14 November 2018 Police & Crime Commissioner seeks new Chief Constable for Suffolk Suffolk’s Police and Crime Commissioner, Tim Passmore is today launching a recruitment campaign to find a new Chief Constable. Following Chief Constable, Gareth Wilson’s announcement that he plans to retire from the police service in April 2019, the Police and Crime Commissioner has started the recruitment process to appoint his replacement. Suffolk’s Police and Crime Commissioner Tim Passmore said: “Gareth has been a strong, effective and inspiring leader of Suffolk Constabulary and has led his officers through some challenging times since becoming Chief. During Gareth’s tenure, the Constabulary has been consistently graded as ‘Good’ by the HMIC and I am now looking for someone to work with me to continue to provide an efficient and effective police service to the people of Suffolk. “In common with forces across the country, we face challenges and I am looking for an inspirational Chief Officer who has the vision and determination to meet these challenges head-on and deliver my Police and Crime Plan.” Further information and hard copies of the application pack can be obtained by contacting Anna Parkinson on 01473 782771, e-mail anna.parkinson@suffolk.pnn.police.uk Detail of the recruitment process: Closing date for applications: 10 December 2018 9am Date for shortlisting: 19 December 2018 Familiarisation Day: 2 January 2019 Date for final interviews: 7 & 8 January 2019 The successful candidate will also be required to attend a Confirmation Hearing on January 25 2019, where the Police and Crime Panel will review the proposed appointment and make a recommendation to the Commissioner. Full detail of the recruitment process is available here.