Tim Passmore
Police and Crime Commissioner
As your Police and Crime Commissioner for Suffolk Tim is responsible for setting the police and crime objectives for policing in the county. He does this through his Police and Crime Plan. Tim is passionate about Suffolk and believes we all have a part to play in making Suffolk a safe, vibrant and thriving community. He is committed to supporting the Chief Constable to provide a police service that is fair, accessible, respects the human rights of all and has a diverse workforce able to meet the needs of all our communities. Suffolk’s Police and Crime Plan is clear about Tim’s continued desire to work with local communities and partners to make Suffolk a safer place in which to live, work, travel and invest.
Sandra Graffham
Head of Communications and Engagement and acting Chief Executive
Every Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC) must have a Chief Executive in post who supports and advises the PCC in delivering their statutory duties and responsibilities. The Chief Executive works with the PCC to enable delivery of the PCC’s vision, strategy and priorities and facilitate strategic and operational leadership of the office of the PCC. The Chief Executive also holds the role of Data Protection Officer and Monitoring Officer with a remit to draw to the PCC’s attention any actual or possible contraventions of law, maladministration or injustice.
Following the retirement of Christopher Jackson on March 31 2024, Sandra Graffham was appointed acting Chief Executive on an interim basis until a substantive appointment is made.
Sandra is a member of the PCC’s senior management team. A former journalist, Sandra is responsible for external communications to ensure the public, partners and stakeholders are aware, informed and actively involved in the work of the Police and Crime Commissioner. Sandra is also the media’s first point of contact for enquiries to the PCC.
Telephone: (01473) 782777 Email: sandra.graffham@suffolk.police.uk
Colette Batson
Chief Finance Officer
Colette is designated as the Police and Crime Commissioner’s (PCC) statutory Chief Finance Officer and as such is responsible for ensuring that the financial affairs of the PCC are properly administered as well as being the PCC’s advisor on financial matters.
Telephone: (01473) 782779 Email: colette.batson@suffolk.police.uk
Liz Hollingworth
Head of Governance and Commissioning
Liz leads on Commissioning for the Police and Crime Commissioner, managing Crime and Disorder Reduction grants, Victim Services and the PCC Fund. She provides governance support to the Chief Executive and manages the corporate and commissioning budgets.
Telephone: (01473) 613888 ext 4690 E-mail: elisabeth.hollingworth@suffolk.police.uk
Head of Policy and Performance
James Sheridan
Policy and Commissioning Officer
James supports the Head of Commissioning and Governance and Head of Policy and Performance in the delivery of policy work and service commissioning.
Telephone: (01473) 782778 Email: james.sheridan@suffolk.police.uk
Shane Hines
Legal Clerk
Shane is responsible for the provision of a legal service to the Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC) and Chief Constable in respect of the PCC’s real estate assets.
Telephone: (01473) 613888 ext 4691 Email: shane.hines@suffolk.police.uk
Greg Songer
Correspondence and Complaints Review Officer
Greg manages the PCC’s correspondence and undertakes the complaints review function.
Telephone: 01473 782773 E-mail: greg.songer@suffolk.police.uk
Kate Boswell
Executive Assistant to the PCC and the CEO
Kate provides secretarial and administrative support to the PCC, the Chief Executive and other senior staff. Kate also supports the Accountability and Performance Panel, Audit Committee and Collaboration Panel.
Telephone: (01473) 782771 E-mail: katherine.boswell@suffolk.police.uk
Sarah McNulty
Business Co-ordinator (Custody Visitors)
Sarah provides business support to the team and manages the Independent Custody Visiting Scheme.
Telephone: (01473) 782774 Email: sarah.mcnulty@suffolk.police.uk
Kate Fitzsimons
Business Co-ordinator
Kate provides administrative and secretarial support to the office. She also assists with the discharge of the PCC’s commissioning function.
Telephone: (01473) 782772 Email: kate.fitzsimons@suffolk.police.uk
Amanda Houchen
Administrative Assistant
Amanda provides administrative and secretarial support to the Chief Finance Officer and to the office of the Police and Crime Commissioner.
Email: amanda.houchen@suffolk.police.uk
29 January 2025
9 January 2025