Collaboration - Modern Slavery Police Transformation Fund - 40 - 2019

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A national collaboration agreement has been drawn up, to which all geographical local policing bodies and chief officers of police, together with the College of Policing and British Transport Police are parties, in relation to the extension and running of the modern slavery police transformation fund.

Youth Intervention Fund - Additional Funding and Grants Awarded - 39 - 2019

(PDF 985 KB)

This report seeks approval for an additional contribution of £30,000 from the PCC to supplement the funding available through the ‘Youth Intervention Fund’. This one-off fund was jointly created by the PCC and Suffolk Community Foundation to support voluntary organisations to deliver on the needs of young people in Suffolk, providing opportunities for positive activities, increasing life chances and reducing crime and disorder.

Three Yearly Review of Independent Custody Visitor Appointments - 38 - 2019

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The Home Office Code of Practice for Custody Visiting requires each Scheme to undertake a reconstitution process every 3 years. The key factors considered in maintaining appointments are: i) The continuing ability and willingness of the individual in question to conduct the role effectively having regard to the role profile for an Independent Custody Visitor (ICV); ii) Ensuring that the individual is operating within the Scheme Guidelines, in accordance with the Home Office Code of Practice and other National Standards, and within the spirit of the Scheme.

Complaints Reforms - 37 - 2019

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This paper summarises the options open to the Police and Crime Commissioner, as introduced by the Policing and Crime Act 2017, with regard to their involvement in the handling of complaints. The Police and Crime Commissioner is recommended to pursue Model 1 from the point that the relevant provisions of the 2017 Act are commenced.

Summary of Suffolk Police and Crime Commissioners Fund Round 19, Sept 2019 - 36 - 2019

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The decision paper sets out the recommendations following the grant panel of September 2019. Five applications, plus one additional small grant (BSC Multicultural Services, Catch 22, Green Light Trust, Home-Start Mid & West Suffolk, Suffolk Young People's Health Project and Nansen Road Baptist Church) were approved for funding totalling £85,694.

Award of Grant - Taxi Marshals - 35 - 2019

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This report seeks approval to award a grant to Ipswich Central for the amount of £5,000 for the period 1 November 2019 to 31 October 2020 to deliver the Taxi Marshal service.

Funding to ISCRE to deliver the Stop & Search Reference Group, complaints third party reporting centre and policy advice - 33 - 2019

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This report requests a continuation of the funding to Ipswich and Suffolk Council for Racial Equality (ISCRE) to provide the services outlined in the Service Level Agreement.

Varied Police and Crime Plan 2017-2021 - For Publication - 32 - 2019

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This report approves publication of the varied Police and Crime Plan 2017-2021 and outlines the Police and Crime Panels considerations at it's meeting on 19 July 2019.

Award of Grant - Suffolk Youth Justice Service - 31 - 2019

(PDF 602 KB)

This report seeks approval to award a grant to Suffolk County Council for the amount of £31,300 to employ a specialist Criminal Exploitation Worker as part of the Suffolk Youth Justice Service Diversion Programme.

Award of Grant - Rotary Youth Leadership Awards - 30 - 2019

(PDF 551 KB)

This report recommends the award of a grant to Rotary Youth Leadership Awards (RYLA) District 1080 of £3,980 to support up to 7 candidates on the 2019 course. The funding will enable crime and disorder reduction activity supporting young people.

Collaboration - Provision of a Regional Disaster Victim Identification Co-ordinator - 29 - 2019

(PDF 121 KB)

Authority is sought to renew the collaboration arrangements within the Region in relation to Disaster Victim Identification. This requires a new collaboration agreement to be entered into.

Variation to the Joint Information Management Department Section 22A Collaboration Agreement - 28 - 2019

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This report is to request a further variation with an extension for a period of no more than 12 months, to 31st July 2020 in order to accommodate the ongoing review.

Collaboration - Small Unmanned Surveillance Aircraft - 27 - 2019

(PDF 425 KB)

The Suffolk Constabulary and Suffolk Fire and Rescue Service wish to collaborate in the use of a small unmanned surveillance aircraft. This paper seeks approval from the Police and Crime Commissioner to enter into the collaboration agreement.

Summary of Suffolk Police and Crime Commissioners Fund Round 18 - June 2019 - 26 - 2019

(PDF 279 KB)

The decision paper sets out the recommendations following the grant panel of June 2019 . Five applications (Porch Project, Saints Youth Club, Suffolk Family Carers, Suffolk Refugee Support, Tall Ships Youth Trust) were approved for funding totalling £59,182.

Section 22A Collaboration Agreement - Joint Athena Hub - 25 - 2019

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This report seeks to approval to refresh the existing agreement between Norfolk & Suffolk to determine a Joint Athena Hub.

Norfolk and Suffolk Victim Care - 24 - 2019

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This report seeks approval to award grant funding to Victim Support for the amount of £292,367 to continue delivery of the Norfolk and Suffolk Victim Care service in 2019-20.

Youth Intervention Fund - 23 - 2019

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This report seeks approval for a contribution of £50,000 towards the 'Youth Intervention Fund' that aims to reduce crime and disorder by supporting voluntary organisations working with young people.

Award of Grant - Fresh Start-New Beginnings - 22 - 2019

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This report seeks approval to award a grant of £60,000 to Fresh Start-New Beginnings to provide therapeutic treatment for child victims of sexual abuse.

Award of Grant - Compassion - 21 - 2019

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This report seeks approval to award a grant to Compassion for the amount of £13,050 to support survivors of domestic violence and abuse for the period 1 June 2019 to 31 March 2020.

Award of Grant - Suffolk KickOff@3 - 19 - 2019

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This decision awards a grant to Suffolk KickOff@3 for the amount of £2,000 to support young people through positive engagement and encourage engagement with and across diverse communities.

Establishing a Restorative Justice Service - 18 - 2019

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This decision awards funding of £38,000 toward the establishment of a Restorative Justice Service for Norfolk and Suffolk over a two year period.

Award of Grant - Suffolk Rape Crisis - 17 - 2019

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This decision awards a grant to Suffolk Rape Crisis for the amount of £60,000 to provide specialist support to survivors of sexual violence.

Award of Grant - Survivors in Transition - 16 - 2019

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This decision awards a grant to Survivors in Transition for the amount of £60,000 to provide specialist support to survivors of sexual violence and abuse.

Award of Grant - Waveney Domestic Violence and Abuse Forum - 15 - 2019

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This decision awards a grant to Waveney Domestic Violence and Abuse Forum for the amount of £20,000 to provide specialist support to survivors of domestic violence and abuse.

Award of Grant - Bury St Edmunds Women's Aid Centre - 14 - 2019

(PDF 499 KB)

This decision awards a grant to Bury St Edmunds Women's Aid Centre for the amount of £60,000 to provide specialist support to survivors of domestic violence and abuse.

Award of Grant - Lighthouse Women's Aid - 13 - 2019

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This decision awards a grant to Lighthouse Women's Aid for the amount of £60,000 to provide specialist support to survivors of domestic violence and abuse.

Summary of Suffolk Police and Crime Commissioners Fund Round 17 - March 2019 - 12 - 2019

(PDF 338 KB)

The decision paper sets out the recommendations following the grant panel of March 2019 . Ten applications (Adfam National, Chapman Centre Trust, Inspire Suffolk, Matthew Project, Noise Solution Ltd, Right Time Counselling Services CIC, St Giles Trust, Talitha Koum, The Mix Stowmarket and Volunteering Matters ) were approved for funding totalling £141,791.

Corporate Governance - Scheme of Governance and Consent - 11 - 2019

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The Scheme of Governance and Consent has been reviewed to cover a number of changes. Key among these changes is the replacement of the Contract Standing Orders within the Scheme with the new Seven Force Procurement Standing Orders.

Iceni Venta Programme - £4,100 - 22 March 2019 - 10 - 2019

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The PCC approved a grant of £4,100 to Iceni Ipswich towards accreditation of the Venta Programme.

Appointment of Chief Constable - 9 - 2019

(PDF 255 KB)

This paper provides for a decision to be made upon the appointment of a new Chief Constable for Suffolk by the PCC following consideration of the proposed appointment by the Police and Crime Panel on 25 January 2019.

Precept Level and Council Tax Requirement 2019-20 - 8 - 2019

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This paper provides for a decision to be made upon the precept level and council tax requirement for 2019-20, following consideration of the PCC's proposal by the Police and Crime Panel on 25 January 2019. This paper includes the Suffolk Police and Crime Panel's outcomes report.

7 Forces Collaboration - Procurement - 7 - 2019

(PDF 254 KB)

The Police and Crime Commissioner approved entering into a collaboration agreement for the delivery of a single procurement function across the policing areas of Bedfordshire, Cambridgeshire, Essex, Hertfordshire, Kent, Norfolk and Suffolk.

Proposed Precept Level and Council Tax Requirement 2019-20 - 6 - 2019

(PDF 833 KB)

This paper describes the steps that have been taken by the Police and Crime Commissioner in determining his proposed precept level and council tax requirement for 2019-20.

Medium Term Financial Plan 2019-20 to 2022-23 - 5 - 2019

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The draft Medium Term Financial Plan (MTFP) sets out the key financial issues facing the PCC and Constabulary over the period 2019-20 to 2022-23.

Award of Funding - Early Intervention Youth Fund - 3 - 2019

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The PCC has approved a grant of £56,997 for the delivery of the Early Intervention Youth Fund Thinking Skills Programme.

Independent Members of Police Misconduct Panels - 2 - 2019

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This paper gives detail of the re-appointment of Independent Members of the Misconduct Panels.

Summary of Suffolk Police and Crime Commissioners Fund Round 16 - December 2018 - 1 - 2019

(PDF 324 KB)

The decision paper sets out the recommendations following the grant panel of December 2018. Six applications (Anglia Care Trust, Carlton Colville Town Council, Guide Dogs for the Blind, Ormiston Families, Suffolk Mind and The Reader) were approved for funding totalling £74, 127.

Airwave Radio Handset Refresh - C48 - 2019
National Framework Agreement for the Supply of Mobile Preliminary Drug Testing Devices Variation and Extension - C47 - 2019
Estates - Brandon - Surrender of Lease - C46 - 2019
Estates - Landmark House - Ipswich CCTV Agreement - C45 - 2019
Estates - Martlesham PHQ - Residential Accommodation Area Upgrade - C44 - 2019
Airwave Radio Handset Refresh - C43 - 2019
Collaboration Agreement/ Secondment Agreement - Chief Officers - C42 - 2019
Appointment of Legally Qualified Chairs - C41 - 2019
Seven Forces Strategic Collaboration Programme: Fourth Collaboration Agreement - C40 - 2019
Contract for the provision and maintenance of multi-functional devices to the Norfolk & Suffolk Constabularies - C39 - 2019
Norfolk & Suffolk Victim Care - Award of Contract - C38 - 2019
Structure of Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner - Changes - C37 - 2019
Estates - Mildenhall Sale of Old Police Station - C36 - 2019
Estates - Felixstowe Sale of Former Police Station Site & Glenfield Court Annexe - C35 - 2019
Estates - Ipswich Police & Fire Station - C34 - 2019
Athena - Deed of Variation - Refresh of Core Infrastructure - C33 - 2019
PFI Police Investigation Centres - C32 - 2019
Police Education & Qualifications Framework (PEQF) - C31 - 2019
Estates - Server Room Expansion - C30 - 2019
Estates - Sale of Police House, Bury St Edmunds - C29 - 2019
Estates - Southwold Police Station - Agreement for Anglian Water Pump Electrical Supply - C28 - 2019
Estates - Southwold Police Station - Sale of Property - Planning Application - C27 - 2019
Estates - Leiston - Sale of Former Police Station Site - S106 Agreement - C26 - 2019
Estates - Halesworth Police Station - C25 - 2019
Estates - Beccles Police Station Site - Car Park Agreement - C24 - 2019
Estates - Server Room Expansion - C23 - 2019
Estates - Sizewell C - Planning Consultancy - C22 - 2019
Estates - Relocation of Ipswich Town Centre SNT Base - C21 - 2019
Collaboration Agreement: Single Online Home (SOH) - C20 - 2019
Collaboration Agreement: Investigatory Powers Act 2016 - C19 - 2019
Estates - Planned Maintenance Works 2019 - C18 - 2019
Estates - Leiston Sale of Former Police Station Site - C17 - 2019
Estates - Beccles Sale of Former Police Station Site - C16 - 2019
Estates - Sale of Former Police Station Site at Newmarket - C15 - 2019
Estates - Felixstowe Sale of Former Police Station Site & Glenfield Court Annexe - C14 - 2019
Estates - Sale of Police House, Bury St Edmunds - C13 - 2019
Estates - Newmarket Police Station - C12 - 2019
Estates - Halesworth Police Station - C11 - 2019
Hadleigh Police Station Estates Strategy - 'Retain' - C10 - 2019
Valuation, Planning & Rating Consultancy Contract - C9 - 2019
Lowestoft Police Station Court Site Deed - C8 - 2019
Variation to the Integrated Offender Management Section 22A Collaboration Agreement - C7 - 2019
Variation to the Joint Professional Standards Department Section 22A Collaboration Agreement - C6 - 2019
Seven Force Strategic Collaboration Programme: Third Collaboration Agreement - C5 - 2019
Upgrade of Joint Taser Capacity in Norfolk and Suffolk - C4 - 2019
Force Medical Examiners for the Sexual Assault Referral Centres - C3 - 2019
Fire Safety Contract Variation - C2 - 2019
Sale of Surplus Sites - C1 - 2019