Call for Grant Applications – Domestic Abuse and Sexual Violence Support for Victims

The Police and Crime Commissioner is inviting applications for funding the provision of domestic abuse (DA) and sexual violence (SV) services in Suffolk in 2022/23.

The Suffolk Police and Crime Plan 2022-2025 says the PCC will ensure quality service provision to support all victims of domestic abuse and sexual violence including ensuring there are routes into support for those who do not wish to report to the police.

The PCC has provided funding for services supporting victims of domestic abuse and sexual violence since 2013/14. The PCC was able to provide a record amount of funding during the Covid-19 pandemic to ensure organisations were able to continue providing vital services to victims, adapting their methods of delivery and expanding to meet need where necessary.

In 2020/21 funding to specialist services supported 1,522 victims of sexual violence, 108 cases of child sexual abuse and exploitation and 7,911 cases of domestic abuse. In the first six months of this year (2021/22) support was provided to 757 victims of sexual violence, 2345 victims of domestic abuse and 136 victims of child sexual abuse with a further 870 victims benefitting from the Ministry of Justice DA and SV ‘uplift’ funding.

We are now looking to ensure the continuity of services in communities across Suffolk for victims of domestic abuse and sexual violence and sustain the support that victims have been able to access, through a grant funding process.

Our working assumption is that the overall level funding available is likely to be less than in the previous two years because there may not be any additional or ‘uplift’ funding allocated from government to address the impact of the pandemic.

Application Criteria:

Support services must have the purpose of helping victims of crime cope with the impacts of crime, and, as far as possible, recover from the harm they have experienced.

Services should be community based i.e. locally provided services accessed by those not living in refuge or safe accommodation and deliver one or more of the following services over the short, medium or long term:

  • advice services providing information to victims on a range of topics to support them through or out of their current situation;
  • advocacy services including managing specific needs and provision of emotional support;
  • recovery and support work to help with their well-being and to manage symptoms resulting from the impact of a traumatic event in either one-to-one or group settings.

If your grant application is successful then then the following criteria will need to be met:

  • meet the support needs of victims, or as the case may be, family members;
  • act in the interest of the victims/family members supported;
  • free of charge;
  • confidential;
  • non-discriminatory (including being available to all regardless of residence status, nationality or citizenship);
  • available whether or not a crime has been reported to the police; and
  • available before, during and for an appropriate time after any investigation or criminal proceedings.

We encourage applications that:

  • Set out evidence of demand for the service;
  • Outline the expected outcomes and how these will be measured;
  • Outline activity to be delivered in including any changes to services in response to demand and/or the Covid-19 pandemic;
  • Show how organisations are working in partnership in order to ensure clear pathways for victims;
  • Set out a full cost breakdown for 2022/23 and an indication of the level of funding that might be required for longer term provision of services (2023/24 and 2024/25), if applicable;
  • Are from small specialist organisations that support groups with protected characteristics;
  • Demonstrate a commitment to the multi-agency Suffolk Violence against Women and Girls Strategy.

The Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner (OPCC) will needs assess all applications before recommending funding.

To apply:

  • Complete the Grant Application Form (Word Doc, 115KB) and return to by 17:00 on 28 February 2022.
  • Applications after this time will not be eligible due to the need to allocate funding promptly.
  • Questions should be directed to or 01473 613888 ext 4690
  • Please note there will be limited time to contact applicants with any clarification questions, so it is essential you clearly respond to requirements within the template or raise any concerns with the OPCC in advance of submission.

Further information:

  • Funding is open to registered charities, charitable incorporated organisations and social enterprises, including companies limited by guarantee and community interest companies.
  • Funding will be for delivery of services in the period 1 April 2022 until 31 March 2023 with a view to considering longer term funding based on the information provided.
  • The Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner for Suffolk reserves the right to recommend part funding or no funding based on the assessment of applications received.
  • We expect to be able to announce the results of funding for 2022/23 in the week commencing 21 March 2022.
  • The names of all organisations that were successful in securing funding will be published on completion of the process.
  • If successful, conditions will apply and may include Ministry of Justice requirements.
  • If you have any questions or concerns about the process please contact the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner for Suffolk.