Independent Domestic Violence Advisor (IDVA) Service for Suffolk - Contract Extension - 31 - 2020

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Leeway Domestic Violence and Abuse Services have provided the IDVA service in Suffolk since 1 October 2018. The three year contract period will end on 30 September 2021. The service has been successfully delivered to date and, having reviewed contract performance and considered efficiency savings and service improvements, it is recommended that the PCC approves the contract extension for a further two years. The value of the contract extension for the additional period is £1,052,057.

Summary of Suffolk Police and Crime Commissioner's Fund, Round 23, December 2020 - 30 - 2020

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The decision paper sets out the recommendations following the grant panel of December 2020. Four applications (Ormiston Families, Suffolk Lowland Search and Rescue, The Mix Stowmarket, YMCA Trinity Group) were approved for funding totalling £57,017.

Extension of Grant Award - Catch22 Suffolk Positive Futures - 29 - 2020

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The PCC awarded a grant extension to Catch22 Suffolk Positive Futures from 1 April 2020 to 30 September 2020 in order to minimise disruption to the service during both the PCC pre-election period and development of a new Police and Crime Plan. This report seeks approval to award a grant to Catch22 for the amount of £42,500 for the period 1 October 2020 to 31 March 2021 to deliver the service.

COVID-19 Extraordinary Funding for Domestic Abuse and Sexual Violence Support Services in Suffolk - Round 2 - 28 - 2020

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This report seeks approval from the PCC to award a number of grants utilising Round 2 of the Ministry of Justice Covid-19 Extraordinary Funding for Domestic Abuse and Sexual Violence Support Services. The funding will support providers of domestic abuse and sexual violence services where they continue to experience short term income disruption; increased demand for their services; and/or additional costs in sustaining their activities due to the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic between 1 November 2020 and 31 March 2021.

Joint Professional Standards Department Section 22a Collaboration Agreement - 27 - 2020

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The Joint Professional Standards Department have been operating as a collaborated function since 2012. The function continues to operate and deliver in line with strategic objectives and a further collaboration agreement is presented for authorisation to continue with the function for a further 5 years. The minor changes to the function have been outlined in the details of submission.

Extension of Grant - Suffolk Youth Justice Service - Criminal Exploitation Worker - 26 - 2020

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This report seeks approval to award a grant extension for the period 1 December 2020 - 31 March 2021 to Suffolk County Council for a specialist Criminal Exploitation Worker as part of the Suffolk Youth Justice Service Diversion Programme.

Appointment of Additional Member to the Joint Audit Committee - Hugh May - 25 - 2020

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This paper provides for a decision to be made upon the appointment of an additional member to the joint Audit Committee of the Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC) and Chief Constable (CC).

Award of Crime and Disorder Reduction Grant - Catch 22 Mediation Service - 24 - 2020

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This report seeks approval to award a grant to Catch 22 for the amount of £17,600 for the period 1 November 2020 to 31 October 2021 to deliver the Mediation Service in Suffolk. The funding will enable crime and disorder reduction activity focusing on the Police and Crime Plan objectives by reducing anti-social behaviour and reducing the demand on the police.

Extension of Grant Awards - Services for Victims of Domestic Abuse - 23 - 2020

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The PCC awarded grant extensions to victim services providers until 30 September 2020 in order to minimise disruption to services during both the PCC pre-election period and development of a new Police and Crime Plan. In order to ensure that victims of domestic violence and abuse are still able to access services in Suffolk it is proposed that the PCC continues to fund the delivery by the following providers in Suffolk at the same level of funding as in previous years for the remainder of the 2020/21 financial year: Bury St Edmunds Women’s Aid Centre, Lighthouse Women’s Aid, Waveney Domestic Violence and Abuse Services.

Summary of Suffolk Police and Crime Commissioner's Fund, Round 22, September 2020 - 22 - 2020

(PDF 189 KB)

The decision paper sets out the recommendations following the grant panel of September 2020. Seven applications (Combat2Coffee CIC,Fresh Start Future Enterprises, Northampton Saints Foundation, Room 4, Suffolk FA, Suffolk Refugee Support and The Forward Trust) were approved for funding totalling £101,929.

Funding for additional Independent Sexual Violence Advisors 2020 - 2022 - 20 - 2020

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Following a successful bid to the Ministry of Justice for increased Independent Sexual Violence Advisor (ISVA) capacity in Suffolk, a total £106, 251 has been granted for the period October 2020 - March 2022.

Extension of Grant Awards - Services for Victims of Sexual Violence - 19 - 2020

(PDF 605 KB)

The PCC awarded grant extensions to victim services providers until 30 September 2020 in order to minimise disruption to services during both the PCC pre-election period and development of a new Police and Crime Plan. In order to ensure that victims of sexual violence are still able to access services in Suffolk it is proposed that the PCC continues to fund the delivery of services by three specialist providers in Suffolk: Survivors in Transition; Suffolk Rape Crisis and Fresh Start New Beginnings at the same level of funding as in previous years for the remainder of the 2020/21 financial year.

Funding to ISCRE to deliver the Stop & Search Reference Group, Complaints Reporting Centre and Policy Advice - 18 - 2020

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This report requests a continuation of the funding to Ipswich and Suffolk Council for Racial Equality (ISCRE) to provide the services outlined in the Service Level Agreement namely i) Facilitation of the community led Stop and Search Reference Group to scrutinise the use of Stop and Search; ii) a complaints third party reporting function; iii) policy advice with regard the equality duty and iv) support stop and search training. The services will be delivered under a four-year contract until March 2024.

Summary of Suffolk Police and Crime Commissioner's Fund Round 21, May 2020 - 17 - 2020

(PDF 187 KB)

The decision paper sets out the recommendations following the grant panel of May 2020. Five applications (Anglia Care Trust, Emmaus Suffolk Ltd, RFEA - The Forces Employment Charity, The Racing Centre, The Reader) were approved for funding totalling £73,396.

Suffolk Police and Crime Commissioner's Fund - 2020/21 Funding - 16 - 2020

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The Police and Crime Commissioner's Fund was established in 2014 to support organisations that can contribute to delivering the Police and Crime Plan objectives. This decision paper sets out the recommendation to approve funding of £300,000 for the PCC Fund for 2020/21.

COVID-19 Extraordinary Funding for Domestic Abuse and Sexual Violence Support Services in Suffolk - 15 - 2020

(PDF 225 KB)

This report seeks approval from the PCC to award a number of grants utilising ‘Covid-19 Extraordinary Funding for Domestic Abuse and Sexual Violence Support Services’. This funding has been made available by the Ministry of Justice for distribution by the PCC. The application and award process administered by the OPCC is set out in this report along with a schedule of recommended grants and funding amounts, totalling £208,411 (Appendix A).

Variation to the Joint Information Management Department Section 22A Collaboration Agreement - 14 - 2020

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This report is to request a further variation with an extension for a period of no more than 12 months, to 31st July 2021 in order to accommodate the ongoing review.

Scheme of Governance and Consent - 13 - 2020

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The COVID-19 outbreak has required the Police and Crime Commissioner to make some practical changes to the everyday conduct of normal business. In order to ensure that such practical changes are in full accord with the Scheme of Governance and Consent, flexibility is required with regard to the Decision-Making and Accountabililty Framework within the Scheme. It is therefore proposed to amend the Framework to vest the Chief Executive with authority to make practical changes to the Framework.

Financial assistance for officers, staff and Special constables impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic - 12 - 2020

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The PCC approves supplementary financial regulations to permit loans to officers, staff and Special constables experiencing financial hardship due to COVID-19.

Appointment of Members to the Joint Audit Committee - 11 - 2020

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The PCC approves the re-appointment of four members to the joint Audit Committee of the Police and Crime Commissioner and Chief Constable for a four-year term, backdated to 1 January 2020.

Membership of BlueLight Commercial Ltd - 10 - 2020

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This paper considers the formation of the new police commercial organisation and the request made of the Police and Crime Commissioner to become a member of BlueLight Commercial Ltd which is a company by guarantee.

Extension of Grant Awards - 9 - 2020

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Approval has been given to extend the current grants the PCC has awarded for victim services and crime and disorder reduction until the end of September 2020 in order to minimise disruption to services during both the PCC pre-election period and development of a new Police and Crime Plan. A schedule of grant extensions proposed and funding amounts, totalling £235,500, is set out in Appendix A of the decision paper - PCC Decision 9 - 2020 - Extension of Grant Awards (PDF, 537KB)

Revision of Section 22A Agreements for the functions of Joint ICT; Joint Estates and Facilities; Joint Transport Services - 8 - 2020

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Following the creation and appointments of the Assistant Chief Officer (ACO) positions for both Norfolk and Suffolk Constabularies in 2019, it was agreed that the ACOs would act as Portfolio Leads for a number of functions across the organisations. The attached agreements detail the arrangements to continue to collaborate the functions with the changes to Portfolio Leads noted: Joint ICT, Joint Estates and Facilities, Joint Transport Services. It is requested that the agreements are authorised as backdated from 1 May 2019.

Precept Level and Council Tax Requirement 2020-21 - 7 - 2020

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This paper provides for a decision to be made upon the precept level and council tax requirement for 2020-21, following consideration of the PCC's proposal by the Police and Crime Panel on 31 January 2020. This paper includes the Suffolk Police and Crime Panel's outcomes report.

Proposed Precept Level and Council Tax Requirement 2020-21 - 6 - 2020

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This paper describes the steps that have been taken by the Police and Crime Commissioner in determining his proposed precept level and council tax requirement for 2020-21.

Medium Term Financial Plan (MTFP) 2020-21 to 2023-24 - 5 - 2020

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The draft Medium Term Financial Plan (MTFP) sets out the key financial issues facing the PCC and Constabulary over the period 2020-21 to 2023-24.

Variation to the current Section 22A Agreement for Integrated Offender Management (IOM) - 4 - 2020

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The Chief Executive of the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner authorised an extension to the Agreement to Collaborate (under Section 22A of the Police Act 1996).

Police Complaints and Conduct System - Statement of Policy and Procedure - 3 - 2020

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A new national complaints and misconduct framework for police complaints is due to commence on 1 February 2020. The attached policy documents "Police complaints and Conduct System - Statement of Policy and Procedure" has been prepared and sets out the Police and Crime Commissioner's (PCC) approach to how he will handle and discharge his key responsibilities in the area of police complaints and conduct with effect from 1 January 2020.

Corporate Governance - Scheme of Governance and Consent - 2 - 2020

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The Scheme of Governance and Consent has been reviewed to cover a number of changes. Key amongst these changes are: minor revisions to the Seven Forces' Contract Standing Orders; revised delegations in readiness for the introduction of national police complaints and misconduct reforms. Approval is now sought to the revised Scheme.

Summary of Suffolk Police and Crime Commissioner's Fund Round 20, December 2019 - 1 - 2020

(PDF 389 KB)

The decision paper sets out the recommendations following the grant panel of December 2019. Twelve applications (Access Community Trust, Albany Pupil Referral Unit, Eden’s Project, Future Female Society, Greenfinch Church, Ipswich Community Church, Ipswich Community Media, Ormiston Families, P.L.O.T. Community Interest Company, Reflections Youth Centre, The Prince's Trust, Whitton Youth Partnership) were approved for funding totalling £114,504.

C29 - 2020 - Selected Medical Practitioner
C28 - 2020 - Rent Review of Airwave Aeriels
C27 - 2020 - One Public Estate - Novation of Contract
C26 - 2020 - One Public Estate Tender for Strategic Outline Case and Options Appraisal
C25 - 2020 - Bury St Edmunds Police Station – Car Parking
C24 - 2020 - Mildenhall Police Station - Planning
C23 - 2020 - Boyton Hall Farm Mast - New Letting
C22 - 2020 - Rental of Ipswich Premises
C21 - 2020 - Vehicle Accident Repairs - Novation of Contract
C20 - 2020 - Collaboration Agreement for Joint Shared Services Transaction Centre
C19 - 2020 - Rent Review of Airwave Mast Leases
C18 - 2020 - Forensic Collision Investigators Network - Section 22A
C17 - 2020 - Facilities Management Contract Extension
C16 - 2020 - Sale of Police House, Bury St Edmunds
C15 - 2020 - Grading Review - OPCC - Complaints Reforms
C14 - 2020 - Ipswich - Relocation of Ipswich Town Centre SNT Base to Joint Police & Fire Facility
C13 - 2020 - Rental of Additional Accommodation for East/ West Serious Crime Disruption Team
C12 - 2020 - Catering Services at Martlesham Police Headquarters
C11 - 2020 - Financial Assistance in Legal Proceedings
C10 - 2020 - Lease of Premises - Ipswich
C9 - 2020 - Felixstowe - Sale of former Police Station site & Glenfield Court Annexe
C8 - 2020 - Mildenhall Hub Project - Development Agreement
C7 - 2020 - Haverhill Police Station - Fire Station Use
C6 - 2020 - Bury St Edmunds Police Station - Forensic Store
C5 - 2020 - ERSOU Estate
C4 - 2020 - Felixstowe - Sale of former Police Station site & Glenfield Court Annexe
C3 - 2020 - Police Education Qualification Framework (PEQF)
C2 - 2020 - Contract for Managed Services for Temporary Agency Resources
C1 - 2020 - Felixstowe - Sale of former Police Station site & Glenfield Court Annexe