Appointment of Temporary Chief Finance Officer - 35 - 2021

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The paper proposes the appointment of a temporary Chief Finance Officer to the Police and Crime Commissioner to cover the period immediately following the resignation and period of leave of the current Chief Finance Officer.

Summary of Suffolk PCC's Fund, Round 26, October 2021 - 34 - 2021

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The decision paper sets out the recommendations following the grant panel of October 2021. Five applications (Green Light Trust, Ipswich BMX Club, RFEA - The Forces Employment Charity, Suffolk Mind, Suffolk Refugee Support) were approved for funding totalling £73,602.

Award of Crime and Disorder Reduction Grant - Catch 22 Mediation Service - 33 - 2021

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This report seeks approval to award a grant to Catch 22 for the amount of £18,950 for the period 1 November 2021 to 31 October 2022 to deliver the Mediation Service in Suffolk.

Award of Grant - Suffolk Lowland Search and Rescue (SULSAR) - 32 - 2021

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This report seeks approval to award a grant to Suffolk Lowland Search and Rescue (Sulsar) for £10,000 per annum between (1 October 2021 and 30 September 2024) for specialist search and rescue teams to support Suffolk Constabulary searches for high risk vulnerable adults and missing children.

Summary of Suffolk PCC's Fund, Round 25, August 2021 - 31 - 2021

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The decision paper sets out the recommendations following the grant panel of August 2021. Four applications (Future Female Society, Ipswich Community Media and Learning CIO, Porch Project and St Augustine's Church) were approved for funding totalling £72,759.

PCC Succession Plan - 30 - 2021

(PDF 473 KB)

A Succession Plan to cover any period of vacancy or incapacitation on the part of the Police and Crime Commissioner. The Plan was required to be produced at the request of the Minister of State for Crime and Policing. The Plan, which has been drawn up by the Chief Executive, has been discussed, as required, with the Police and Crime Panel. The Panel has endorsed the Plan at its meeting on 8 October 2021.

Annual Report 2020-21 - 29 - 2021

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This report presents the Annual Report for consideration and seeks approval to send the Annual Report to the Police and Crime Panel meeting on Friday 8th October 2021.

Critical Support Fund - Suffolk Allocation 28 - 2021

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The Ministry of Justice has confirmed grant funding of £38,298 to the Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC) for Suffolk. The funding will be used to support the critical needs of four (Bury St Edmunds Women’s Aid, Lighthouse Women’s Aid, Suffolk Rape Crisis and Survivors in Transition) organisations in Suffolk in delivering DA and SV services to victims.

Award of Crime and Disorder Reduction Grant - Town Pastors - 27 - 2021

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The Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC) awards grant funding of £30,000 to Town Pastors for the period 1 April 2021 to 31 March 2022.

Award of Crime and Disorder Reduction Grant - Taxi Marshals - 26 - 2021

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The Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC) awards grant funding of £5,000 per annum to Locus Management Solutions, trading as Ipswich Central, for delivery of the Taxi Marshal service between 1 October 2021 and 30 September 2024.

Norfolk and Suffolk Victim Care - Contract Variation (Staffing and Property) - 25 - 2021

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Victim Support were awarded the contract to provide the Norfolk and Suffolk Victim Care (NSVC) service for three years from April 2020. At the end of the first year of the contract there was an underspend of £69,000. Victim Support proposed that the underspend should be used for two new staff positions on fixed term contracts. Victim Support have also proposed to decommission their Lowestoft Office and look for alternative premises in Ipswich. The proposed contract variation sets out these changes in writing on the advice of 7F Procurement.

Risk Management - 24 - 2021

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The Police and Crime Commissioner adopted a Risk Management Strategy by Decision No 17-2013. In December 2016 the Chief Executive reviewed the Strategy. He took the view at that time that the Strategy did not require amendment. The Strategy has been reviewed again by the Chief Executive and who now considers it should be modified to take a proportionate approach to risk management in the Office of the PCC. A new Risk Management Policy has been prepared to replace the Strategy.

Suffolk Police and Crime Commissioner's (PCC) Fund - 2021/22 Funding - 23 - 2021

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The Suffolk Police and Crime Commissioner’s (PCC) Fund was established in February 2014 to support organisations that can contribute to delivering the Police and Crime Plan objectives. This decision paper sets out the recommendation to approve funding of £300,000 for the PCC Fund for 2021/22.

Award of Crime and Disorder Reduction Grant - Catch22 Suffolk Positive Futures - 22 - 2021

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This report seeks approval to award a Crime and Disorder Reduction Grant to Catch22 for the amount of £75,000 to contribute to delivering Suffolk Positive Futures across Suffolk for the period 1 April 2021 to 31 March 2022.

Grant Award - Compassion Domestic Abuse Coordinator - 20 - 2021

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Compassion applied to the PCC for funding for a Domestic Abuse (DA) Coordinator and a Lead Programme Facilitator in February 2021. It was recommended that the PCC should award a grant for the Lead Programme Facilitator position (£12,100) and would look to support 50% (£9,000) of the total (£18,000) requested funding for the DA Coordinator role if Compassion could raise the remainder from other sources. Compassion have now confirmed that the match funding of £9,000 towards the DA Coordinator role is in place.

National ISVA and IDVA Fund - Suffolk Allocation - 19 - 2021

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The Ministry of Justice have confirmed new funding of £472,560 to the Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC) for Suffolk following a successful application to the National Independent Sexual Violence Advisor (ISVA) and Independent Domestic Violence Advisor (IDVA) Fund. The PCC is recommended to award further funding of £81,700 to support the continuous employment of the additional IDVAs in the Suffolk IDVA service from 1 April 2023 until 30 September 2023, so that their employment is coterminous with the existing contract.

Corporate Governance - Scheme of Governance and Consent - Financial Regulations - 18 - 2021

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The Scheme of Governance and Consent requires amendment to accommodate a review of the Financial Regulations. Approval is now sought to the revised Financial Regulations and thereby the Scheme of Governance and Consent.

Grant Awards - Services for Victims of Sexual Violence - 17 - 2021

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It is recommended that the PCC approves grants for sexual violence services in Suffolk for a total of £230,000 for the period 1 April 2021 to 31 March 2022. Funding for these grants will come from the MOJ Victim Services grant funding for Child Sexual Abuse, the MOJ Sexual Violence Uplift for 2021/22 and from the PCC’s commissioning budget.

Grant Awards - Services for Victims of Domestic Abuse - 16 - 2021

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It is recommended that the PCC approves grants for domestic abuse services in Suffolk for a total of £325,467 for the period 1 April 2021 to 31 March 2022. The funding will support delivery of the current Police and Crime Plan and fulfil the Ministry of Justice (MOJ) Victim Services grant requirements. Funding for these grants will come from the MOJ Victim Services grant ‘Domestic Abuse Uplift’ for 2021/22 and from the PCC commissioning budget.

Financial Regulations - Role of Statutory Officers - 15 - 2021

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This paper proposes a change to cover banking arrangements in the absence of the Police and Crime Commissioner’s Chief Finance Officer in order to facilitate the conduct of business in a timely way. The Police and Crime Commissioner is asked to consider the proposal contained within the paper to amend the current arrangements.

Youth Intervention Fund Additional Funding - Framlingham Area Youth Action Partnership - 14 - 2021

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The Youth Intervention Fund was jointly created by the PCC and Suffolk Community Foundation in 2019 to support voluntary organisations to deliver on the needs of young people in Suffolk, providing opportunities for positive activities, increasing life chances and reducing crime and disorder. This report seeks approval for a contribution of £11,137 from the PCC to support the continuation of the Framlingham Area Youth Action Partnership.

National Collaboration Agreement - Modern Slavery and Organised Immigration Crime Programme - 13 - 2021

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The Chief Constable of Suffolk Constabulary and the Police and Crime Commissioner for Suffolk have been signatories to a National Section 22A Agreement to fund the work focussed on Modern Day Slavery under the portfolio of Chief Constable, Devon & Cornwall. A revised Agreement has been duly drafted and is presented for authorisation to continue the funding arrangement for the financial year 2021/22.

Summary of Suffolk PCC's Fund, Round 24, February 2021 - 12 - 2021

(PDF 189 KB)

The decision paper sets out the recommendations following the grant panel of February 2021. Four applications (Green Light Trust, St Giles Trust, The Albany Pupil Referral Unit (PRU), and The Prince's Trust) were approved for funding totalling £56,015.

Multi-Agency Project to Prevent Modern Slavery - 11 - 2021

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The Suffolk Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC) applied to the Modern Slavery Organised Immigration Crime Programme (MSOICP) ‘Small grants fund for Police and Crime Commissioners to tackle modern slavery’ for £3k and was successful. The application was submitted with multi-agency support, requesting funding to create short films to support Modern Slavery practitioner training, and awareness raising across Suffolk (which would be match-funded by the PCC and Suffolk County Council to the value of £1.5k each to meet the full project costs).

Funding for the Restorative Justice Service - 9 - 2021

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This report seeks approval of £37,500 per annum (from the Suffolk PCC) to support the continued provision of a Restorative Justice Service for Norfolk and Suffolk from 1 April 2021 until 31 March 2023.

Norfolk & Suffolk Victim Care - Contract Variation (Norfolk Scams Prevention Service) - 8 - 2021

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Norfolk Scams Prevention Service has been running as a pilot since April 2019 alongside NSVC and in partnership with the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner for Norfolk (OPCCN), Norfolk Constabulary and Trading Standards. The service was developed to meet an objective in the Norfolk Police and Crime Plan. The proposed contract variation will bring the Norfolk Scams Prevention Service into the contract from 1 April 2021. The proposal, from OPCCN, states that this is the most efficient way of continuing support to victims and to raise awareness of the support on offer.

Collaboration Agreement - Integrated Offender Management (IOM) - 7 - 2021

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The joint Integrated Offender Management (IOM) Section 22A Collaboration Agreement was extended by variation, to expire on 31st March 2021. Prior to this the function had been operating as a collaborated unit since 1st April 2014. The function continues to operate and deliver in line with strategic objectives and a further Collaboration Agreement is proposed to continue with the function for a further 5 years.

Open University Centre for Police Research and Learning (OUCPRL) - 6 - 2021

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The OUCPRL is a police / academic consortium run by the Open University and comprised of 21 police agencies from around the country. The Centre exists to create and use knowledge through both research and education to improve policing for the public good. The membership fee is £7K per annum, which will be funded from the SBOS budget for the coming year. It is recommended that the PCC give approval to Suffolk Constabulary joining the OUCPRL to realise the benefits outlined in this decision paper.

Collaboration Agreement - Joint Information Management Department - 5 - 2021

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The Joint Information Management Department has been operating as a collaborated function since 2013. The function continues to operate and deliver in line with strategic objectives and a further Collaboration Agreement is proposed to continue with the function for a further 5 years.

Suffolk Domestic Abuse Perpetrator Programme & Grant Funding for the Venta Programme - 1 - 2021

(PDF 213 KB)

The Home Office have awarded grant funding of £238, 307 to the Police and Crime Commissioner for Suffolk for delivery of a Domestic Abuse Perpetrator Programme in Suffolk between October 2020 and March 2021. Match funding from the partners will support continued delivery of the programme between April and September 2021. The programme of work will be delivered by Suffolk Constabulary who will work on one to one behaviour change with perpetrators and by Iceni, a local charity, who will expand the Venta Programme, a unique group programme tackling offending behaviour.

C35 - 2021 - 5 Force Digital Asset Management System
C34 - 2021 - Award of Cleaning Contract
C33 - 2021 - Mobile Applications Solution for Suffolk and Norfolk Constabularies
C32 - 2021 - Relocation of Ipswich SE/NE SNT Team
C31 - 2021 - Appointment of Legally Qualified Chair to Misconduct Panel
C30 - 2021 - Appointment of Legally Qualified Chair to Misconduct Panel
C29 - 2021 - Contingent Labour
C28 - 2021 - Estates - Cleaning Contract Award
C27 - 2021 - Estates - Barnham - New Temporary Tenancy
C26 - 2021 - Appointment of Legally Qualified Chair to Misconduct Panel
C25 - 2021 - Appointment of Independent Member to Misconduct Panel
C24 - 2021 - SEERPIC Liability Insurance Tender
C23 - 2021 - Construction Tender for Extra Parking Provision at Bury St Edmunds Police Station
C22 - 2021 - Appointment of Legally Qualified Chair to Misconduct Panel
C21 - 2021 - CRG Medical Services
C20 - 2021 - Relocation of Ipswich SE/NE SNT Team to Inspire Suffolk
C19 - 2021 - Martlesham PHQ - Learning & Development Transformation Project
C18 - 2021 - Appointment of Independent Member to Misconduct Panel
C17 - 2021 - Appointment of Legally Qualified Chair to Misconduct Panel
C16 - 2021 - Stowmarket Joint Police & Fire Station
C15 - 2021 - Contract Extension for the Forensic Services Contract
C14 - 2021 - Planned Maintenance Works 2021/2022
C13 - 2021 - Mildenhall Airwave Lease Termination
C12 - 2021 - Award of the 7F Waste Management and Recycling Services Contract
C11 - 2021 - SEERPIC Section 22A
C10 - 2021 - Appointment of Legally Qualified Chair to Misconduct Panel
C9 - 2021 - Change Control Notice for the Forensic Services Contract
C8 - 2021 - Barnham - New Temporary Tenancy at Will
C7 - 2021 - National Scenes of Crime Consumables
C6 - 2021 - Athena Contract Extension
C5 - 2021 - Microsoft Enterprise Agreement for the Supply of Core Infrastructure Software Licences and to Support the Exploitation of the National Enabling Programme
C4 - 2021 - Forensic Case Management System
C3 - 2021 - Stowmarket Joint Police & Fire Station
C2 - 2021 - Eastern Region ICT Convergence
C1 - 2021 - Extension and Variation to National Framework Agreement