13. Request received 4 December 2019
Please respond to the following:
1. Is the current PCC, or have they ever been, a member of the Countryside Alliance and if so on what date did they join and/or resign?
2. Is the current PCC, or have they ever been, in any way connected with the organisation Vote-OK?
3. Is the current PCC, or have they ever been, a member of or in any way connected with any fox hunt?
4. Is the current PCC, or have they ever been, a member of or in any way connected with any form of bloodsports?
Response sent 17 December 2019
1. No
2. No
3. No
4. No
12. Request received 19 November 2019
I am writing to respectfully make a request in accordance with the Freedom of Information Act 2000. My request is as follows: –
1. Please, can you provide a list of all employee roles who are employed by your authority and are subject to the provisions as set out in the Official Secrets Acts 1911-1989?
This can be provided in any format, however, a spreadsheet detailing each role and a mark as to whether the role requires the role holder to sign a declaration as to their recognition of being bound thus required to comply with the Act(s).
2. Please provide a disclosure of the format used by your authority which requires the signature of any role holder who is subject to provisions as set out in the Official Secrets Acts 1911-1989 such as an “Official Secrets Acts & Confidentiality Declaration”
Response sent 28 November 2019
1. No staff working within the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner sign, or have a need to sign, the Official Secrets Act. If you require information on this subject from Suffolk Constabulary you will need to contact the Constabulary FOI team directly.
2. N/A
11. Request received 4 November 2019
I would like to make the following request for information under the Freedom of Information Act 2000.
Please provide all the information, or whatever information is held.
1. An electronic copy of the PCC’s official Christmas card from 2018
2. The number of official Christmas cards sent by the PCC in 2018
3. The total cost of producing and sending official Christmas cards in 2018
4. A list of the recipients of official Christmas cards in 2018
5. A list of Christmas gifts sent by the PCC, their cost and the names of recipients in 2018
Response sent 14 November 2019
1. The PCC did not send an electronic Christmas card therefore no electronic copy is available. The PCC will be included within some Christmas cards sent by Suffolk Constabulary. For any further information on this you would need to contact the Constabulary directly.
2. 57
3. Cards were purchased at the expense of the PCC. These would have been posted using standard internal posting procedures.
4. This information is deemed as personal data therefore it will not be disclosed.
5. The PCC sent no Christmas gifts.
10. Request received 22 October 2019
I am sending this request under the Freedom of Information Act to ask for the following information:
1. From 1st January 2010 to date how many people in total have sat as members on Independent Advisory groups (IAG)
2. From 1st January 2010 to date how many people of South Asian ethnicity have sat as members on Independent Advisory groups (IAG)
3. Can you breakdown those identified in the answer to Q2 by the numbers of male and female South Asian members of IAGs since 1st January 2010?
4. How many IAGs does your force currently have, and can you provide some details of their purpose?
5. Do you have any specific IAGs that deal with South Asian issues? Such as IAGs set up in mosques and temples.
6. Are all IAG members subject to a DBS check by your force?
7. What is the vetting process to become an IAG member?
Response sent 30 October 2019
1. From 1 January 2010 there were 27 IAG members. The attached Annual Reports provide more detailed information on membership year by year. Reports attached below.
2. Of the 17 records we hold specifying Ethnicity data, four of those were of Asian ethnicity (two Asian Bangladeshi, one Asian Mauritian and one Asian Indian).
3. 3 male and 1 female.
4. We no longer have an Independent Advisory Group in Suffolk. The IAG Annual Report 2017-18 helps to explain how the decision was reached to dissolve the Group aswell as the PCC Decision Paper.
5. No.
6. No.
7. IAG members were subject to Non-Police Personnel Vetting (NPPV) Level 2.
IAG Annual Report 2009-10 (71KB)
IAG Annual Report 2010-11 (509KB)
IAG Annual Report 2011-12 (424KB)
IAG Annual Report 2012-13 (122KB)
IAG Annual Report 2013-14 (285KB)
IAG Annual Report 2014-15 (264KB)
IAG Annual Report 2015-16 (274KB)
IAG Annual Report 2016-17 (238KB)
IAG Annual Report 2017-18 (194KB)
9. Request received 14 October 2019
Can you please tell me the total spent on branded PCC merchandise by the Office of the Police & Crime Commissioner since November 2012?
Could you furthermore tell me how many branded items have been purchased, the type of items purchased and the amount spent per year?
The total spent on branded merchandise since November 2012 has been £213.31.
The branded merchandise purchased since November 2012 comprises as follows:
March 2015 – Purchase of ten paper weights – £120.96 March 2017 – Purchase of two paper weights – £26.35 October 2017 – Purchase of five paper weights – £66.00
The paper weights were provided as a token of appreciation to those who completed volunteer roles within the Independent Advisory Group (IAG) and Independent Custody Visitors scheme.
The OPCC has also produced branded stickers for use at public events, however these were created and printed internally.
8. Request received 14 August 2019
How many times did the PCC/Mayor write directly to the former Prime Minister Rt Hon Theresa May MP during her time in office both as prime minister and Home Secretary for the following reasons:
A: Raising concerns that budget cuts were having a detrimental effect on policing
B: Requested more money? How much was requested how much was given ( if any)
C: Raised concerns that budget cuts were putting officers at risk
Response sent 28 August 2019
A: None
B: None, N/A
C: None
7. Request received 9 July 2019
Please see below the information we are requesting under the ‘Freedom of Information Act 2000’:
1. Did your Police and Crime Commissioner’s office submit evidence to the consultation ‘Powers for dealing with unauthorised development and encampments’ in 2018?
The link to this full consultation.
2. If your Police and Crime Commissioner’s office submitted evidence to this consultation, could you please provide us with your full responses to questions 6, 7, and 8, as they are stated within the consultation?
3. Can you also provide us with an e-copy, or hard copy, of your full consultation submission to this consultation?
Response sent 16 July 2019
1. The office of the Police and Crime Commissioner for Suffolk did not submit evidence to the consultation ‘Powers for dealing with unauthorised development and encampments’ in 2018?
3. N/A
6. Request received 24 June 2019
Under the Freedom of Information Act, I wish to know what stage this proposal has reached and answers please to the following questions:
1. Councillor John Kelso reported that a restricted covenant was found that could potentially affect this proposal, if this is indeed the case, has a legal ruling been obtained or related decision made? 2. Has the meeting with the Government Planning Inspector (G.P. Inspector) actually taken place? 3. If the answer to the above is yes, did he get the opportunity to read objectors letters direct, or did he only see the PCC’s numerical separation of our points of concern, bar-chart? 4. Has the G.P. Inspector considered all the facts and has made his decision, or is there to be a delay; if so, what are the reasons for it? 5. As I wish (and am entitled) to write to the G.P. Inspector direct, could you please provide me with the G.P. Inspector’s name, reference and business address. 6. Did anyone make the G.P. Inspector aware that local to Martlesham Heath, there are already a number of other significant domestic housing projects ‘both planned and in progress’ and that a proposal has now been received by East Suffolk Council from Gladman Developments Ltd, for a Garden Village that will have in excess of 2,700 domestic dwellings?
Response sent 1 July 2019
6-2019 (PDF, 104KB)
5. Request received 13 June 2019
As my elected Police and Crime Commissioner, please can you tell me which, if any, of the following tools and tactics are being used by our local force:
• Body worn video cameras • Facial recognition • Hacking • IMSI catchers • Mobile phone extraction • Predictive policing • Social media intelligence
2. If the police are using any of the above, please let me know what impact assessments have been carried out to make sure their use doesn’t negatively affect people’s rights and freedoms.
3. And can you guarantee that intrusive police tech will not be used in the future without proper safeguards and public consultation in place to ensure our fundamental rights are protected?
Response sent 20 June 2019
1. The office of the Police and Crime Commissioner is aware of the use of Body Worn Video cameras by Suffolk Constabulary officers.
The remaining tools or tactics stated relate to operational policing. If you require further information in relation to this query then please contact the Suffolk Constabulary Information Management Department via email (information@suffolk.pnn.police.uk) or by phone 01473 613888 Ext 3919 and 2051.
2. If you require information on this aspect you will need to contact the Suffolk Constabulary Information Management Department using the contact methods stated above.
3. This is a matter of operational policing. You would therefore need to address this question to Suffolk Constabulary as detailed above.
4. Request received 5 June 2019
A request was received into the office of the PCC for sight of an opinion of counsel obtained by the PCC regarding the PCC’s powers over the disposal of land.
Response sent 10 June 2019
The opinion of counsel dated 19 February 2014 was released in response to the request and is found within the link below:
Opinion of Counsel – 19 February 2014 (PDF, 349KB)
3. Request received 17 April 2019
I would like to request some data in accordance with the Freedom Of Information Act. Please could you provide:
1) The job title for every post in your office. Please include any joint posts. If you have appointed a Deputy Commissioner, please include that.
2) The salary, or if that is unavailable, the pay band, for each of the offices in 1.
Response sent 26 April 2019
3-2019 (PDF, 218KB)
2. Request received 23 January 2019
Under Freedom of Information, please can I request the information detailed below:
Please can you supply the following:
1) Do you currently have a contract in place with an external provider for the provision of communication support? Communication support is defined as media management, public relations, social media, internal communication, employing engagement and marketing.
2) What date is the contact due to expire/be up for renewal?
3) Who currently holds this contract (if any)?
4) What was the value of the last communication support contract awarded and what was this for?
5) Is there a provision within your office to have ad-hoc communication specialists work with you, for example on a particular project?
6) When, if ever was a communication review carried out by an external body i.e. communication company, consultant etc. A communication review looks at output, structure, expenditure and impact.
Response sent 28 January 2019
1) No
2) N/A
3) N/A
4) The Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner for Suffolk has never awarded a support contract for communication provision.
5) The Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner for Suffolk does not have a set provision for the use of communication specialists. This would be reviewed on an individual basis when required.
6) The Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner for Suffolk has never had a communication review carried out by an external body.
1. Request received 17 January 2019
Please provide all Performance Indicator reports based on Sexual Assault Referral Centre (SARC) Indicators of Performance in SARCs since the onset of SARCIPs (2017). There should be at least seven documents which have been produced so far collating activity reports from the individual SARCs. SARCs must provide activity reports in line with the SARCs management information stipulated template, Sexual Assault Referral Centres Indicators of Performance (SARCIP) and are reported to you quarterly.
Response sent 22 January 2019
The Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner does not hold the information requested.
NHS England is the information owner and you can contact them directly by using the following address: england.foi@nhs.net.
29 January 2025
9 January 2025