14 August 2020 PHOEBE secures extra funding to cover pandemic costs A service which supports black and ethnic minority women experiencing domestic abuse has been successful in securing extra funding to cover additional costs resulting from the pandemic. PHOEBE, based in Tower Street, Ipswich, received over £35K of Ministry of Justice (MoJ) funding from Suffolk’s Police and Crime Commissioner to support their specialist work with black and ethnic minority (BAME) women and children experiencing domestic abuse in the county. The funding will cover additional technology costs and lost income due to the charity’s inability to fundraise at this time. Earlier this week Tim Passmore met with PHOEBE trustees to hear how the funding is benefitting victims of domestic abuse. They explained how the extra funding would allow them to enhance and resource their work in four key areas of service delivery; digital inclusion (in the service and with women), remote support practices and capacity building/institutional advocacy with mainstream generic agencies. Police and Crime Commissioner, Tim Passmore said: “I am hugely impressed to see services like PHOEBE finding new ways to offer their services to victims of domestic abuse during this unprecedented time. This extra funding will make such a difference to the victims of these terrible crimes and help them overcome their traumatic experiences. “Providing support for victims is a key part of my role. Each year we allocate significant amounts of money to support victims of domestic abuse and sexual violence and I know many of the organisations that provide this support are having to find new ways of interacting with victims during this pandemic, which can be more costly than normal. I am really delighted the MoJ has recognised the vital work done by the voluntary and charitable sector in Suffolk and the increased pressure these organisations face because of Covid-19.” Mollin Delve, PHOEBE Director thanked the Suffolk Police Crime Commissioner for his office’s support and said, “Although violence against Women and Girls existed before COVID-19, rates and severity of violence has increased during COVID-19 and it will require sustainable long-term resourcing for the specialist black and minoritised women’s sector to address the immediate and long-term consequences. “PHOEBE has struggled financially over the years and depended upon volunteers to implement our work. We are thankful for this enormous help.” Photo caption (l-r): Treasurer, Sanna Chinenyanga; Suffolk PCC, Tim Passmore; Chairperson, Shirley Layne and Director, Mollin Delve.