Award of Crime and Disorder Reduction Grant - Reducing Reoffending Probation HGV Project - 36 - 2023

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It is recommended that the Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC) awards grant funding of £5,000 to contribute to an HGV driver training project for people on probation in Suffolk.

Appointment of Acting Chief Executive - 35-2023

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This decision paper describes the arrangements to appoint an acting Chief Executive for the Suffolk OPCC. This will be on an interim basis until a substantive appointment is made.

Summary of Police and Crime Commissioner's Fund, Round 35, December 2023 - 34 - 2023

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It is recommended that the Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC) approves the grants totalling £26,521 through the PCC's Fund (Missing People; River Church; Rock, Paper, Scissors; St Thomas the Apostle and Martyr).

Appointment of Legally Qualified Chairs - 33 - 2023

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This report seeks approval to ensure that the Eastern Region Police (Fire) and Crime Commissioners have a list of nominations to serve as Legally Qualified Chairs of misconduct panels under the Police (Conduct) Regulations 2012 and any successor legislation. It is proposed that the list of nominations be formed from those re-appointed as Legally Qualified Chairs and from those who have been newly selected to fulfil the role.

Corporate Governance - Scheme of Governance and Consent - Contract Standing Orders with Appendix - 32 - 2023

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The Scheme of Governance and Consent requires amendment to accommodate a review of Contract Standing Orders. Approval is now sought to the revised Contract Standing Orders with the highlights of the proposed changed attached as Appendix A and Appendix B.

Safer Streets Fund Round 5 - 31 - 2023

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The PCC accepts the grant agreement from the Home Office for £456,023 for Year 1 delivery of the Safer Streets Fund Round 5. The three proposals submitted address anti-social behaviour, violence against women and girls and neighbourhood crime across Suffolk. The PCC Supports delivery of the project through match funding resource (management and administration) from the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner for Suffolk for the duration of the project.

PCC Annual Report to the Police and Crime Panel - 30 - 2023

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The Police Reform and Social Responsibility Act 2011 (the Act) requires that each Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC) must produce an annual report on the exercise of the PCC’s functions in each financial year, and the progress made in meeting the PCC’s police and crime objectives, as set out in the PCC’s Police and Crime Plan.

Summary of the Police and Crime Commissioner's Fund, Round 34, Sept 2023 - 29 - 2023

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It is recommended that the PCC approves: a total of £69,236 from the 2023/24 PCC Fund budget to support the successful applicants in Round 34; a total of £20,000 from the 2024/25 PCC Fund budget to support the successful multi-year applicant in Round 34; and awards £3,240 to a deferred application from Round 33 of the PCC Fund (June 2023).

Award of Crime and Disorder Reduction Grant - Taxi Marshals (1 Oct 2023 - 30 Sept 2025) - 28 - 2023

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This report seeks approval to award a Crime and Disorder Reduction Grant to Locus Management Solutions (Ipswich Central) for a maximum of £14,600 for the period 1 October 2023 to 30 September 2025.

Award of Crime and Disorder Reduction Grant - Town Pastors - 27 - 2023

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This report seeks approval to award a Crime and Disorder Reduction Grant to Town Pastors for £24,000 to contribute to delivery of their activities in the night time economy across Suffolk for the period 1 April 2023 to 31 March 2024.

Award of Crime and Disorder Reduction Grant - Rotary Youth Leadership Awards - 26 - 2023

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This report seeks approval to award a Crime and Disorder Reduction Grant to Rotary Youth Leadership Awards (RYLA) District 1080 of £800 to support one candidate on the 2023 course.

Award of Crime and Disorder Reduction Grant - Ipswich Town Foundation 'DIVERT' programme - 25 - 2023

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It is recommended that the Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC) awards grant funding of £14,500 to Ipswich Town Foundation for delivery of three ‘DIVERT’ programmes between 1 September 2023 and 31 May 2024.

Outturn 2022-2023 Capital Slippage and Transfers to and from Reserves - 24 - 2023

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This decision paper complies with requirements to publish the draft statement of accounts for the year ending 31 March 2023, where the PCC approves the capital slippage and funding movement on reserves.

Independent Custody Visiting Scheme Annual Report 2022-23 - 23 - 2023

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This report summarises the work undertaken by the OPCC for Suffolk to support the operation of the Independent Custody Visiting Scheme in Suffolk between 1 April 2022 and 31 March 2023. It also attaches the Annual Report at Appendix A.

Award of Crime and Disorder Reduction Grant - The Safety Box - 22 - 2023

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This report seeks approval to award a Crime and Disorder Reduction Grant to The Safety Box for £6,300 to match funding of £6,300 from The Probation Service. Working closely with local partners, The Safety Box will deliver an 8 week ‘Aspire Higher’ violence reduction personal development programme to ten people, currently on probation, in Ipswich.

Corporate Governance - Scheme of Governance and Consent - Contract Standing Orders with Appendix - 21 - 2023

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The Scheme of Governance and Consent requires amendment to accommodate a review of Contract Standing Orders. Approval is now sought to the revised Contract Standing Orders with the highlights of the proposed changed attached as Appendix 1.

Summary of Police and Crime Commissioner's Fund, Round 33, June 2023 - 20 - 2023

(PDF 252 KB)

The Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC) approves the grants totalling £43,449 (Abbeycroft Leisure, Haverhill Community Trust, Room 4) through the Suffolk Police and Crime Commissioner’s Fund (subject to conditions) and utilise a further £15,000 of the 2024/25 budget to support the Room 4 project in year 2 (subject to review).

Suffolk Police and Crime Commissioner's (PCC) Fund 2023/24 - 19 - 2023

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This decision paper sets out the recommendation to roll forward unallocated funding of £73,869 from 2022/23 and approve new funding of £300,000 for 2023/24. In addition, it is recommended that £54,341 of the remaining 2022/23 PCC Fund budget is used to facilitate multi-year grants to pre-existing and agreed applicants.

Suffolk Domestic Abuse Perpetrator Programme (Amended 7 July 2023) - 18 - 2023

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It is recommended that the Police and Crime Commissioner notes the grant offer from the Home Office, accepts the £652,014 for the programme outlined in this Decision Paper, and agrees to distribute the multi-year grant across 2023/24 and 2024/25 as follows: Iceni (£298,888), Suffolk Constabulary DA Perpetrator Unit (£246,960), Leeway Domestic Violence and Abuse Services (£80,029), Suffolk OPCC (£26,137).

Collaboration - Forensic Collision Investigation Network - 17 - 2023

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Approval is sought to enter into an amended collaboration agreement in respect of the Forensic Collision Investigation Network with all of the geographic forces in England and Wales.

National Policing Guidelines on Charging for Police Services - 16 - 2023

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The PCC is invited to adopt the National Policing Guidelines on Charging for Police Services and to apply the national rates contained in the document at appendices 3 to 5.

Summary of Police and Crime Commissioner's Fund, Round 32, March 2023 - 15 - 2023

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The Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC) approves the grants totalling £53,114 (Aspire Black Suffolk CIC, Be Me Like We, Monkey Workshops CIC, Suffolk Mind) through the Suffolk Police and Crime Commissioner’s Fund.

Corporate Governance - Scheme of Governance and Consent - Financial Regulations - 14 - 2023

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The Scheme of Governance and Consent requires amendment to accommodate changes to the Scheme including a review and revision of the Financial Regulations. Approval is sought to the changes to the Scheme and the revised Financial Regulations.

Restorative Justice Service - Extension of Service 2023 - 2025 - 13 - 2023

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This report recommends that, in agreement with the PCC for Norfolk, the Suffolk PCC approves the continuation of the service from April 2023 for a further 2 years. The costs for the service are £114,000 in 2023/24 and £116,00 in 2024/25. This will sustain the employment of 2 FTE RJ Advisors, a part time administrator and other costs such as training and the case management system. The Suffolk PCC contribution would be 50% of the total.

Award of Crime and Disorder Reduction Grant - Catch22 Suffolk Positive Futures - 12 - 2023

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This report seeks approval to award a Crime and Disorder Reduction Grant to Catch22 for £75,000 to contribute to delivering Suffolk Positive Futures across Suffolk for the period 1 April 2023 to 31 March 2025.

Award of Crime and Disorder Reduction Grant - Safer Streets Fund Round 4 - Match Funding - 11 - 2023

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It is recommended that the Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC) awards grant funding of £25,000 to Ipswich Borough Council, as match funding for ‘Safer Streets Round 4’ for the period 1 April 2022 to 31 March 2023.

Seven Force Collaboration - Fifth Collaboration Agreement - 10 - 2023

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The Police and Crime Commissioner is recommended to a) grant approval to enter into the Fifth Collaboration Agreement relating to the policing areas of Bedfordshire, Cambridgeshire, Essex, Hertfordshire, Kent, Norfolk and Suffolk and as described in this report and b) authorise the Chief Executive to execute the Fifth Collaboration Agreement on behalf of the Police and Crime Commissioner.

Collaboration - Unmanned Aircraft System - 9 - 2023

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The Police and Crime Commissioner gives approval to the Suffolk Constabulary collaborating with the Suffolk Fire and Rescue Service over the use of unmanned aircraft systems and that the necessary agreement (as at Appendix A) be entered into pursuant to the Policing and Crime Act 2017.

Contract Extension to Victim Support for the Norfolk and Suffolk Victim Care Service - 8 - 2023

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This paper seeks approval from the Police and Crime Commissioner for the extension of the Victims of Crime contract with Victim Support at a 2-year cost of £1,274,919. This contract commenced in April 2020 for a period of 3 years with the option to extend for two years.

Precept Level and Council Tax Requirement 2023-24 - 7 - 2023

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This paper provides for a decision on the precept level and council tax requirement for 2023/24 following consideration of the Police and Crime Commissioner’s proposal by the Police and Crime Panel on 27 January 2023. This paper also provides for the PCC’s response to the report from the Police and Crime Panel upon the PCC’s proposed precept.

Grant Awards - Support Services for Victims of Domestic Abuse and Sexual Violence 2022-23 - Reallocation of Underspend - 6 - 2023

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It is recommended that the PCC reallocates funding totalling £39,000 to domestic abuse and sexual violence services between 1 January and 31 March 2023 to Survivors in Transition and Lighthouse Women's Aid.

Award of Crime and Disorder Reduction Grant - Catch22 Mediation Service - 5 - 2023

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This report seeks approval to award a grant extension to Catch 22 for the amount of £7,900 for the period 1 November 2022 to 31 March 2023 to continue delivery of the Mediation Service in Suffolk.

Investment and Treasury Management Strategy 2023-24 - 4 - 2023

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This paper seeks approval from the Police and Crime Commissioner for the Investment and Treasury Management Strategy 2023/24.

Proposed Precept Level and Council Tax Requirement 2023-24 - 3 - 2023

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This paper describes the steps that have been taken by the Police and Crime Commissioner in determining his proposed precept level and council tax requirement for 2023/24.

Medium Term Financial Plan 2023-24 to 2026-27 - 2 - 2023

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The draft medium term financial plan (MTFP) sets out the key financial issues facing the PCC and Constabulary over the period 2023/24 to 2026/27. It includes information and recommendations relating to the revenue budget, capital programme and associated financing issues, together with a financial appraisal of two precept options.

Summary of Police and Crime Commissioner's Fund, Round 31, December 2022 - 1 - 2023

(PDF 245 KB)

The Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC) approves the grants totalling £38,250 (Forces Employment Charity and Ipswich Community Media and Learning CIO) through the Suffolk Police and Crime Commissioner’s Fund.

C41 - 2023 - Police Officers and Staff Giving Evidence in USA
C40 - 2023 - Extension of Audit Committee Members Terms
C39 - 2023 - Estates - Catering Services at Martlesham Police Headquarters
C38 - 2023 - Estates - Bury St Edmunds Police Station - Welfare Accommodation Minor Works Improvements
C37 - 2023 - Estates - Renewal of Lease
C36 - 2023 - Staff Post - Administrative Assistant
C35 - 2023 - Appointment of Independent Member to Misconduct Panel
C34 - 2023 - Appointment of Independent Member to Misconduct Panel
C33 - 2023 - Appointment of Independent Member to Misconduct Panel
C32 - 2023 - Appointment of Independent Member to Misconduct Panel
C31 - 2023 - Seerpic Motor Insurance
C30 - 2023 - Estates - Ipswich Police and Fire Station - Final Account Payment
C29 - 2023 - Sizewell C Protest Mitigation Funding From Secretary of State
C28 - 2023 - Continuation of Providing Advanced Driver Training (ADT) and Advanced Driver Refresher (ADR) Courses to HMRC
C27 - 2023 - Appointment of Legally Qualified Chair to Misconduct Panel
C26 - 2023 - ICT Back Up Solution Contract
C25 - 2023 - Appointment of Legally Qualified Chair to Misconduct Panel
C24 - 2023 - Collaboration Agreement - Investigatory Powers Act 2016
C23 - 2023 - Collaboration Agreement for a Joint Information Management Function
C22 - 2023 - Appointment of Independent Member to Misconduct Panel
C21 - 2023 - Appointment of Independent Member to Misconduct Panel
C20 - 2023 - Wide Area Network Services Contract for Norfolk and Suffolk Constabularies
C19 - 2023 - Collaboration Agreement for Joint Strategic Business and Operational Services
C18 - 2023 - Suffolk Independent Domestic Violence Advisor Service
C17 - 2023 - Estates - Rhodes House - Martlesham - Minor Works
C16 - 2023 - Appointment of Legally Qualified Chair to Misconduct Panel
C15 - 2023 - Provision of In-Cell Technology to the Police Investigation Centres
C14 - 2023 - Estates - Energy Supply Contract 2024 - 2028
C13 - 2023 - Appointment of Legally Qualified Chair to Misconduct Panel
C12 - 2023 - Appointment of Independent Member to Misconduct Panel
C11 - 2023 - Appointment of Legally Qualified Chair to Misconduct Panel
C10 - 2023 - Appointment of Legally Qualified Chair to Misconduct Panel
C9 - 2023 - Appointment of Independent Member to Misconduct Panel
C8 - 2023 - Estates - Planned Maintenance Works 2023
C7 - 2023 - Estates - Stowmarket Old Station Mast - Airwave - Deed of Variation
C6 - 2023 - Contract Extension for the Provision of Custody Healthcare in Norfolk and Suffolk
C5 - 2023 - Collaboration Agreement for Joint Protective Services Command
C4 - 2023 - Staff Post - Policy and Commissioning Officer
C3 - 2023 - Mediation Service (Police Referrals)
C2 - 2023 - 7F Commercial - Language Services Decision
C1 - 2023 - Estates - Martlesham PHQ - Learning and Development