Global day of action to end violence against women

Tim Passmore, speaking today (February 14) in support of One Billion Rising, a global day of action to end violence against women and girls, said “Domestic violence and abuse is unacceptable. In Suffolk from Oct- Dec 2012 there were over 1,700 cases reported to the Constabulary, this is a very complex issue but one I am determined to deal with.”

Domestic violence and abuse includes psychological, physical, sexual, financial and emotional abuse as well as honour based violence, female genital mutilation and forced marriage. Victims are not confined to one gender or ethnic group. These are complex issues and with the combined efforts of our partners in the local authority (for example the Domestic Violence Forum), health and the VCSE sector, we will continue our efforts to tackle domestic violence and abuse.

Tim continued, “Building confidence to enable victims to report these crimes is extremely important and we need to take a multi-agency approach.  Locally partners in Suffolk have developed the ‘Violence Against Women and Girls and Men Experiencing Domestic Abuse Strategy and Delivery Plan’ and we’re working hard to tackle on street prostitution and sexual exploitation of adults or children, particularly where there is trafficking off-street prostitution and gaps in services (such as help for men and boys at risk of sexual exploitation).   I am committed to doing all I can to support all this valuable and important work.”