8 June 2016 Public Engagement and Support Services Officer Vacancy Listening and responding to the concerns of people living and working in Suffolk is key to the work of the Police and Crime Commissioner. Dealing with the high level of correspondence that this new role stimulates is a constant challenge, so we are looking for an articulate, enthusiastic and self-motivated person with experience in a similar role to support the PCC. This vacancy presents an exciting opportunity to work in a busy, high profile public office. The successful candidate will provide professional, effective and pro-active executive level support to the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner. Applicants should demonstrate highly developed interpersonal skills and have a proven track record of communicating successfully both in writing and orally in a political environment. If you would like an informal discussion about the post, please contact Christopher Jackson on 01473 782770. Job Description (PDF, 292KB) Person Specification (PDF, 60KB) PCC Application Form (Word Doc, 128KB) The closing date for completed applications is 5pm on Monday 27 June 2016. Interviews will be held on Friday 22 July 2016. Completed applications should be returned to the Constabulary HR Department by email to hrservicedesk@norfolk.pnn.police.uk – HR Reference: PCC0616