1. Request received 17 January 2018
In the financial years 15/16, 16/17 and 17/18:
1. How many grants were awarded to organisations in which at least one of the outcomes was to provide services to victims of stalking?
2. What was the total monetary value of these grants?
3. Which organisations were awarded?
Response sent 26 January 2018 (PDF, 330KB).
2. Request received 19 January 2018
Dear Sir or Madam:
Please send me all of the information you or your organisation holds that pertains to, or implicates, any Freemason to any alleged crime, or crime.
Please send me all of the information you hold about me using the contact details provided.
Response sent 2 February 2018
The office of the Police and Crime Commissioner does not hold crime statistics data relating to Freemasons. I understand you have sent your request to Suffolk Constabulary who will review and respond accordingly.
The office of the Police and Crime Commissioner does not hold personal data relating to you. I understand you have sent your request to Suffolk Constabulary who will review and respond accordingly.
3. Request received 26 January 2018
Under the Freedom of Information Act I would like to request the following information:Under the Freedom of Information Act I would like to request the following information:
1. Does your organisation have a Facebook Page(s)? If yes, what is/are the url(s) and when were they set up?
2. Does your organisation advertise or spend any money on Facebook? If yes, please can you outline what expenditure has occurred and break down expenditure per calendar year (January to December) since 2004?
3. Does your organisation have a Twitter Account? If yes, what is/are the url(s) and when were they set up?
4. Does your organisation advertise or spend any money on Twitter? If yes, please can you outline what expenditure has occurred and break down expenditure per calendar year (January to December) since 2006?
5. Does your organisation use Google G-Suite services (Google services) or does your organisation rely on google for any services (such as email hosting)? If yes, what are the services, when were they agreed and how much did they cost?
6. Does your organisation advertise or spend any money on Google? If yes, please can you outline what expenditure has occurred and break down expenditure per calendar year (January to December) since the payments first began?
7. Is there an official policy for the use of organisational Facebook or Twitter Accounts (ie how to post, what to use it for and when to delete or preserve records)? If there is a policy (or policies) please may I be provided with them?
1. The office of the Police and Crime Commissioner does not have a Facebook page.
2. N/A
3. The office of the Police and Crime Commissioner has a Twitter Account. The URL is @timspcc (https://twitter.com/TimSPCC) – This was established in March 2013.
4. The office of the Police and Crime Commissioner does not advertise or spend money on Twitter.
5. The office of the Police and Crime Commissioner does not use Google G-Suite or rely on Google for any service.
6. N/A
7. The office of the Police and Crime Commissioner does not have an individual official policy for use of Twitter. The use of this account is controlled and regulated by the office of the Police and Crime Commissioner Communications Manager.
4. Request received 1 March 2018
Dear Sir / Madam Under the FOI Act please can you let me know what software your organisations uses to handle press releases / media enquiries
Response sent 7 March 2018
The office of the Police and Crime Commissioner does not use any software to handle press releases and media enquiries. These tasks fall within the responsibility of the Communications Manager.
If your query also relates to the Suffolk Constabulary then please submit your request to the Constabulary’s Freedom of Information team by using the following address: information@suffolk.pnn.police.uk
5. Request received 21 March 2018
Dear Sir,
Under the Freedom of Information Act I would like a copy of the Crime Commissioners job description for Suffolk.
Response sent 23 March 2018
The role of the Police and Crime Commissioner is detailed under The Policing Protocol Order 2011 issued by the Home Office. This is a public document that is published on the Home Office website and I have attached a copy for your easy reference.
6. Request received 30 March 2018
Dear Officer,
Under the Freedom of Information Act 2000, please can you provide me with:
-All submissions (including all evidence and supporting documents) sent to the West Midlands Police and Crime Commissioner for its consultation on drugs policy. The evidence was used in the formation of the ‘West Midlands Drug Policy Call for Evidence – Report’, published 12 December 2017.
-Any other reports produced or commissioned within the last 12 months concerning the policing of drug offences.
Response sent 9 April 2018
The office of the Suffolk Police and Crime Commissioner did not provide any submission to the West Midlands Police and Crime Commissioner for its consultation on drugs policy.
Drug offences are one of a number of topics discussed within the Police and Crime Commissioner’s Accountability and Performance Panel. Please find enclosed the latest report to include detail of Drug Trafficking. Further documents relating to the Accountability and Performance panel are detailed within our website link below:
Performance Priorities Monitoring Report – 1 April 2016 to 31 March 2017
AP17_29 Performance Progress Report
7. Request received 5 April 2018
Dear Suffolk Police and Crime Commissioner,
Please provide the register of premises or land owned by, or occupied for the purposes of, the office of Police and Crime Commissioner, and the functions of their force, for the financial year 2017/18. Entries listed should be broken down by local policing directorate (or borough), and indicate whether it is: Police building Other building/land Neighbourhood office Other
Details of the Property, rights and liabilities of the Police and Crime Commissioner are published within the Transparency section (Section 4) of the Suffolk Police and Crime Commissioners website. Link has been stated below:
A document detailing the Premises or land owned by, or occupied for the purposes of the Police and Crime Commissioner is detailed within the below link:
Premises-or-land-owned-by-or-occupied-for-the-purposes-of-the-PCC-Feb-2024.pdf (suffolk-pcc.gov.uk)
9. Request received 22 June 2018
I would like to know: What budget has your Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner set aside for the costs associated with commissioning Violence Against Women and Girls (VAWG) services? This might include staff costs, legal costs, cost of market engagement events etc. Please supply the answer as total budget for the financial year 2018/19.
Response sent 29 June 2018
To date, the PCC has allocated £941,000 to VAWG services from his commissioning budget for the financial year 2018/19. All grant information can be found on the PCC website: https://suffolk-pcc.gov.uk/involving-you/supporting-victims/victims-commissioning
10. Request received 17 July 2018
Can you please tell me the total monetary amount of police precept collected for Suffolk Police and any percentage increase from the previous year for 2016, 2017 and 2018.
Response sent 27 July 2018
10-2018 (PDF, 307KB)
11. Request received 6 October 2018
Does the OPCC subscribe to CoPaCC? How much has the OPCC paid to CoPaCC in 2016, 2017 and 2018? In what years has CoPaCC carried out transparency reports on the OPCC? In what years has the OPCC received a transparency award from CoPaCC?
Response sent 11 October 2018
11-2018 (PDF, 301KB)
12. Request received 9 October 2018
Under the terms of the Freedom of Information Act 2000, please provide me with full answers to each of the following questions:
1. Did your PCC, their deputy or any OPCC staff attend the Conservative, Labour and/or Liberal Democrat party conferences in September and October this year? If not, you may disregard the below questions
2. If so, how many people attended, for how long and did they take annual leave?
3. How much public money was spent on: a. Accommodation – please name the hotel where they stayed b. Travel – please state what type of transport and class of travel (ie first class etc) c. Entertainment and subsistence – please name any restaurants where meals eaten d. Sundry expenses
4. Was there any correspondence between the PCC and anyone within the OPCC regarding any aspect of the trip including the cost? If so please provide copies.
12-2018 (PDF, 306KB)
13. Request received 12 November 2018
Dear Sir or Madam,
To ask under the FOIA:
1. Whether the PCC’s office pays any external organisations to advertise vacant roles within the PCC’s office on their website.
2. For a list of websites / organisations the PCC’s office uses to advertise vacant roles within the PCC’s office (excel format) and how much each website/organisation received from office in the three most recent financial years
2015/16 2016/17 2017/18
If no money was paid to advertise the roles, please indicate this on the spreadsheet.
3. For an email address and contact information for the HR department or relevant department responsible for publishing and promoting vacancies within the PCC’s office.
Note: Everything in this FOI relates to the financial years 2015/16 to 2017/18. If the cost limit exceeds that which is allotted, then start from 2017/18 and work backwards.
Response sent 15 November 2018
13-2018 (PDF, 319KB)
13 2018 – Costs (PDF, 176KB)
14. Request received 20 November 2018
I am writing to you under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 to request the following information:
– Total allocation to the force;
– Total allocation within that budget and costs associated with the Office of the PCC, Office of the Deputy PCC, and any related governance activities.
Response sent 27 November 2018
14-2018 (PDF, 297KB)
15. Request received 24 November 2018
Does the commissioner’s office fund third party hate crime reporting centres? How much money has been put spent on the centres in 2016, 2017 and so far in 2018? How many centres are in the police force area? For 2016, 2017, and so far in 2018 how many hate crime reports came from the centres?
Response sent 10 December 2018
15-2018 (PDF, 310KB)
28 August 2024