Successful training day for custody visitor volunteers

On Wednesday 24 May custody visitors from Suffolk and Norfolk attended a training and information day at the Suffolk Police Headquarters.  They heard how the Liaison and Diversion Service, G4S Medical Services and Appropriate Adults Service all help to support detainees during their detention and advise staff in poilice custody about detainee care. Independent custody visitors are members of the local community who carry out unannounced visits to the Police Investigation Centres to check on the welfare of people who are in police custody so this training was useful to extend their wider understanding of some of the other support services available in police custody.

The volunteers also received an update and thanks from the PCC, a practical demonstration from the Personal Safety Training team about officer/staff training, use of force and spithoods and Police Sergeant Matt Breeze, who facilitated the day, gave an input on the role of the custody sergeant.


First image Nick Oliver (Liaison and Diversion), second image Police Sergeant Matt Breeze (Custody), Melissa Coleman (G4S Medical Services), Neil Ireland (Appropriate Adults Service), third and fourth images from Personal Safety Training Demonstration, last image Police Sergeant Matt Breeze and Inspector Richard Burton.