for a three-year grant period from 1 April 2022 – 31 March 2025:

Alumah £6,500  
Anglia Care Trust £35,000  
Brave Futures (Fresh Start New Beginnings) £60,000  
Bury St Edmunds Women’s Aid Centre £50,000  
Compassion £20,000  
Leeway Domestic Violence and Abuse Services £115,396  
Lighthouse Women’s Aid £75,000  
PHOEBE £45,000  
Restitute £30,000  
Suffolk Rape Crisis £30,000 * £60,000 of the £90,000 annual grant was reallocated to Survivors in Transition
Survivors in Transition £150,000 * The £90,000 grant allocation increased by £60,000, totalling £150k to Survivors in Transition
Waveney Domestic Violence and Abuse Forum £35,000  

New Independent Domestic Violence Advisor (IDVA) Service in Suffolk (PDF, 222KB) – £690,000 per annum
(This decision paper relates to the initial 3-year period between 1 October 2023 – 1 October 2026 {with an option for a further 2-year contract extension} and covers the core IDVA service and the specialist IDVAs funded through the MoJ {see below for further information}.  The annual amount stated includes £163,400 of that additional funding from the MoJ.  The Confidential Decision Paper was derestricted post award of contract)

Norfolk and Suffolk Victim Care – Contract Extension (PDF, 220KB) – £321,158 in year 2 of the 2 year contract extension
(This decision paper relates to the contract extension period between 1 April 2023 –  31 March 2025)

‘National ISVA and IDVA’ funding through the MoJ:

In 2022, the MoJ extended the ‘National ISVA and IDVA’ funding period to 31 March 2025.  The total from this fund in 2024/25 is £446,932 and Suffolk benefits from an additional 5FTE IDVAs and 5.81FTE ISVAs (decision paper 26-2022 shows the schedule of funding over the 3-year period – see also decision papers 19-2021 and 20-2020 for more information). 

In 2023 the MoJ announced further grant funding of £81,700 to Suffolk for 2FTE ISVAs, bringing Suffolk’s additional ISVA total to 7.81FTE.  The grant total in 2024/25 for IDVAs and ISVAs is £528,632.

Additional Independent Sexual Violence Advisors (ISVAs):

The Ferns – Sexual Assault Referral Centre (SARC)
1.81 FTE ISVAs to work cases and address the increase in demand  £71,716
1 Lead ISVA to work cases and engage with under-represented groups £44,765
3 ISVAs specialising in young people, learning disabilities and domestic abuse £126,201
2 FTE ISVAs to work cases £81,700

Additional Independent Domestic Violence Advisors (IDVAs):

East Suffolk and North Essex Foundation Trust (ESNEFT) 1 IDVA specialising in elderly victims of domestic abuse £40,850
Leeway – Suffolk IDVA Service 4 IDVAs specialising in young people, male victims, victims from minority communities and support at court £163,400

Victims’ services commissioned by the Suffolk Police and Crime Commissioner in 2023/24 can be found below.

Funded by the PCC:

The Restorative Justice (RJ) Service – Extension of Service 2023 – 2025 (PDF, 253KB)  £57,054 for year 1 of the 2 year extension


Funded through the Ministry of Justice (MoJ) and PCC:

Services for Victims of Domestic Abuse and Sexual Violence – £389,000 (PDF, 283 KB) and
Support Services for Victims of Domestic Abuse and Sexual Violence 2022/23 – £262,896 (PDF, 503 KB)

Grants award for a three-year grant period from 1 April 2022 – 31 March 2025:

Alumah £6,500
Anglia Care Trust £35,000
Brave Futures (Fresh Start New Beginnings) £60,000
Bury St Edmunds Women’s Aid Centre £50,000
Compassion £20,000
Leeway Domestic Violence and Abuse Services £115,396
Lighthouse Women’s Aid £75,000
PHOEBE £45,000
Restitute £30,000
Suffolk Rape Crisis £90,000
Survivors in Transition £90,000
Waveney Domestic Violence and Abuse Forum £35,000

Independent Domestic Violence Advisor (IDVA) Service in Suffolk – Contract Extension (PDF, 170KB) – £526,000 per annum
(This decision paper relates to the contract extension period between 1 April 2023 – 30 September 2023)

New Independent Domestic Violence Advisor (IDVA) Service in Suffolk (PDF, 222KB) – £690,000 per annum
(This decision paper relates to the initial 3-year period between 1 October 2023 – 1 October 2026 {with an option for a further 2-year contract extension} and covers the core IDVA service and the specialist IDVAs through the MoJ {see below for further information}.  The annual amount stated includes the £163,400 additional funding from the MoJ.  The Confidential Decision Paper was derestricted post award of contract)

Norfolk and Suffolk Victim Care – Contract Extension (PDF, 220KB) – £316,302 in year 1 of the 2 year contract extension
(This decision paper relates to the contract extension period between 1 April 2023 –  31 March 2025)


‘National ISVA and IDVA’ funding through the MoJ:

In 2022, the MoJ extended the ‘National ISVA and IDVA’ funding period to 31 March 2025 and the total funding awarded to Suffolk in 2023/24 is £446,932.  Suffolk benefits from an additional 5FTE IDVAs and an additional 5.81FTE ISVAs.  Decision paper 26-2022 sets the schedule of funding for the 3-year period.  (See also decision paper 19-2021 and decision paper 20-2020 for further information)

Additional Independent Sexual Violence Advisors (ISVAs):

The Ferns – Sexual Assault Referral Centre (SARC)
1.81 FTE ISVAs to work cases and address the increase in demand  £71,716
1 Lead ISVA to work cases and engage with under-represented groups £44,765
3 ISVAs specialising in young people, learning disabilities and domestic abuse £126,201

Additional Independent Domestic Violence Advisors (IDVAs):

East Suffolk and North Essex Foundation Trust (ESNEFT) 1 IDVA specialising in elderly victims of domestic abuse £40,850
Leeway – Suffolk IDVA Service 4 IDVAs specialising in young people, male victims, victims from minority communities and support at court £163,400

Victims’ services commissioned by the Suffolk Police and Crime Commissioner in 2022/23 can be found below. 

Funded by the PCC:

The Restorative Justice (RJ) Service (PDF, 252 KB)  £37,500 per annum
(Year 2 of the 2 year contract – from 1 April 2021 to 31 March 2023)

The Restorative Justice (RJ) Service – Additional Funding 2022/23 (PDF, 232 KB)  £11,525
(Additional funding to the end of the 2022/23 financial year)


Funded through the Ministry of Justice (MoJ) and PCC:

Services for Victims of Domestic Abuse and Sexual Violence – £389,000 (PDF, 283 KB) and
Support Services for Victims of Domestic Abuse and Sexual Violence 2022/23 – £262,896 (PDF, 503 KB)

In 2022, the MoJ and the PCC awarded grants for a three-year period from 1 April 2022 – 31 March 2025:

Alumah £6,500
Anglia Care Trust £35,000
Brave Futures (Fresh Start New Beginnings) £60,000
Bury St Edmunds Women’s Aid Centre £50,000
Compassion £20,000
Leeway Domestic Violence and Abuse Services £115,396
Lighthouse Women’s Aid £75,000
PHOEBE £45,000
Restitute £30,000
Suffolk Rape Crisis £90,000
Survivors in Transition £90,000
Waveney Domestic Violence and Abuse Forum £35,000

Reallocation of underspend of the MoJ grant to Domestic Abuse and Sexual Violence support services (PDF, 220KB)  £39,000 total 

Lighthouse Women’s Aid £24,000
Survivors in Transition £15,000

Norfolk and Suffolk Victim Care Service (Confidential Decision C38-2019) £315,000 per annum
(Year 3 of the 3 year contract – from 1 April 2020 – 30 March 2023)

Independent Domestic Violence Advisor (IDVA) Service in Suffolk – Contract Extension (PDF, 170KB) – £526,000 per annum
(Contract Extension for two years from 1 October 2021 – 30 September 2023, totalling £1,052,057 for the term)


‘National ISVA and IDVA’ funding through the MoJ:

The MoJ extended the ‘National ISVA and IDVA’ funding period to 31 March 2025 totalling £320,731 and awarded further funding for 3 additional ISVAs totalling £71,742 in 2022.  In total, Suffolk benefits from an additional 5FTE IDVAs and an additional 5.81FTE ISVAs.  Decision paper 26-2022 sets the schedule of funding for the 3-year period.  (See also decision paper 19-2021 and decision paper 20-2020 for further information)

Additional Independent Sexual Violence Advisors (ISVAs):

The Ferns – Sexual Assault Referral Centre (SARC)
1.81 FTE ISVAs to work cases and address the increase in demand  £71,716
1 Lead ISVA to work cases and engage with under-represented groups £44,765
3 ISVAs specialising in young people, learning disabilities and domestic abuse £71,742

Additional Independent Domestic Violence Advisors (IDVAs):

East Suffolk and North Essex Foundation Trust (ESNEFT) 1 IDVA specialising in elderly victims of domestic abuse £40,850
Leeway – Suffolk IDVA Service 4 IDVAs specialising in young people, male victims, victims from minority communities and support at court £163,400


Victims’ services commissioned by the Suffolk Police and Crime Commissioner in 2021/22 can be found below. 

Suffolk received over £1.3m of funding from the Ministry of Justice (MoJ) which was ringfenced for services that support victims of crime.  This amount comprises the core victims’ services grant funding of over £800k and an uplift of funding in the following areas:   £61k towards Child Sexual Abuse (CSA) service, £72k for additional Independent Sexual Abuse Advisors (ISVAs),  £100k towards Domestic Abuse and £43k towards Sexual Violence services.  Also included in this total is the additional funding of £225k from the National Independent Sexual Violence Advisor (ISVA) and Independent Domestic Violence Advisor (IDVA) Fund.

The PCC recognises the increase in demand for these services and therefore allocated just under £400k from his budget to ensure there is a sufficient level of victim’s support services available in Suffolk bringing the total to £1.7m.

Funded by the PCC:

The Restorative Justice (RJ) Service (PDF, 252 KB) £37,500 per annum
(Year 1 of the 2 year contract – from 1 April 2021 to 31 March 2023)

Compassion (PDF, 189KB) £9,000
Domestic Abuse Coordinator

Funded through the MoJ and PCC:

Services for victims of Domestic Abuse (PDF, 258 KB) £325,467 total

Anglia Care Trust  £33,367
Bury St Edmunds Women’s Aid Centre   £72,500
Compassion £12,100
Home Start-Mid and West Suffolk £10,000
Leeway Domestic Violence and Abuse Services £51,000
Lighthouse Women’s Aid £72,500
One Voice 4 Travellers £3,900
PHOEBE £40,000
Waveney Domestic Violence and Abuse Forum £30,100

Services for victims of Sexual Violence (PDF, 251KB) £230,000 total

Fresh Start-New Beginnings £60,000
Restitute £20,000
Suffolk Rape Crisis £75,000
Survivors in Transition £75,000

Norfolk and Suffolk Victim Care Service (Confidential Decision C38-2019) £315,000 per annum
(Year 2 of the 3 year contract – from 1 April 2020 – 30 March 2023)

Independent Domestic Violence Advisor (IDVA) Service in Suffolk – Contract Extension (PDF, 170KB) – £526,000 per annum.
(Contract Extension for two years – from 1 October 2021 – 30 September 2023.  £1,052,057 total for the term)

Funded through the MoJ:

Funding for additional Independent Sexual Violence Advisors 2020 – 2022 (PDF, 181KB) £71,716
(Year 2 of the funding period – from 1 October 2020 – 31 March 2022)

National Independent Sexual Violence Advisor (ISVA) and Independent Domestic Violence Advisor (IDVA) Fund (PDF, 259KB) – £223,545
(Year 1 of the 2 year term.  £472,560 of funding from the Ministry of Justice across 2 years from 1 April 2021 – 31 March 2023.  The PCC will allocate funding of £81,700 in 2023-24 to support the continuous employment of the additional IDVAs in the Suffolk IDVA service from 1 April 2023 until 30 September 2023, so that their employment is coterminous with the existing contract.)

Critical Support Fund – Suffolk Allocation (PDF, 241KB) – £38,298

Critical Support Fund – Additional Funding (PDF, 226KB) – £17,797


Approval has been given to extend the current grants the PCC has awarded for victim services and crime and disorder reduction until the end of September 2020 in order to minimise disruption to services during both the PCC pre-election period and development of a new Police and Crime Plan. A schedule of grant extensions proposed and funding amounts, totalling £235,500, is set out in Appendix A of the decision paper – PCC Decision 9-2020 – Extension of Grant Awards (PDF, 537KB)

A further decision has been taken to extend grants awarded to three specialist service providers for Victims of Sexual Violence in Suffolk for the period October 2020 – March 2021. A schedule of grant extensions proposed and funding amounts, totalling £90,000, is set out in Appendix A of the decision paper – PCC Decision 19-2020 – Extension of Grant Awards – Services for Victims of Sexual Violence (PDF, 605KB)

For Victims of Domestic Abuse, a grant extension was awarded to three specialist service providers in Suffolk for the period October 2020 – March 2021. A schedule of grant extensions proposed and funding amounts, totalling £70,000, is set out in Appendix A of the decision paper – PCC Decision 23-2020 – Extension of Grant Awards – Services for Victims of Domestic Abuse (PDF, 226KB)

COVID-19 Extraordinary Ministry of Justice Funding for Domestic and Sexual Violence and Abuse Support Services
Round 1 – £208,411
Round 2 – £148,600

PCC Decision 20 – 2020 – Funding for additional Independent Sexual Violence Advisors 2020 – 2022 (PDF, 181KB) – £106,251
(From 1 October 2020 – 31 March 2022)

Norfolk and Suffolk Victim Care Service – A victim assessment support and referral service for all victims of crime in both counties.  The service is currently jointly commissioned by Norfolk and Suffolk Police and Crime Commissioners (PCCs) and managed by Victim Support.  Confidential PCC Decision no: C38-2019.  £315,000 per annum.
(3 year contract – from 1 April 2020 – 30 March 2023)

Victims’ services commissioned by the Suffolk Police and Crime Commissioner in 2019/20 can be found below.

Funded through the Ministry of Justice grant for commissioning local victims’ support services:

Fresh Start-New Beginnings (PDF, 535KB) £60,000

Leeway Domestic Violence and Abuse Services – Independent Domestic Violence Advisor (IDVA) Service £525,000

Suffolk Rape Crisis (PDF, 556KB) £60,000

Survivors in Transition (PDF, 528KB) £60,000

Victim Support – Norfolk and Suffolk Victim Care (PDF, 205KB) £292,367


Funded by the PCC:

Bury St Edmunds Women’s Aid Centre (PDF, 499KB) £60,000

Compassion (PDF, 471KB) £13,050

Establishing a Restorative Justice Service (PDF, 478KB) £38,000

Lighthouse Women’s Aid (PDF, 507KB) £60,000

Waveney Domestic Violence and Abuse Forum (PDF, 506KB) £20,000

Victims’ services commissioned by the Suffolk Police and Crime Commissioner in 2018/19 can be found below.

Funded through the Ministry of Justice grant for commissioning local victims’ support services:

Fresh Start – New Beginnings – Grant to Support Child Victims of Sexual Abuse (PDF, 540KB) £60,000

Leeway Domestic Violence and Abuse Services – Independent Domestic Violence Advisor (IDVA) Service (1 October 2018 – 31 March 2019)

Lighthouse Women’s Aid – Countywide Independent Domestic Violence Advisor (IDVA) Service (1 April – 30 September 2018, £281,714)
Lighthouse Women’s Aid – Crisis Intervention Worker (1 April – 30 September 2018, £13,094)

Suffolk Rape Crisis (PDF, 632KB) £60,000

Survivors in Transition Grant to Support Victims of Childhood Sexual Abuse (PDF, 560KB) £60,000

Victim Support Victims’ Assessment and Referral Services (PDF, 676KB) £292,367


Funded by the PCC:

Bury St Edmunds Women’s Aid Centre (PDF, 520KB) £60,000

Compassion – Babergh Domestic Abuse Forum (PDF, 504KB) £17,400

Lighthouse Women’s Aid – Women’s Centre (PDF, 518KB)
(1 January – 31 December 2018, £60,000)

Waveney Domestic Violence and Abuse Forum – Co-ordinator (PDF, 490KB) £20,000

Victims’ services funded by the Suffolk Police and Crime Commissioner in 2017/18 can be found below.

Funded through the Ministry of Justice grant for commissioning local victims’ support services:

Lighthouse Women’s Aid – Countywide Independent Domestic Violence Advisor (IDVA) Service £593,000
Lighthouse Women’s Aid – Crisis Intervention Worker £25,585

Victim Support – Victim Assessment and Referral Service £293,000


Funded by the PCC:

Bury St Edmunds Women’s Aid Centre (PDF, 3.3MB) £60,000

Compassion (Babergh Domestic Abuse Forum) (PDF, 3.4MB) £20,000

Fund to Support Victims of Sexual Abuse with Counselling/Therapeutic Services (PDF, 3.7MB) £150,000

Lighthouse Women’s Aid – Women’s Centre (PDF, 518KB) £60,000

Suffolk Rape Crisis (PDF, 3.9MB) £50,000

Survivors in Transition: Specialist Child Sexual Abuse Support Worker (PDF, 524KB) £23,940

Restorative Justice Advisor £15,000

Survivors in Transition made ISVA extension (PDF, 212KB) £6,885

Target Hardening – Contribution to County-Wide service £2,000

Waveney Domestic Violence and Abuse Forum Coordinator (PDF, 3.4MB) £20,000

Victims’ services funded by the Suffolk Police and Crime Commissioner in 2016/17 can be found below.

Butterfly CIC Therapeutic Programmes to support Adult Survivors of CSA (PDF, 344KB) £9,040

Compassion (Babergh Domestic Abuse Forum) (PDF, 3.3MB) £17,400

Lighthouse Women’s Aid – Countywide Independent Domestic Violence Advisor (IDVA) Service.  The Police and Crime Commissioner Tim Passmore has issued a grant to Lighthouse Women’s Aid to support victims of domestic violence and abuse.  The three-year grant will secure a countywide Independent Domestic Violence Advisors service to provide specialist support dedicated to the individual needs of victims of domestic abuse.  The Decision, which has been derestricted following signature of the grant agreement, can be found here:  IDVA Service for Suffolk (PDF, 392KB) £417,043 in 2016/17.
IDVA Service Grant Variation for Additional Resources (PDF, 160KB) Up to £186,482 1 July 2016 – 31 October 2017
Crisis Intervention Worker (PDF, 208KB) Up to £24,948 1 November 2016 – 31 October 2017

Suffolk Rape Crisis (PDF, 380KB) £28,304

Survivors in Transition Male ISVA Service (PDF, 288KB) £31,804

Survivors in Transition (revised) (PDF, 372KB) £37,892

Victim Support Victim Led Restorative Justice Hub (PDF, 304KB) £52,345.50 1 September 2015 to 31 August 2016
Victim Led Restorative Justice Hub (PDF, 424KB) £10,242 1 September 2016 – 31 December 2016

Victim Support Victim Assessment and Referral Service (PDF, 1.26MB) £293,867

Waveney Domestic Violence and Abuse Forum Coordinator (PDF, 272KB) £20,000

Waveney Domestic Violence and Abuse Forum – Trauma and Abuse Therapy (PDF, 388KB) £18,000

Victims services funded by the Suffolk Police and Crime Commissioner in 2015/16 can be found below.

Anglia Care Trust – Male Victims Support; Domestic Violence Workshops; Financial Advice Services (PDF, 308KB) £40,378

Butterfly CIC – Therapeutic Programmes to Support Adult Survivors of Childhood Sexual Abuse (PDF, 296KB) £19,040

Lighthouse Women’s Aid Crisis Worker (PDF, 1.94KB) £10,772

Lighthouse Women’s Aid – Countywide Independent Domestic Violence Advisor Service.  The Police and Crime Commissioner Tim Passmore has issued a grant to Lighthouse Women’s Aid to support victims of domestic violence and abuse.  The three-year grant will secure a countywide Independent Domestic Violence Advisors service to provide specialist support dedicated to the individual needs of victims of domestic abuse.  The Decision, which has been derestricted following signature of the grant agreement, can be found here:  IDVA Service for Suffolk (PDF, 392KB) £407,577

Victim Support Victim Led Restorative Justice Hub (PDF, 2.4MB) £19,977 1 April to 31 August 2015

Victim Support Victim Led Restorative Justice Hub (PDF, 304KB) £52,345.50 1 September to 31 August 2016

Victim Support Victim Assessment and Referral Centre Service (PDF, 1.3MB) £293,867

Waveney Domestic Violence and Abuse Forum – Coordinator  (PDF, 5.4MB) £15,000

Waveney Domestic Violence Forum – Rape Crisis Service  (PDF, 1.9MB) £6,080

Waveney Domestic Violence and Abuse Service – Suffolk Coastal (PDF, 12.2MB) £20,000

Waveney Domestic Violence and Abuse Forum (PDF, 2.11MB) £5,000 for January – March 2016

Victims services funded by the Suffolk Police and Crime Commissioner in 2014/15 can be found below.

Ministry of Justice Competed Fund

Suffolk’s Police and Crime Commissioner Tim Passmore has been successful in securing £244,842 of Government funding which will be used to further improve victim services across the county.  More information about the successful Suffolk projects can be found here:  Competed Fund successful projects.

Ministry of Justice Preparatory Funding

Tim Passmore has approved the following grants financed from Ministry of Justice Preparatory Funding to: build the capacity and capability of restorative justice services; build the capacity and capability of wider voluntary community and social enterprise support providers in advance of local commissioning and prepare for local commissioning.

Victims Commissioning – Preparatory Funding (PDF, 748KB)

  • Waveney Domestic Violence and Abuse Forum, Who’s in Charge, Rape Counselling, Computer database and Caring Dads programme, £20,000
  • Hate Crime Partnership, £35,000
  • Compassion Domestic Violence Forum, £12,000
  • Lighthouse Women’s Aid £8,500
  • University Campus Suffolk Academic Research (two projects) £35,000 plus £5,000 for additional scoping.

Victim Support Victims Survey £1,281

Preparation for Commissioning Victims Services (PDF, 2.5MB)

  • Regional Victims’ Co-ordinator, £10,000 (Preparation for commissioning of regional Victims Assessment and Referral Centre)

Victims Services Preparatory Funding CIDVAs (PDF, 1.7MB)

  • Lighthouse Women’s Aid Court Based Independent Domestic Violence Advisors, £25,100

Victims Services Preparatory Fund – Waveney Domestic Violence and Abuse Forum – Trauma Therapy (PDF, 2.3MB)

  • Waveney Domestic Violence and Abuse Forum Trauma Therapy, £3,500

Lighthouse Women’s Aid IDVA Service for Suffolk (PDF, 392KB) Start up costs £62,594

Victims Services Restorative Justice Hub (PDF, 2.4MB)

  • Victim Support: Restorative Justice Hub, £27,969

Youth Offending Service, Challenge for Change, £25,000


Victims’ Services Grant Fund

The following have been approved from the PCC’s Victims’ Services Grant Fund.

Award of Victims’ Services Grant – Waveney Domestic Violence and Abuse Forum (PDF, 5.4MB) £5,000

Victims’ Services Grant Fund – Suffolk Refugee Support (PDF, 476KB) £3,000

Lighthouse Women’s Aid Crisis Worker (PDF, 1.94KB) £7,695

Phase 3 Victim Assessment Referral Service £10,000

Survivors in Transition Support to Adult Victims of Childhood Sexual Abuse (PDF, 196KB) £15,000

Fresh Start New Beginnings Support to Children and Young People who are Victims of Sexual Abuse (PDF, 188KB) £30,000

Butterfly CIC – Therapeutic Programmes to Support Adult Survivors of Childhood Sexual Abuse (PDF, 180KB) £15,000

Waveney Domestic Violence and Abuse Forum – Services for Victims of Domestic Violence and Abuse (PDF, 172KB) £30,000

Compassion – Support to Victims of Domestic Abuse (PDF, 180KB) £30,000

Lighthouse Women’s Aid: Equipment, Materials and Training for Children’s Counselling (PDF, 176KB) £2,375

Anglia Care Trust – Male Victims Support; Domestic Violence Workshops; Financial Advice Services (PDF, 308KB) £17,328

Raedan Trust – Phoenix Counselling Practice (PDF, 252KB) £25,000

Lighthouse Women’s Aid IDVA Service for Suffolk (PDF, 392KB) Delivery Costs £62,698


Countywide Independent Domestic Violence Advisory (IDVA) Service

The Police and Crime Commissioner Tim Passmore has issued a grant to Lighthouse Women’s Aid to support victims of domestic violence and abuse.  The three-year grant will secure a countywide Independent Domestic Violence Advisors service to provide specialist support dedicated to the individual needs of victims of domestic abuse.  The Decision, which has been derestricted following signature of the grant agreement, can be found here. IDVA Service for Suffolk (PDF, 392KB)