PCC pledges his support to the White Ribbon campaign

In Suffolk, over the last 12 months there have been more than 7,000 domestic abuse incidents reported. However we know domestic abuse is vastly unreported and the true figure is likely to be much greater than that.
Victims of abuse are not necessarily women but this week the White Ribbon campaign focusses on ending men’s violence against women.
Our Police and Crime Commissioner Tim Passmore was guest speaker at the Suffolk Domestic Abuse Forum’s launch of Suffolk’s White Ribbon Campaign in Ipswich yesterday. He spoke about the importance of a joint approach to tackling domestic abuse.
Tim said, “It is a regrettable reflection on our society that domestic abuse and domestic violence is so prevalent. It is an appalling crime; it ruins the lives of victims and has a devastating impact on their families. Sadly children caught up in such situations, can be severely traumatised and the effects stay with them for life.
“By its very nature, domestic violence is a very complex issue; it takes many forms including psychological, physical, sexual, financial and emotional abuse.
“It is crucially important that victims have the confidence and support they need to report domestic violence and I hope this campaign will give those suffering abuse the confidence to speak out.
“Domestic abuse and domestic violence is an area that I have huge interest in. It is imperative that, as PCC, I ensure that statutory safeguarding responsibilities are given the highest priority.
“I am very proud to support the White Ribbon campaign and I’d ask everyone to join me in not condoning this dreadful crime.”
Tim and Douglas have both pledged their support to the campaign. To make your own personal pledge to support the campaign go to www.whiteribboncampaign.co.uk/makepledge