16 October 2023 PCC and Chief answer your questions online – Tuesday 7 November The last meeting in the 2023 programme of public meetings with the PCC and the Chief Constable will be held on-line on Tuesday November 7 2023 at 6pm via Microsoft Teams. Please email spcc@suffolk.police.uk to register and an invite will be sent through via email in advance of the meeting. Tim Passmore, Suffolk’s Police and Crime Commissioner said, “Public engagement is hugely important in my role as PCC and I try to make myself available to anyone who needs to contact me but it is equally important to have these more formal meetings where the Chief and I can update local residents on policing in the county and give people an opportunity to ask questions and make comments. “I do hope people will accept this invite to come and find out more about policing in Suffolk. We will explain the new county policing model, but Rachel and I will be pleased to discuss any other matter that arises including the Right Care Right Person initiative which the Constabulary launched in October.” He added, “I am hoping for an open and frank two-way dialogue, it is important that I listen to the views of the public I represent, so please spread the word as I really want to encourage a good crowd to each of the meetings.” Chief Constable Rachel Kearton said, “The changes to the County Policing Command will ensure we have officers in the right places to focus on responding to and reducing incoming demand. The new operating model, which will be introduced in early December, consists of three strands, Response Investigating Teams, Community Policing Teams and a Partnership and Prevention Hub and has been designed to meet the increasing pressure on the Constabulary. “I look forward to discussing our plans with local communities to show them how we are evolving to meet the challenges we face. The increased focus on community engagement is a major driver of the plan which I am sure the people of Suffolk will appreciate.” Meetings have been across the county through September and October with an on-line meeting in November: WEST AREA: Thursday September 21 2023 at Bury Town Football Club, Cotton Lane, Bury St Edmunds IP33 1XP SOUTH AREA: Wednesday October 4 2023 at Police Headquarters, Portal Avenue, Martlesham IP5 3QS EAST AREA: Tuesday October 10 2023 at Wherry Hotel, Bridge Road, Oulton Broad, Lowestoft NR32 3LN MID SUFFOLK: Tuesday October 17 2023 at the new Stowmarket Police Station, IP14 2QU ONLINE: Tuesday November 7 2023 at 6pm via Microsoft Teams. Please email spcc@suffolk.police.uk to register and an invite will be sent through via email in advance of the meeting.