The Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC) has responsibility to hold the Chief Constable to account for an efficient & effective police force. In terms of monitoring the Constabulary’s use of Stop and Search the PCC receives updates to his Accountability and Performance Panel in January and July. This report provides data on the use of stop and search across Suffolk, and the outcomes of those searches, as well as providing an update from the Police Powers Scrutiny Group (PPSG) on the work it does to scrutinise use of the power.
The latest stop and search data (see the ‘Use of Police Powers in Suffolk’ report) presented to the Accountability and Performance Panel on 19 July 2024 – Accountability and Performance Panel Papers – 19 July 2024
What is Stop and Search?
The power to Stop and Search is an important policing tool in the fight against crime. It can prevent, detect, and deter criminal activity. There is information on the Constabulary website about the appropriate use of the power and what to expect if you are stopped and searched.
External Scrutiny of Police Powers
The Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner works with Suffolk Constabulary and Ipswich & Suffolk Council for Racial Equality (ISCRE) to support external community scrutiny of the use of police powers. This external scrutiny is undertaken by the Police Powers Scrutiny Group (PPSG), outwardly publicised as the SPPPS (Suffolk Police Powers Public Scrutiny), and is administered by ISCRE. The findings from that work are fed into the PCC’s Accountability and Performance Panel report.
The external scrutiny meetings are held bi-monthly with 2 of the 6 meetings per year held in person.
29 January 2025
9 January 2025