Council tax payers asked their views on policing precept

Suffolk’s PCC is asking Suffolk council tax payers whether they would  be prepared to pay a little bit extra each week towards the police service they receive; for a Band D property this would be 6p each week, bringing the precept payment to £3.26 each week.

Tim Passmore said, “Suffolk Police is faced with delivering significant savings in the coming financial year and the following four years.

“I have frozen the precept for the past two financial years but I don’t think I can do the same again this year. I am considering raising the precept by 1.997%, which would add 6p a week to the average council tax. This will not solve the financial challenge but it will go some way to relieve the pressure on the policing budget.”

“A range of initiatives are now being explored to provide policing services with less money, whilst finding ways of transforming the organisation to meet the policing challenges ahead. Demand on policing continues to increase and change.

Please take a look at our survey and tell me what you think.

* for a Band D property