5 May 2022 Accountability and Performance Panel – 13 May 2022 A meeting of the Accountability and Performance Panel will take place on Friday 13 May 2022 at 9.30am. This meeting will be facilitated via Teams due to Covid 19 restrictions and therefore will not be open for public attendance. Members of the public can log in to watch the meeting, please email katherine.boswell@suffolk.police.uk by 3.30pm on Thursday 12 May 2022 to request an electronic invitation to join the meeting. The PCC will receive update reports on Revenue and Capital Outturn 2021-22, Supporting Children and Young People, Neighbourhood Crime and Anti Social Behaviour and Tackling Serious Violence. Papers for the Accountability and Performance Panel on 13 May 2022. Public Question Time – the first 15 minutes of the meeting is allotted to public questions that may be put to the PCC and Chief Constable. If any member of the public, who is logging in to watch the meeting, wishes to ask a question, the question should be emailed in advance to Katherine.boswell@suffolk.police.uk by 3.30pm on the day before the meeting, in order for it to be answered at the meeting. Questions should relate to either items on the agenda or be of a general policing nature. Questions that relate to a specific case involving individual matters of detail will not be taken at the meeting and will be responded to outside the meeting. Any questions sought to put at the meeting that have not been notified by email as above will only be taken at the meeting at the discretion of the Police and Crime Commissioner.