The Police and Crime Commissioner has set out in the Police and Crime Plan for Suffolk that victims of crime should be central to all that we do; treatment of victims is vital to building public trust and confidence in the police. Information on how the Police and Crime Commissioner is helping to support victims of crime can be found below.
The Offices of the Norfolk and Suffolk Police and Crime Commissioners, in partnership with Victim Support launched the new Norfolk and Suffolk Victim Care (NSVC) service in April 2018.
The service gives emotional and practical help to people who have been affected by crime. They offer support regardless of whether you’ve contacted the police, and no matter how long ago the crime took place.
You can call the Norfolk and Suffolk Victim Care team Monday – Friday 8am to 5pm on 0300 303 3706 or go to for more detail.
Out of hours support is available via Victim Support’s national Supportline 0808 168 9111.
A variety of specialist support is available for victims.
The Victims’ Code, published in October 2013 and updated in October 2015, forms a key part of the wider Government strategy to transform the criminal justice system by putting victims first, making the system more responsive and easier to navigate.
The code sets out the service to be provided to victims of criminal conduct by criminal justice organisations in England and Wales. The code sets out a minimum standard for these services. Criminal Justice organisations can choose to offer additional services and victims can choose to receive services tailored to their individual needs that fall below the minimum standard. For the purpose of this code: a ‘victim’ is a person who has suffered harm, including physical, mental or emotional harm or economic loss which was directly caused by criminal conduct; or a close relative of a person whose death was directly caused by criminal conduct.
The Code of Practice for Victims of Crime is available to read in full.
Details of Victims Services funded by the Suffolk Police and Crime Commissioner can be found here: Victims’ Commissioning
Two programmes running in Suffolk are featured on the Ministry of Justice website showing how we are supporting victims of crime.
The Government’s National Victims Strategy.
14 January 2025
9 January 2025