1. Request received 13 January 2016
I’d like to request the appointment diary of the Police & Crime Commissioner from 1st July 2015 to 31st December 2015. Please provide the time and date of each appointment or event, and a summary of what it was about. The estimated duration of the appointment would be appreciated if it is easily accessible. (‘Meeting with Chief Constable’ would, for instance, be fine as a summary – I’m not looking for a detailed agenda for each appointment.) I’m not interested in appointments where someone deputised for the PCC. Please also indicate dates when the PCC was on leave.
Response sent 04 February 2016
Please see attached spreadsheet detailing the time, date, duration and summary of each appointment or event the Police and Crime Commissioner attended for the period 1st July 2015 to 31st December 2015. PCC appointments (PDF, 284KB)
2. Request received 11 January 2016
I would like to request some information under the Freedom of Information Act 2000. Please acknowledge receipt of my request by email. Please provide details of:
1a) Data on funding the Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC) has allocated to activities related to human trafficking and/or modern slavery (for example, but not limited to: a dedicated unit, staff training, prevention, investigation, prosecution, awareness campaigns) within its force area for the years 2012-13, 2013-14, 2014-15, 2015-16, 2016-17. If this is not possible or too broad please refer to 1b). 1b) Data on any funding the PCC has allocated to activities related to human trafficking and/or modern slavery (for example, but not limited to: a dedicated unit, staff training, prevention, investigation, prosecution, awareness campaigns) within its force area since 2012. If this is not possible or too broad, please refer to 1c). 1c) Data on any funding the PCC has allocated to activities related to human trafficking and/or modern slavery (for example, but not limited to: a dedicated unit, staff training, prevention, investigation, prosecution, awareness campaigns) within its force area in 2014-15. 2) If the PCC hasn’t allocated any funding specifically to activities related to human trafficking and/or modern slavery (for example, but not limited to staff training, prevention, investigation, prosecution, awareness campaigns) within its force area since 2012 please confirm that in writing. 3a) Please provide details of the time period covered by the latest Police and Crime Plan. 3b) Does the latest Police and Crime Plan include any reference to human trafficking and/or modern slavery? Please answer yes or no. 3c) If the answer at 3b) is no, please provide any other document that may contain any plan specifically dedicated to human trafficking/modern slavery within the force area dating back to 2012. 4) If the force area hasn’t had/doesn’t a plan specifically dedicated to human trafficking and/or modern slavery since 2012, can you please confirm that in writing. If you can’t provide the information requested above please explain why in writing.
Response sent 08 February 2016
1a) Please see link to the Police and Crime Plan 2013 -2017
Police and Crime Plan 2013-2017 (revised 2015) (PDF, 988KB)
1b) See 1a) above. 1c) See 1b) above. 2) N/A 3a) The original Police and Crime Plan was published in April 2013 and subsequently revised in July 2015. The period covered by these plans is 2013-2017. 3b) Yes 3c) N/A 4) N/A
3. Request received 28 January 2016
Please treat this as a request under the freedom of information act.
1. What (if any software) do you use to monitor/process FOI requests? 2. Is that software externally purchased, if so please can you provide the name of the company. 3. Please provide the cost of purchasing it or the cost of the internal development. 4. What software do you use to look after your organisations assets? 5. Is that software externally purchased, if so please can you provide the name of the company. 6. Please provide the cost of purchasing it or the cost of the internal development.
1. The Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner for Suffolk does not use any software to monitor/process FOI requests. 2. N/A 3. N/A 4. The organisation’s assets are looked after by the Constabulary. A response to this question will be provided by them under separate cover. 5. N/A 6. N/A
4. Request received 15 January 2016
Could the finance department provide figures that show the impact of not having done this in years 1 and 2 of the PCCs term of office i.e.1. If the 1.99% precept had been implemented in Years 1 and 2 of the PCC term of office including the cumulative impact on the coming year?2 The cost saving recommendation of the former Chief Constable of joint control room. How many additional police officers 1 and 2 would have financed?3. At the time of the last election for the PCC we were briefed by the CC that a figure for PO below 1200 would not be viable for a stand-alone force even with the level of cooperative working. Is that still considered to be the case?4. Would therefore the proposed increase for 16/17 ensure we had a viable number of officers for a stand-alone force?
Response sent 12 February 2016
The Police and Crime Commissioner has considered your request for information and our response is below. This response is correct as of 12th February 2016.
1.The financial model used to produce the Medium Term Financial Plan has been used to calculate the impact of increasing the precept by 1.997% in both 2013-14 and 2014-15. The cumulative net additional income in year 2 would have been £745k (£331k in 13-14, and £414k in 14-15). 2.Suffolk’s share of the projected net savings from having a joint control room was £462k. Increasing the precept in years 1 and 2 would have provided funding for an additional 15 officers (15 officers at £50k each). 3 & 4. Policing has changed significantly since the last PCCs election in 2012. This was the same year that the activities and subsequent police investigation of Jimmy Savile began, widely regarded as the turning point for many previously undeclared allegations of sexual abuse to be brought to the attention of the police. Similarly other significant events, such as the Rotherham and Oxford enquiries into child sexual exploitation and the growth of cyber-related crime, have changed the modern demands placed upon policing.
In response to these changing demands Suffolk Constabulary has reviewed and redesigned its operating model and in turn attributed resources according to the needs of policing today and into the future. The Suffolk Local Policing Review has involved extensive research into the demands now placed upon the County’s policing resources, while taking into account the modernisation of technology and additional support provided through partnership and collaboration. It is with the benefit of this work that the new operating model is being introduced, to further develop Suffolk Constabulary as an effective and efficient police force for the future.
5. Request received 9 February 2016
I would like to make a request under the Freedom of Information Act 2000.
For each year since January 2013, I would like to know how much the Office of Police and Crime Commissioner spent on:
a. Temporary staff b. Hospitality c. Redecoration/refurbishment of office space d. Travel expenses broken down into mileage claims, and claims for taxis, trains, and any air travel e. Maintenance of disused buildings
Response sent 8 March 2016
The Police and Crime Commissioner has considered your request for information and our response is below.
This response is correct as of 8th March 2016.
For each year since January 2013 the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner has spent the following on:
a. Temporary staff –
2013/14 – £Nil 2014/15 – £Nil 2015/16 – £Nil
b. Hospitality –
Please see link to Suffolk Police and Crime Commissioner website – https://suffolk-pcc.gov.uk/key-info/financial/salaries/expenditure-by-the-pcc-in-relation-to-travel-accommodation-and-subsistence
c. Redecoration/refurbishment of office space –
2013/14 – £536 (office table and chairs) 2014/15 – £Nil 2015/16 – £Nil
d. Travel expenses broken down into mileage claims, and claims for taxis, trains, and any air travel –
Please see link to Suffolk Police and Crime Commissioner website – https://suffolk-pcc.gov.uk/about-us/salaries/expenditure-by-the-pcc-in-relation-to-mileage-travel-accommodation-and-subsistence
e. Maintenance of disused buildings
6. Request received 11 February 2016
Under the Freedom of Information Act 2000, please provide me with the following information –
1) How many people have been taken to hospital by police cars in the force area in the last year?
2) What is the total time spent by police officers and PCSOs in A&E in the last year?
3) How many people with known mental health problems have been detained in custody overnight in the last year?
4) How many hours of police time were used on matters relating to the floods of December 2015 and January 2016?
Request transferred to Suffolk Constabulary on 11 February 2016 as the OPCC do not hold the information.
7. Request received 11 February 2016
Under the Freedom of Information Act, please could you provide us with the following information?
1. In the financial years 2013-2014, 2014-15 and 2015 – present, how many grants were awarded in which at least one of the outputs/outcomes was to provide services to victims of stalking? This could be any service to help victims e.g. counselling, information and advice, casework however the outcome must have specifically referred to working with victims of stalking. 1a. How many of these grants were towards work which was open to victims of stalking who were not being targeted by an ex-partner? 2. What was the total monetary value of these grants? 3. Which organisations were they awarded?
Response sent 4 March 2016
This response is correct as of 4th March 2016.
The Police and Crime Commissioner does not provide a specific grant solely for victims of stalking. He does however fund a victim assessment and referral service provided by Victim Support. This could contact a victim of stalking if they were identified as ‘persistently targeted’ via the Victims’ Code. In this case, they would be entitled to a priority response and offered a needs assessment.
He also provide grants to organisations which support victims of serious sexual assault and domestic abuse and whilst these grants do not have specific outcomes related to stalking, victims of stalking could have been supported.
8. Request received 13 February 2016
GMC and Ipswich Hospital NHS Trust – Recorded Crime of Perverting the Course of Justice Suffolk crime reference IE/15/1483 and out of force referral to London Metropolitan Police OF/15/216
Under the freedom of information Act I request the following details
1. List of interviews with witnesses/suspects conducted by the police to date 2. London Metropolitan Police Reference Number 3. Named Officer London Metropolitan Police designated to the case 4. Named Officer of Crown Prosecution Service designated to the case 5. Correspondence from the Crown Prosecution Service with Ipswich Police 6. Correspondence with/from any Member of Parliament or House of Lords 7. Details of any action by third parties 8. Details of any attempts to obstruct the police and a CPS referral
Request transferred to Suffolk Constabulary on 15 February 2016 as the OPCC do not hold the information.
9. Request received 17 February 2016
Do you hold information of the following description and would you be so kind as to communicate it (preferably electronically) to me pursuant to s.1 of the Freedom of Information Act 2000?:-
1. Over each of the last 5 years (that is, calendar, or if you prefer, financial, years) to which 5 sets of barristers’ chambers (“the Top 5 Chambers”) have you sent the most sets of instructions to members of those sets of chambers for that year, whether directly through ‘in house’ lawyers or indirectly through external solicitors;
2. In relation to each of the last 5 years, of each of the Top 5 Chambers, the total number of sets of individual instructions sent to their members, whether directly through ‘in house’ lawyers or indirectly through external solicitors;
3. In relation to each of the last 5 years, of each of the Top 5 Chambers, the total amount of money excluding value added tax that you have paid to their members during the above period, whether directly or indirectly through external solicitors;
4. In relation to each of the last 5 years, of each of the Top 5 Chambers, the smallest and largest hourly rate charged by junior counsel (excluding value added tax) in each of those sets of chambers and the smallest and largest hourly rate charged by leading counsel (excluding value added tax) in each of those sets of chambers;
5. In relation to instruction of counsel (whether directly through ‘in house’ lawyers or indirectly through external solicitors), any written policy you have in relation thereto.
This was withdrawn by the requestor on 4 March 2016.
10. Request received 13 February 2016
I would like to make a request to you under the Freedom of Information Act 2000.
1. How many of the police officers in your force area work on the operational frontline? How many were on the operational frontline on January 1st 2012?
2. How many police stations have closed in your area since you took office?
3. Could you provide details of how often Home Office ministers have made an official visit to you in your capacity as Police and Crime Commissioner? Specifically, I would like to know the date of the visit, who the minister was, and what was the official purpose of that visit.
A response was not sent at the requestor was asked for clarification and this was not provided.
11. Request received 18 February 2016
Could you please tell me how many Police stations in Suffolk have been sold, or closed and how many have been moved into Fire Station premises since the Suffolk PCC post was created.
Response sent 14 March 2016
The following police stations have been sold/closed since the Suffolk PCC was elected in November 2012.
12. Request received 4 March 2016
For each financial year since the position was created how much has the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner had to pay out in fines as a result of parking tickets issued to company cars?
Response sent 10 March 2016
Since the position was created in November 2012, the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner has not paid out any fines as a result of parking tickets issued to company cars.
13. Request received 9 March 2016
Request withdrawn.
14. Request received 11 March 2016
Please can you tell us: Since April 2015, how many burglaries in total have there been in Great Barton? Have there been any arrests within this time? Have any of the stolen possessions been recovered? What are the police actively doing to catch the burglars? What are the police actively doing to prevent further burglaries?
Request transferred to Suffolk Constabulary on 16 March 2016 as the OPCC do not hold the information.
15. Request received 23 March 2016
Would it be possible to know the total amount spend from the period of April 2014 to April 2015 on all cannabis related offences.
If exact figures are not available would it be possible for you to send me any costs analysis you have on cannabis related crime.
And finally would it be possible to be sent any information your department has relating to cannabis in any shape or form.
Request transferred to Suffolk Constabulary on 23 March 2016 as the OPCC do not hold the information.
16. Request received 12 April 2016
I wish to know the total cost of the office and secretariat of the Crime and Police Commissioner for Suffolk for the financial year 2015 – 2016.
Response sent 9 May 2016
The total cost of the office and secretariat of the Police and Crime Commissioner for Suffolk for the financial year 2015-16 was £839,088 (including the cost of the Police and Crime Commissioner).
Please note that this figure has not been subject to audit and will be reported at the next Accountability and Performance Panel on 10th June 2016.
17. Request received 13 April 2016
I am advised that Suffolk Police made a financial contribution towards the erection of the CCTV camera installed at Mights Bridge, Southwold in or about March, 2014.
Could you please let me know the total amount paid by Suffolk Police towards the cost of this installation?
Response sent 17 April 2016
Section 17 of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 requires that the Police and Crime Commissioner, when refusing to provide such information (because the information is exempt) is to provide you, the applicant, with a notice ban which:
(a) States that fact (b) Specifies the exemption(s) in question and (c) States (if that would not otherwise be apparent) why the exemption(s) applies.
The information is exempt from disclosure by virtue of the following exemption(s);
Section 21(1) – Information reasonably accessible by other means
Information concerning your request is published on the Police and Crime Commissioner websites and is therefore reasonably accessible via other means, as per Section 21 of the Freedom of Information Act.
The relevant link that will take you to the information is provided below.
18. Request received 18 April 2016
Is the Police and Crime Commissioner post full time or part time? In an average week, how many hours are worked?
Response sent 16 May 2016
The legislation that established the Police and Crime Commissioners did not specify the role as either full or part-time.
There is no set number of hours worked each week but on average it is estimated that in excess of 50 hours is worked.
19. Request received 3 May 2016
Could you please answer the following:
1. How much money does the PCC gives to non-policing organisations? – i.e. organisations that are not the Suffolk Constabulary.
2. How much money does the office of the PCC cost each year?
Response sent 18 May 2016
(a) States that fact
(b) Specifies the exemption(s) in question and
(c) States (if that would not otherwise be apparent) why the exemption(s) applies.
Section 21(1)- Information reasonably accessible by other means
Information concerning your request is published on the Police and Crime Commissioner website and is therefore reasonably accessible via other means, as per Section 21 of the Freedom of Information Act.
The total cost of the office of the Police and Crime Commissioner for Suffolk for the financial year 2015-16 was £839,088 (including the cost of the Police and Crime Commissioner).
20. Request received 3 May 2016
I am interested to know the total annual cost of the PCC and all the staff required to maintain the post. This would include salaries, transport, expenses, furniture, stationary etc.
Response sent 1 June 2016
21. Request received 3 May 2016
Please provide information on the financial position, for 2014/15 and 2015/16 for your police force and whether it is in surplus or deficit and the level thereof. Please set out the gross assets and liabilities of the force
Request transferred to Suffolk Constabulary on 3 May 2016 as the OPCC do not hold the information.
22. Request received 8 July 2016
Please could you provide the following information regarding your ERP / Finance system: 1. What ERP (Enterprise Resource Management) or Finance system is currently used at the council?
2. When does your contract expire?
3. Do you have any planned upgrades of the software? If so, when?
4. Are you planning to go to market for a different ERP/ Finance system? If so, when?
5. How many users / licenses of the system do you have at the council?
6. Who is the person responsible for your ERP / Finance system? Please provide full name, title and contact information if possible.
7. Do you have a particular business charter in place that encourages your supplier to pay the rest of their supply chain early?
Request transferred to Suffolk Constabulary on 8 July 2016 as the OPCC do not hold the information.
23. Request received 1 August 2016
1. Please could you tell me the amount of money your department has spent on social media for the past 3 years.
2. Could you provide this information broken down year by year?
3. Please could you outline what the money was spent on (E.G Facebook post boosts, ads, etc.)
Request transferred to Suffolk Constabulary on 2 August 2016 as the OPCC do not hold the information.
24. Request received on 3 August 2016
1. Please could you tell how much money the PCC has spent on crime and disorder reduction grants.
2. Could you break this down by financial year, for this year and the past 3 calendar years, and what organizations the money went to.
3. Please could you tell how much money the PCC has spent on crime his crime prevention funding?
4. Could you break this down by financial year, for this year and the past 3 calendar years, and what organizations the money went to.
Response sent 11 August 2016
Please see the attached spreadsheets, split by financial year covering PCC grants awarded under Crime and Disorder Reduction, which includes the Safer Suffolk Fund. All amounts are rounded to the nearest £1.
2013-14 (PDF, 188KB) 2014-15 (PDF, 188KB) 2015-16 (PDF, 188KB) 2016-17(PDF, 188KB)
Please note that all Crime and Disorder Reduction Grants and Safer Suffolk Fund monies awarded are published on the PCC website: https://suffolk-pcc.gov.uk/crime-and-disorder-reduction-grants-awarded.
In addition, the PCC commissions services for victims of crime. Please note that these have not been included.
25. Request received 9 August 2016
1. Does the Chief Constable (and other Chief Police Officers in your force / constabulary) have a contract with the Police and Crime Commissioner / Police Authority or equivalent?
2. If yes – what specific contractual matters are detailed therein (for each chief officer)?
3. If unwilling to identify the specific contractual terms therein, please provide details of the broad terms and conditions detailed therein for each chief officer (for example does the contract provide for private medical insurance / “golden hello” payments or other inducements)
4. Details of any payments, reimbursements or allowances paid or made to each of your chief officers, other than those explicitly permitted in police regulations. In addition I would be obliged if you could provide details of any statutory authority that permits the Police and Crime Commissioner / Police Authority or equivalent to enter into any contracts as detailed in this request, with chief officers.
Please provide all details for the past 5 years.
Response sent 7 September 2016
Section 17 of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 requires that Suffolk Constabulary and Suffolk Police and Crime Commissioner (SPCC), when refusing to provide such information (because the information is exempt) are to provide you the applicant with a notice ban which:
The information requested is published on the PCC’s website and is therefore reasonably accessible by other means as per Section 21 of the Freedom of Information Act 2000. To ensure clarity in their location, the following links are relevant to each aspect of the request:
1. Details of the conditions of appointment of the Chief Constable can be found on the PCC’s website: https://suffolk-pcc.gov.uk/decisions
Please refer to PCC Decisions listed below:
PCC Decision 51-2016
PCC Decision 2-2016
PCC Decision 17-2015
PCC Decision 8-2013
PCC Decision 9-2013
PCC Decision 10-2013
Appointment of Deputy Chief Constables and Assistant Chief Constables is now, under the Police Reform and Social Responsibility Act 2011 handled by the Chief Constable who issues their terms of appointment.
2. Details relating to the Chief Constable are set out in the reports at (1) above. The details of the terms of appointment of Deputy Chief Constables and Assistant Chief Constables are as follows:
Salary and allowances of the DCC and ACC between the period of 1/9/12–1/9/16
Deputy Chief Constable Salary
2012 £ 109,744.00 2013 £ 110,880.00 2014 £ 111,990.00 2015 £ 113,109.00 2016 £ 114,240.00
Assistant Chief Constable Salary
2012 £ 90,717 – £ 105,839 2013 £ 91, 632 – £ 106,908 2014 £ 95,640 – £ 107,976 2015 £ 96,597 – £ 109,056 2016 £ 97,563 – £ 110,148
DCC & ACC Mileage allowance per annum £ 7,241.00
DCC & ACC Housing Allowance per annum £ 5,022.00
Removals and Relocation Allowance Regulations allow Constabularies to pay the DCC and ACC reasonable removal payment. During this period (last five years) two payments of £25,000 have been made. One to the DCC, one to the ACC.
3. Please refer to question 1 and 2 above. Officers do not receive any payments of private medical insurance or “golden hellos”
The remuneration of each Chief Officer is reported annually in the Police & Crime Commissioner’s Annual Report
Please see page 30 of the Annual Report 2014/15
2015/16 Remuneration is provided in the Chief Constables Statement of Accounts, available on the PCC website:
Please note that the 2015/16 Annual Report will be published in due course.
4. Please refer to questions 1, 2 and 3.
No payments, reimbursements or allowances are made other than those pursuant to Police Regulations.
5. Please refer to question 1
Appointments and terms and conditions are made/set under the 2011 Act and Police Regulations.
26. Request received 10 August 2016
Please advise what, if any, transparency requirements you require of the police in your area or that you are planning to require. Please include any transparency requirements for the pay, expenses and allowances for the chief constable and other senior officers.
Response sent 31 August 2016
Details of Chief Officer remuneration are routinely published within the PCC’s Annual Report. Please note that the last Annual Report is available on the PCC’s website:https://suffolk-pcc.gov.uk/key-info/document-library.
A new Annual Report for 2015/16 will be published shortly.
The PCC’s website provides a link to the Suffolk Constabulary website which sets out expenses paid to Chief Officers: https://suffolk-pcc.gov.uk/key-info/transparency/freedom-of-information
On appointment of a Chief Constable, the PCC sets out the proposed terms and conditions of appointment within a Decision Paper. The Decision Paper is published on the PCC’s website. For example, please refer to PCC Decision 51 – 2015:https://suffolk-pcc.gov.uk/key-info/decisions. Please note that appointment of senior officers, other than the Chief Constable, is the responsibility of the Chief Constable.
27. Request received 31 August 2016
Under the Freedom of Information Act 2000, please provide me with copies of the following:
1. Information on how to obtain a licence for growing cannabis.
2. What department issues licence’s for the cultivation of cannabis.
3. How many licence have been issued from 2000 – 2016.
4. Who was said licences issued to.
5. Was the licence for medical or research purposes.
Request transferred to Suffolk Constabulary on 31 August 2016 as the OPCC do not hold the information.
28. Request received 8 September 2016
1. What was the latest price paid per ream (500 sheets) of standard white copier paper (80 gsm or equivalent)?
2. If the answer to question 1. is not representative of a usual price paid, what is the average price paid per ream of copier paper during financial year 2015/16?
3. How many reams of copy paper were purchased during the 2015/16 financial year?
Response sent 5 October 2016
1. Paper is purchased by the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner (OPCC) in boxes containing 2500 sheets. The latest price paid per box of white value A4 copier paper is £8.11.
2. Please refer to question 1.
3. During the 2015/16 financial year, the OPCC purchased a total of 30 boxes, with each box containing 2500 sheets.
29. Request received 16 September 2016
Please provide details of your current victim service contract with Victim Support, including total contract value, start and end dates.
Response sent 30 September 2016
Victim Support is commissioned by the Suffolk PCC to deliver an assessment and referral service to victims of crime. Victim support makes contact with victims of crime to offer a needs assessment. Further information can be found on our website. https://suffolk-pcc.gov.uk/key-info/decisions
The contract value is a fixed price of £292,367 per year for Suffolk and the current contract runs from 1 April 2015 to 31 March 2018, with the opportunity to extend.
The PCC took over responsibility for commissioning this service in Suffolk from the Ministry of Justice on 1 April 2015.
30.Request received 6 October 2016
Please provide details of expenditure on software for the years 2014/15 and 2015/16 broken down by software supplier.
Request transferred to Suffolk Constabulary on 7 October 2016 as the OPCC do not hold the information.
31.Request received 6 October 2016
Please provide details of software contracts due to expire before 31st December 2017, broken down by supplier and date.
32.Request received 6 October 2016
Please provide details of expenditure on perpetual software licences for the years 2014/15 and 2015/16 broken down by software supplier.
33. Request received 26 October 2016
Your website show a total of £631,000 in respect of employee costs. Please let me have a copy of the staffing structure covered by that amount and details of the pay scales applicable to the posts in that staffing structure.
Response sent 22 November 2016
The attached organisation chart displays the spot salary for each post within the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner. The budget of £631,000 includes employee travel costs.
Please be aware that the budget of £631,000 does not include the PCC’s salary or travel costs.
34. Request received 2 November 2016
Q1. What work is the Office for the PCC undertaking to monitor the implementation and uptake of the Community Remedy?
Q2. Are there currently any plans to revise your Community Remedy document?
Q3. How have you publicised the Community Remedy to the general public?
Response sent 29 November 2016
During August 2014, the PCC invited comments on his proposals for his Community Remedy Document. The consultation was open to organisations and members of the public who wished to provide their views.
On 17 October 2014, PCC Decision 35-2014 – The Suffolk Community Remedy Document, was approved by the Police and Crime Commissioner and published on the PCC’s website. The Community Remedy Document comprises of the items listed at 1.8 of the Decision Paper:https://suffolk-pcc.gov.uk/key-info/decisions
Mediation and Victim-Led Restorative Justice, which form part of the Community Remedy are both services funded by the PCC, and these aspects are monitored.
There are currently no plans to revise the Community Remedy document.
28 August 2024