1.Request received 09 February 2015
i) Can you please provide details of your police force budget for 2015-16 and say how much less this is in percentage terms compared to the previous year? ii) How is your force going to meet the savings required? iii) Are you intending to raise the police precept and if so by how much? iv) Looking beyond 2015-16, what estimates have you made of the likely budget reduction over the following two, three, four or five years? v) What plans are being considered to make the likely required savings?
Response sent 11 February 2015
i) Total gross budget for 2015/16: £120.9m Please see page 5 of the Medium Term Financial Plan Medium Term Financial Plan 2015/16-2019/20 (PDF, 340KB)
The table below provides a comparison between the 2015-16 provisional grant settlement and 2014-15 figures.
ii) This information can be found on the SPCC website, link as follows:
Plans for re-design of Suffolk’s Policing Service
CSR position paper 31 – 2014 – Suffolk Constabulary Comprehensive Spending Review – Position Paper (PDF, 4.51MB)
iii. This information can be found on the SPCC website, link as follows: Police and Crime Panel supports PCC’s plan to increase policing precept
iv) Please refer to page 5 of the Medium Term Financial Plan, link as follows: Medium Term Financial Plan 2015/16-2019/20 (PDF, 340KB)
…the following financial assumptions have been used:
Amount to be saved in 2015/16: £ 5.4m Amount to be saved in 2016/17: £ 2.1m Total amount to be saved by 2020: £20.5m
v) Please refer to the response to question 2.
2. Request received 12 February 2015
“…. under the auspices of the Freedom of Information Act, may we ask specifically how many shed break-ins were recorded in your Force during the period of the latest National Crime Statistics?”
As the OPCC did not hold this information, the author consented for this request to be transferred to Suffolk Constabulary for response.
3. Request received 10 March 2015
“…. I would like to ask for statistics of [bicycle] thefts from the area [Tower Street, Ipswich cycle park] for the last 2 years under the Freedom of Information Act.”
4. Request received 16 March 2015
“….a request under the Freedom of Information Act for copies of correspondence (including letters, emails, faxes and similar) between the Police and Crime Commissioner’s office and the Home Office in the last six months (from October 1, 2014 onwards) that make reference to concerns about police budget cuts.”
Response sent 26 March 2015
“Further to your FoI request dated 16 March 2015, I can confirm that there has been no correspondence between the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner for Suffolk and the Home Office (from 1 October 2014) which make reference to police budget cuts.”
5. Request received 26 March 2015
“…under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 to request the following information:
A list of FOIA Requests considered “vexatious” that resulted in you not providing information.”
Response sent 21 April 2015
“Further to your FOI requested 26 March 2015, we do not have a record of any request that we regard as vexatious as per your definition. All FOI requests and the responses are displayed on our website.”
6. Request received 23 April 2015
Regarding any foreign trips undertaken by the PCC for business purposes –
i. How many trips the PCC has undertaken since being elected in 2012?
ii. The countries visited.
iii. For each country visited a brief description of the purpose of the visit (e.g. conference).
iv. A figure for the total amount claimed in expenses for all foreign trips undertaken since 2012.
Response sent 13 May 2015
“Further to your FoI requested 23 April 2015, we can confirm that since being elected in 2012, the PCC has had no foreign trips for business purposes. All FOI requests and the responses are displayed on our website.
7. Request received 12 May 2015
“…a Freedom of Information request to your Police Force for the following information: i. What is the name of your Police Force?
ii. How many adults (over the age of 18), who were detained under the Mental Health Act, were placed ina police cell due to the shortage of space in NHS hospitals in the following years?
a. 2013 b. 2014 c. Jan – Apr 2015
(If possible please break down each year monthly)
iii. What was the longest length of time an adult (over the age of 18), who was detained under the Mental Health Act, was in a police cell in the following years?
iv. How many children/young persons (under the age of 18), who were detained under the Mental Health Act, were placed in a police cell due to a shortage of space in NHS hospitals in the following years?
v. What was the longest length of time a child/young person (under the age of 18), who was detained under the Mental Health Act, was in a police cell in the following years?
As the OPCC did not hold this information, this request was transferred to Suffolk Constabulary for a response.
8. Request received 23 April 2015
Whether the PCC, or any employee of the PCC’s office, has been charged with any criminal offence since 1 January 2014, and if so:
Response sent 22 May 2015
I write with reference to your request dated 8 May 2015 under the Freedom of Information Act 2000.
Section 40(5)(b)(i) provides that a public authority is not obliged to confirm or deny whether requested information is held if to do so would:
9. Request received 17 June 2015
“…a request under the Freedom of Information Act in respect of Independent Advisory Groups currently active in the Suffolk region.
Please provide the following information:
i. How many IAGs (Independent Advisory Groups) are there in Suffolk, and how are they regionalised? ii. How can one apply to be a member of an IAG? Is membership of an IAG for a fixed term and how long would this be? iii. How many representatives are there from the major faith communities in the Suffolk region on each respective IAG (broken down by faith group)? iv. Please could you provide the names and organisational affiliation of individual members representing a faith community for each IAG in the Suffolk region? v. In matters relating to the Muslim community in Suffolk, to whom do you obtain advice on the IAGs?
Response sent 26 June 2015
i. There is one Independent Advisory Group (IAG) for policing in Suffolk. ii. Interested parties apply via the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner – contact (01473) 782774 / Email: spcc@suffolk.pnn.police.uk or via the website: Independent Advisory Group. Advisers are appointed for a period of four years, with the option to serve a second term of four years, subject to the Chair of the IAG advising on the suitability of individual reappointments. iii. Members provide advice based on their own individual views and experiences and do not ‘represent’ specific organisations or communities as such. Please see the Annual Report for details of members names. iv. As detailed above, members reflect their individual views only and therefore do not represent any particular faith community. v. All/Any IAG member(s) could be consulted on issues relating to the Muslim community for their view.
10. Request received 3 July 2015
Under the FOI Act can you please provide the following information:
i) How many Special Constables were registered with your Force as at 01.06.15? ii) What was the attrition rate for your Special Constabulary for the last reported 12 months (please define if any left to join the regulars)? iii) What was the total number of hours worked by your Special Constables for the last reported 12 month period? iv) How many of your Special Constabulary currently have Independent Patrol Status (as defined by the Home Office)? v) Please list each different role description of your Special Constabulary officers and the Department that they work in? vi) Please describe any plans to increase the number of Special Constables and/or roles to be undertaken in the future?
Response sent 3 July 2015
The Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner for Suffolk does not hold this information and therefore a ‘no information held’ response is being recorded.
11. Request received 3 July 2015
Please regard this request as a Freedom of Information Request made under the Freedom of Information Act.
We would be grateful to receive all information you hold on and in relation to the following:
i) All contracts awarded through the commissioning of sexual violence/abuse services or sexual violence/abuse related services in 2012-13, 2013-14 and 2014-15. For this purposes of this request, we consider sexual violence to include: rape, sexual assault, child sexual abuse, sexual harassment, rape within marriage/relationships, forced marriage, so-called honour-based violence, female genital mutilation, trafficking, sexual exploitation, and ritual abuse. Please include the following details:
In relation to the above, please specify the category of the contracted services, i.e.:
ii) Plans, strategies or other public documents that relate to spending and investment in sexual violence/abuse services or sexual violence/abuse related services.
Response sent 5 August 2015
FY 2014/15
*Category of contracted service: (i) advocacy, including independent sexual violence (ISVA) advice services, (ii) face to face services: counselling, emotional support, group support, (iii) forensic sexual assault services, including Sexual Assault Referral Centres (SARCs)
Please note that the Suffolk Police and Crime Commissioner contracts a number of domestic abuse services where often the counselling involved could relate to sexual abuse. These are not included in the above list as we are unable to determine the proportion of cost related specifically to sexual abuse victims.
All commissioning decisions are available on our website –https://suffolk-pcc.gov.uk/key-info/decisions
ii) Plans, strategies or other public documents that relate to spending and investment in sexual violence/abuse services or sexual violence/abuse related services can be located via the following links –
Police and Crime Plan for Suffolk 2013-17 The Police and Crime Commissioner funded the following research, Understanding domestic abuse in Suffolk – A study of the experiences of survivors (PDF, 1.27MB) Information on Victims Commissioning – Victims Commissioning
12. Request received 10 August 2015
I am writing to obtain information about the amount your organisation pays to the Confederation of British Industry and its subsidiaries. Please provide the amount paid to the CBI (and its regional subsidiaries)
(a) in membership fees (b) fees for one off conferences or other events and (c) fees paid to the CBI for any other services.
Please make clear if the response includes payments from any Non-Departmental Public Bodies, Executive Agencies etc which fall under the department and please provide a breakdown of what payments came from which agency/body. Please provide this information for the period 2009-2015 set out by calendar or financial year.
Response sent 12 August 2015
There is no record of any payments being made to the Confederation of British Industry and its subsidiaries during the period 2009-2015.
13. Request received 9 August 2015
This request is made under section 1 of the Freedom of Information Act 2000.
For the Suffolk Constabulary, please provide the following information for each of the years 2005 to 2015 inclusive for which information is available, all of which should be collected under the Suffolk Constabulary’s statutory duty to record date, including the Public Sector Equality Duty pursuant to the Equality Act 2010:
For each year specified please provide the above information specifically relation to “Hate Crimes” reported and separately in relation to “Religious Hate Crimes” reported and separately in relation to Islamaphobic Hate Crimes as reported.
a) In each of the years specified please state whether you have had or have a process /policy in place to record incidents reported to you which relate to religiously aggravated criminal acts; if so please provide a copy of the policy for each year and the total number of incidents reported for each of the years specified. b) For each of the years specified please state the total number of arrests, prosecutions brought and convictions under section 28 of the Crime and Disorder Act 1998 and the reasons as recorded by the Prosecutor. c) For each of the years specified please state the number of unsuccessful convictions under section 28 of the Crime and Disorder Act 1998 and the reasons as recorded by the Prosecutor. d) For each of the years specified [where relevant] please state the number of arrests, charges and successful convictions under section 29 of the Racial and Religious Hatred Act 2006 and the reasons as recorded by the Prosecutor. e) For each of the years specified please state the number of unsuccessful convictions under section 29 of the Racial and Religious Hatred Act 2006 and the reasons as recorded by the Prosecutor. f) Please state the total number of recorded arrests, charges and convictions of criminal acts specified as:-
i) incited by islamaphobic behaviour; ii) incidents which are aggravated by islamaphobic behaviour; otherwise involving islamaphobia to some degree; iii) or to which islamaphobia was recorded as a factor involved in the arrest, charge or conviction. iv) Where “islamaphobia” is defined as prejudice against, hatred toward, fear of, hostility toward or dislike of the religion of Islam or Muslim individuals, regardless of whether they are actual or perceived followers of the religion of Islam.
14. Request received 10 August 2015
Under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 can you please provide the following information:
Correspondence (including emails and letters) between Suffolk PCC Tim Passmore and Norfolk PCC Stephen Bett relating to the police control room merger and/or other merger plans between January and April 2014.
Response sent 19 August 2015
There is no record of any correspondence between Suffolk PCC, Tim Passmore and Norfolk PCC, Stephen Bett relating to the police control room merger and/or other merger plans between January and April 2014.
15. Request received 29 September 2015
Under the Freedom of Information Act 2000, please provide me with full answers to each of the following questions about office costs.
I appreciate you will have been asked similar questions before but I am looking for specific figures on seconded officers.
Response sent 7 October 2015
2. There are no people working in our office who are seconded from the local police force, rather than being on the OPCC’s payroll.
3. N/A.
16. Request received 28 October 2015
Please provide details of the following:
i) Do you have a deputy/deputies PCC? ii) If you do have a deputy/deputies, do they have any other paid work? If so what work? iii) What is the PCC’s salary? iv) What is the total office annual wage bill? v) How many FTE staff? vi) How many deputy PCCs? vii) How many FTE (Full Time Equivalent) staff working on communications/PR? viii) How much has the office spent on external consultants since it was established? ix) What proportion of office staff from BAME backgrounds? x) Has the PCC confirmed their intention to run again in next year’s 2016 election?
Response sent 20 November 2015
i) We do not have a deputy/deputies PCC. ii) N/A. iii) The PCC’s annual salary is £70,000. iv) At at 31 March 2015 the actual annual basic salary cost was £446,437 exclusive of the Police and Crime Commissioner. v) As at 31 March 2015 the establishment was 9.8 FTE. Currently there is 8.9 FTE. These figures are exclusive of the Police and Crime Commissioner. vi) There are no deputy PCCs. vii) There is 1 FTE working on communications/PR. viii) See separate spreadsheet. FOI Nov 2015 Consultants (PDF, 196KB) ix) There are no members of staff of the PCC with a BME background. x) The OPCC have been advised of Mr Passmore’s intention to run for PCC in next year’s election.
29 January 2025
9 January 2025