1. Request received 10 January 2014

Under the Freedom of Information Act please can you release the Police and Crime Commissioner’s itemised list of expenses claims for under £500 made between November 2012 and November 2013.

Response sent 15 January 2014

Under the Elected Local Policing Body (Specified Information) (Amendment) Order 2013 there is a requirement to publish the information that you have requested – this came into force on 12 August 2013. The link below will take you to the relevant website page and you will note that (via a tab) we have added such expenditure for the period from November 2012 to August 2013 to promote greater transparency.

Items of Expenditure by PCC in relation to travel, accommodation and subsistence (PDF, 1.25MB)

For ease of reference copies of the two sets of data were attached to the response.

2. Request received 8 February 2014

“….I would like to make an FoI request for the minutes of the last meeting the Commissioner had with the Chief Constable when the headlight subject was discussed”

Response sent 14 February 2014

The specific topic of defective headlights has not been the subject of discussion between the Commissioner and the Chief Constable.

The issue of road safety generally has been the subject of discussion on a number of occasions, particularly speeding, and the importance of this matter is reflected in the Commissioner’s Police & Crime Plan.

3. Request received 18 March 2014

Under the Freedom of Information Act 2000, please provide me with full answers to each of the following questions:

  1. How many members of staff did your office have when it was inherited from the Police Authority in November 2012, and what was the annual salary cost at that time?
  2. How many members of staff did your office have at March 31st, 2013, and what was the annual salary cost at that time?
  3. How many members of staff does your office have as of now, March 2014, and what is the current annual salary cost?
  4. Please state the job title and salary of each current member of staff, and state if their role was advertised or not?
  5. How many people does your office currently have working on a freelance / consultant / adviser basis and what is the cost of their contracts?
  6. How many people has your office seconded from local authorities / the police force and what is the cost of their salaries?

Response sent 24 March 2014

1. Number of staff at November 2012 : 9 (8.4 FTE).

Job titles: Chief Executive (and Monitoring Officer); Deputy Chief Executive (and Deputy Monitoring Officer); Treasurer; Head of Business Management; Business Manager; Policy Officer; Public Affairs Officer; Business Co-ordinator; Personal Assistant to Chief Executive.

Total basic salary costs £453k.

Total salary costs inclusive of NI/pension on costs £594k.

2. Number of staff at March 2013 : 9 (8.8 FTE)

Job titles: Chief Executive (and Monitoring Officer); Deputy Chief Executive (and Deputy Monitoring Officer); Chief Finance Officer; Head of Business Management; Business Manager; Policy Officer; Communications Manager; Business Co-ordinator; Personal Assistant to the Police & Crime Commissioner and Chief Executive.

Total basic salary costs £477k.

Total salary costs inclusive of NI/pension on costs £626k.

3. Number of staff at March 2014 : 9 (8.8 FTE)

Job titles: Chief Executive (and Monitoring Officer); Deputy Chief Executive (and Deputy Monitoring Officer); Chief Finance Officer; Business Manager; Policy Officer; Communications Manager; Communications & Support Services Officer; Business Co-ordinator; Personal Assistant to the Police & Crime Commissioner and Chief Executive.

Total basic salary costs £446k.

Total salary costs inclusive of NI/pension on costs £584k.

4. Job Title/Salary of current members of staff and whether role was advertised:

Chief Executive – £103,806
Deputy Chief Executive – £77,853
Chief Finance Officer (O.8 FTE) – £63,061
Business Manager – £46,704
Policy Officer – £36,549
Communications Manager – £41,163 [note (i) below]
Communications & Support Services Officer – £30,939 [note (ii) below]
Business Co-ordinator – £27,225
PA to the PCC/Chief Executive – £25,704 [note (iii) below]


(i) The post was advertised internally within the Office of the PCC and the Constabulary in March 2013 – the successful candidate was the former Public Affairs Officer.

(ii) The post was advertised externally (local newspaper and PCC website) and internally within the Office of the PCC and the Constabulary in August 2013 following a re-structure as a result of the retirement of the Head of Business Management at the end of June 2013.

(iii) The post was advertised externally (local newspaper and PCC website) and internally within the Office of the PCC and the Constabulary in February 2013 as a result of the impending retirement of former postholder.

  1. People working on freelance/consultancy/advisor basis : Nil
  2. Those seconded from local authorities/police force: Nil

4. Request received 04 April 2014

i) The total cost of the Police and Crime Commissioner’s office for the financial years 2012-13 and 2013-14.
ii) The total cost of the Police Authority body replaced by the Police and Crime Commissioner in the financial years 2010-11 and 2011-12.
iii) The total remuneration bill for the financial years 2012-13 and 2013-14 (remuneration should be taken to mean pay, pension contributions, bonuses and any other benefits in kind).
iv) The total remuneration bill for the Police Authority body replaced by the Police and Crime Commissioner in the financial years 2010-11 and 2011-12 (remuneration should be taken to mean pay, pension contributions, bonuses and any other benefits in kind).
v) A full list of job titles at the Police and Crime Commissioner’s office as at 04/04/2014.

Response sent 29 April 2014

i) *2012-2013 – £299,582

*Separate costs for the Police Authority and the OPCC are not available for 2012-13, pro rata figures provided represent 236 days under the Police Authority and 129 days under the OPCC.

2013-2014 – £951,309 – estimated figure as at 22/04/14; outturn figure available approx. June 2014

ii) 2010-11 – £1,008,260

2011-12 – £978,383

*2012-13 – £659,829

*Separate costs for the Police Authority and the OPCC are not available for 2012-13, pro rata figures provided represent 236 days under the Police Authority and 129 days under the OPCC

iii) *2012-13 – £221,254 (comprising staff and PCC costs)

*Separate costs for the Police Authority and the OPCC are not available for 2012-13, pro rata figures provided represent 236 days under the Police Authority and 129 days under the OPCC

2013-14 – £677,898 (comprising £585,768 staff costs, £92,130 PCC costs)

iv) 2010-11 – £552,993 staff costs, £190,026 members’ costs

2011-12 – £569,215 staff costs, £181,040 members’ costs

*2012-13 – £404,776 staff costs, £111,756 members’ costs (exact members’ costs)

*Separate staff costs for the Police Authority and the OPCC are not available for 2012-13, pro rata figures provided represent 236 days under the Police Authority and 129 days under the OPCC

v) Chief Executive (and Monitoring Officer)
Deputy Chief Executive (and Deputy Monitoring Officer)
Chief Finance Officer (0.8FTE)
Policy Officer
Communications Manager
Communications & Support Services Officer
Business Co-ordinator
Personal Assistant to the Police & Crime Commissioner and Chief Executive

5. Request received 23 April 2014

i) The cost of the Police Authority during its final year of existence?
ii) The cost of the Police and Crime Commissioner’s Office following the first year of its existence?
iii) What additional functions does he carry out over and above what the Police Authority did?
iv) As he has a wider remit than the Police Authority where does the additional finance come from, is it solely from the policing budget or does the organisations he is seeking to influence have a duty to supply funding?

Response sent 29 April 2014

*Separate costs for the Police Authority and the OPCC are not available for 2012-13, pro rata figures provided represent 236 days under the Police Authority and 129 days under the OPCC.

i) Police Authority office costs 2011/2012 – £978,383
Police Authority office costs *2012/2013 – £659,829

ii) OPCC office costs *2012/13 – £299,582
OPCC office costs 2013/14 – £951,309 – estimated as at 22/04/2014, outturn figure available approx. June 2014

iii) All functions of the PCC can be found in The Policing Protocol Order 2011, link as follows: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/policing-protocol-order-2011-statutory-instrument

Significant differences in functions of the PCC are:

  • Working with partners to prevent and tackle crime and re-offending
  • Commissioning services that will contribute to reducing crime and disorder
  • Responsibility for awarding Crime and Disorder Reduction Grants

iv) Some organisations have statutory obligations to contribute funding. In addition to the main police grant and precept, for the year 2013-14 various community safety funds transferred to PCCs creating a new Community Safety Fund (non ring-fenced) which the PCC was able to utilise to commission the provision of community safety related services; from 2014-15 this fund is subsumed into the main police grant. From 01 October 2014, grant funding for the commissioning of support services for victims at a local level will be provided to the PCC by the Ministry of Justice. In addition a provisional grant has been awarded (ring-fenced) for the purposes of supporting the preparations of commissioning of victims’ services. Details can be found on the SPCC website suffolk-pcc.gov.uk, link to the document as follows: https://suffolk-pcc.gov.uk/wp-content/uploads/2012/11/11-2014-Victims-Commissioning-Preparatory-Funding.pdf

6. Request received 24 April 2014

i) Since the formation of the office of Police & Crime Commissioner for your region how much has been spent annually to provide transport for both the Commissioner & any deputies they have in post.
ii) Further to the above, how much has been claimed or awarded to provide support for housing or hotel costs of the commissioner and any deputies?

Response sent 29 April 2014

i) Under the Elected Local Policing Body (Specified Information) (Amendment) Order 2013 there is a requirement to publish the information that you have requested – this came into force on 12 August 2013.

The link is as follows:

https://suffolk-pcc.gov.uk/wp-content/uploads/2012/12/Items-of-Expenditure-by-the-PCC-in-relation-to-travel-accomm-subsistence-from-12-08-13-updated-30-11-14.pdf (PDF, 1.25MB)

The attached spreadsheet covers the period from November 2012 to August 2013.

Items of Expenditure by the PCC in relation to travel, accomm, subsistence from Nov 12 to Aug 13 (PDF, 320KB)

For ease of reference a copy of the two sets of data were attached to the response.

In addition the sums of £25.00 for a taxi fare from Ipswich to Stowmarket in April 2013, and £41.00 for two taxi fares for transport to/from meetings in London in July 2013 were claimed through petty cash.

The Commissioner has not submitted any mileage claims to-date.

ii) Hotel costs are detailed on the attached documents.
No housing costs have been claimed or awarded.
The Commissioner does not have any deputies.

7. Request received 09 June 2014

1. Person or Department Responsible for Conference Calls and Web
What is the name of the Department they work in?
What is the Telephone Number of the person who is responsible for the
procurement of Conference Calls and Web Meetings?
What is the Email Address of the person who is responsible for the
procurement of Conference Calls and Web Meetings?
Their Postal Address
Building Name or Number
Street Name
Locality Name
Town / City
Post Code

2. Do you currently purchase or use UK access Conference Call Services?
These are services where UK based people dial into a UK based number.

UK Conference Calls
Tell us about your current provider…

3. What are the names of the suppliers you use for Conference Calls?

4. What is the rate per minute each participant is charged to join a Conference Call? (Please enter this as a number only. Example 25 for 25p)

5. What is your monthly expenditure for the use of this service?
Please enter this as a number only. Example £24.99 would be 24.99

6. How many minutes of audio conferencing does your organisation do per month?

7. What is the maximum number of participants you have in a Conference Call?

8. If you currently have a contract please state the date of expiry.

9. Do you currently purchase or use International access Conference Call Services? (These are services where people based around the globe dial into a local telephone number in the country they are based in.

International Conference Calls (Tell us about your current provider…)
10. What is the name of your current provider for International Conference Calls?

11. What is your monthly expenditure for the use of this service?
(Please enter this as a number only. Example £24.99 would be 24.99)

12. How many minutes of international audio conferencing does your
organisation use per month?

13. Do you have an international dial in tariff that your supplier offers?

14. If you currently have a contract please state the date of expiry.

15. Please detail any bridging charges, call set-up fees, call recording
charges, transcription charges and any other information that you think
might be relevant.

16. Do you use web meeting tools similar to ‘WebEx’ or ‘Go To Meeting’?
These are services where participants can see documents or computer
screens as well as audio participation over both the internet and or
traditional public switch telephone networks (PSTN).

Web Meetings / Webinars and Online Meetings (Tell us about your current provider…)

17. Who is your current supplier?

18. How much were you charged in total for this service.

19. What are the commercial terms on which they offer the services?
This could be that you get a specific discount for being a Public Sector supplier or you must by through G-Cloud etc.

20. How many licences do you use?

21. If you currently have a contract please state the date of expiry.

Response sent 02 July 2014

This request to the Suffolk Police and Crime Commissioner and Suffolk Constabulary about the use of Telephone Conference Call services and use of online Web Meeting tools concerned identical information held by both organisations, therefore this response was provided as a joint response by both Suffolk Police and Crime Commissioner and Suffolk Constabulary.

This response is correct as of 9 June 2014.

  1. The ICT Service Desk is responsible for Conference Calls and Web Meetings.

Contact details as follows:

Telephone no: 01953 424747
Email: ictservicedesk@norfolk.pnn.police.uk
Address: Norfolk Constabulary, Falconers Chase, Wymondham, Norfolk,
NR 18 0WW

  1. No
  2. N/a
  3. N/a
  4. N/a
  5. N/a
  6. N/a
  7. N/a
  8. No
  9. N/a
  10. N/a
  11. N/a
  12. N/a
  13. N/a
  14. N/a
  15. Yes
  16. Webex
  17. The charge is variable, however to assist the approximate cost during 2013/2014 was £2000.
  18. Standard Terms and Conditions.
  19. The number of licences is variable, due to the demand needed.
  20. The contract with Webex is due to end on 27 January 2015, the below web-link will re-direct you to the contract details within the Bluelight

Procurement Database: https://www.blpd.gov.uk/foi/foicontractview.aspx?contractid=24137

8. Request received 11 June 2014

What was the cost of the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner in your police force area for the financial years 12/13 and 13/14?

Response sent 24 June 2014

*Separate costs for the Police Authority and the OPCC are not available for 2012-13, pro rata figures provided represent 236 days under the Police Authority and 129 days under the OPCC.

*2012-2013 OPCC costs – £299,582

*2012-2013 Police Authority office costs – £659,829

2013-2014 OPCC costs – £1,048,305

9. Request received 18 June 2014

This request relates to the Police and Crime Commissioner’s Public Meeting held in The Athenaeum, Bury St Edmunds on 02 October 2013

i) How many people voted at the meeting held at The Athenaeum that evening?
ii) Which representatives from the police, the council and politics were present? Were those police officers present able to vote too?
iii) How many of those voting at that event were Conservative councillors?
iv) Is the Police Crime Commissioner’s Office fit for purpose in respect of the following incident? During the meeting a woman stood up and spoke about the upset caused by 42 “lies” on a file that the police held on her. She explained that she had originally been a victim of harassment but poor data protection had somehow criminalized her. Even though two male councillors heckled her to share her identity to the room, she stayed behind at the meeting for over 30 minutes.
v) Did anyone in public office approach this lady to see how they could help her with her anxieties in response to having so much factually incorrect data on records by her local police force?

Response sent 09 July 2014

i) Over 40 members of the public were noted as attending the St Edmundsbury Public Meeting on 02 October 2013. The results of the interactive votes are published on the SPCC website, and show that the maximum no. of votes cast in response to any one question was 40, link as follows:


(For ease of reference a copy of the data was attached to the response).

ii) The information available can be found in the notes of the meeting which are available on the SPCC website, link as follows:


(For ease of reference a copy of the information was attached to the response).

Representatives recorded as being present:

Office of the Police & Crime Commissioner:

Tim Passmore (Police & Crime Commissioner)
Sandra Graffham (Communications Manager)
Sarah McNulty (Business Co-ordinator)
Vanessa Scott (Policy Officer)

Suffolk Constabulary:

Chief Constable Douglas Paxton
Superintendent Terry Byford (Strategic Policing Commander – West)
Inspector Jane Hertzog (Local Policing Commander – Bury St Edmunds)

Names of any other officers and police cadets present were not recorded.

An attendance register is not taken at the Police and Crime Commissioner’s public meetings. Councillor Robert Everitt was recorded as commenting at the meeting, attendance by any other politicians was not recorded.

The police officers named above were not able to participate in the interactive voting sessions. Any officers attending and police cadets who were seated in the audience area would have had access to the interactive voting keypads but as all votes cast were anonymous it is unknown whether they did so or not.

iii) As in response to question 2, as all votes cast were anonymous this information is not known.

iv) Matters raised, and responses given, during the PCC’s public meetings are noted and are publicly available on the SPCC website.

For the St Edmundsbury public meeting held on 02 October 2013, the link is as follows:


Information relating to any matters raised privately after the public meetings is not recorded in these notes. Please see the answer provided to question 5 which refers to the disclosure of personal information.

v) The information requested in respect of a specific individual would not be available under the Freedom of Information Act 2000, due to relevant exemptions within the Act and as explained in the response to the originator of the request.

10. Request received 23 June 2014

i) Total number of complaints against your force or constabulary received in 2013.
ii) Total number of complaints upheld during 2013.
iii) Total number of officers formally disciplined as a result of the upheld complaints.
iv) The number of officers prosecuted for committing a criminal offence as a result of a complaint in 2013.
v) The total number of officers dismissed as a result of an upheld complaint during 2013.
vi) The total number of serving officers dismissed for committing a criminal offence during 2013.

As the OPCC did not hold this information, the request was transferred to Suffolk Constabulary for response.

11. Request received 25 June 2014

In respect of The Freedom of Information Act, how many times has this office been asked to review the following public concerns?

i) Police misleading The Crime Prosecution Service in 2010 in respect of an incident in IP33 on 1st May 2010.
ii) The Professional Standards Department failing to uphold complaints against Bury-Central policemen harassing female victims of ongoing harassment.(PS491/12)
iii) The Information Management Department, Norfolk and Suffolk Constabularies withholding requested data relating to Crime Report: BR/11/1034, BU/11/3512, BU/10/1423 and Event Chronology PO707090545, P0904220188, P0907200129, P09090411, P1102070342, P1103280458, P1107260165, P0703280270 and P1005010364.
iv) The Professional Standards Department (PSD) withholding that data which would verify police misconduct and harassment of vulnerable women in IP33?

For example, the report on investigation PS491/12 withheld the times and lengths of a policeman’s telephone calls to a mobile landline.

The lady who lodged the complaint against the police repeatedly made requests for verification of his two telephone calls to her. That requested data continues to be withheld.

On the understanding that BT stored his last call to her as a nuisance call, please explain why your office refused to review his chest-cam footage as formally requested by one of her supporters earlier this year?

v) RE: PS491/12: How many letters have you received from her elderly supporter on the issue of this poorly trained policeman (Complaint PS491/12) and the police harassment of one of his voluntary helpers?
vi) On which dates did this office inform those requesting assistance that their concerns would not be looked into?

Response sent 17 July 2014

The information requested would not be available under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 due to relevant exemptions within the Act and as explained in more detail in the response to the originator of the request.

12. Request received 09 July 2014

How much has the Office of Police and Crime Commissioner spent on:

  1. Social media
  2. Consultancy
  3. Company cars

in each financial year since being elected Police and Crime Commissioner?

Response sent 24 July 2014

  1. Nil
  2. Please see link as follows:

O:DataSPCCFreedom of InformationSPCC Consultancy Expenditure.pdf

(For ease of reference a copy of the data was attached to the response).

  1. Nil

13. Request received 05 August 2014

Could you please tell me how much the PCC spent on PR, marketing and promotional materials in the financial year 2012/13?

Could you please tell me how much the PCC spent on PR, marketing and promotional materials in the financial year 2013/14?

How much is the PCC budgeting to spend on PR, marketing and promotional in the current financial year?

Could you please list the type, number and cost of physical marketing materials with PCC branding created by the office in the 2013/14 that have been produced – e.g. leaflets, pens, erasers, lollipops etc.

Response sent 02 September 2014

The PCC does not have a designated budget for PR, marketing and promotional materials. Budgets from which PR, marketing and promotional materials expenditure may be drawn are listed on the attached spreadsheet. The description of materials, and quantities (where recorded), are included in the information provided in the attached document.

PCC spend PR marketing and promotional materials (PDF, 188KB)

14. Request received 08 August 2014

Please can you provide files relating to disclosure of actual invoice expenditure in CSV or XLS format for the period April 2012 to October 2012.

Ideally, I require information covering all levels of expenditure, however, information covering expenditure above £25,000 will suffice if necessary.

Response sent 05 September 2014

Invoice Transactions Apr to Oct 12 (PDF, 272KB)

15. Request received 05 September 2014

Please provide the amount paid to the CBI (and its regional subsidiaries)
a) in membership fees
b) fees for one off conferences or other events and
c) fees paid to the CBI for any other services

Please make clear if the response includes payments from any Non-Departmental Public Bodies, Executive Agencies etc which fall under the department and please provide a breakdown of what payments came from which agency/body.

Please provide this information for the period 2009-2014 set out by calendar or financial year.

If you are unable to provide all of this information within the time/cost limit please work up to the limit focusing on membership fees.

Response sent 09 September 2014

a) No payments have been made to the CBI (and its regional subsidiaries) for membership fees by the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner/Suffolk Police Authority during the period 2009-2014.
b) No payments have been made to the CBI (and its regional subsidiaries) for one off conferences or other events by the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner/Suffolk Police Authority during the period 2009-2014.
c) No payments have been made to the CBI for any other services by the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner/Suffolk Police Authority during the period 2009-2014.

16. Request received 12 September 2014

To outline my query as clearly as possible, I am requesting:

  1. The total number of employees who received *remuneration equal to, or in excess of £100,000 in 2013-14.
  2. For those who received *remuneration in excess of £150,000:
    i. The employee’s name
    ii. The employee’s job title
    iii. The remuneration received by the employee
    iv. An itemised list of expenses claims made by the employee. If an itemised list is not available, please provide the amount the employee claimed in expenses in 2013-14

*Remuneration includes, but is not limited to: salary, fees, allowances, bonuses, benefits in kind, compensation for loss of office and employers’ pension contributions.

Response sent 01 October 2014

With reference to your above definition of remuneration, if employer’s National Insurance contributions are to be included, two employees in the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner for Suffolk received *remuneration equal to, or in excess of £100,000 in 2013-14.

If employer’s National Insurance contributions are excluded, one employee in the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner for Suffolk received *remuneration equal to, or in excess of £100,000 in 2013-14.

17. Request received 22 September 2014

I would like to make a request under the Freedom of Information Act. Please would you tell me:

  1. A list of all events open to the public hosted by your force’s Police and Crime Commissioner or a member of his/her staff in the calendar years 2013 and 2014 to present
  2. For each event listed in question 1, if the Commissioner did not attend, please specify the host of the event
  3. For each event listed in question 1, please provide the event’s location
  4. a) For each event listed in question 1, the total public attendance
    b) If an exact figure is not available for question 4 a) please provide an estimate of the attendance

Response sent 17 October 2014

FoI Response – PCC Attendance at Public Meetings (PDF, 1.66MB)

18. Request received 22 October 2014

Can you please tell me how many times a police taser has been fired in the past 12 months? If you could further refine the figures by district then that would be even more useful.

As the OPCC did not hold this information, the request was transferred to Suffolk Constabulary for response.

19. Request received 02 November 2014

As a freedom of information request I would be grateful to know how many other people have experienced difficulties joining the new (Police Connect) system, what the advantages of the new system are and what cost savings it delivers.

As the OPCC did not hold this information, the request was transferred to Suffolk Constabulary for response.