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The Police and Crime Commissioner for Suffolk approves entering into a contract with Reed Employment Agency on behalf of both the Suffolk and Norfolk PCCs for the provision of a managed service for temporary agency staff for 24 months to 30 September 2020.
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This decision paper sets out the recommendations following the grant panel of September 2018. Five applications (Catch 22, Home Start, Ipswich Community Media, Princes Trust and YMCA Trinity Group) were approved for funding totalling £69,092.
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This paper proposes the appointment of Mr Harry Ireland to the list of legally qualified chairs for police misconduct panel as maintained by the Regional Police and Crime Commissioners.
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This report seeks approval to award a grant to Ipswich Central for the amount of £5,000 for the period 1 November 2018 to 31 October 2019 to deliver the Taxi Marshal service.
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This report presents the Annual Report for consideration and seeks approval to send the Annual Report to the Police and Crime Panel.
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This report seeks approval to award a grant to Compassion for the amount of £17,400 to continue forum activities supporting victims of domestic abuse for the period 1 April 2018 to 31 March 2019.
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This decision paper sets out the recommendations following the grant panel of June 2018. Four applications (Green Light Trust, Porch Project, Suffolk Neighbourhood Watch Association and The Befriending Scheme) were approved for funding totalling £38,117.
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This report seeks approval to award a grant to Waveney Domestic Violence and Abuse Forum for the amount of £20,000 to support victims of domestic violence and abuse.
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This report recommends the award of a grant to Rotary Youth Leadership Awards (RYLA) District 1080 of £2,600 to support 6 candidates on the 2018 course. The funding will enable crime and disorder reduction activity supporting young people.
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This report seeks approval to award a grant to Survivors in Transition for the amount of £60,000 to provide services to victims of sexual abuse.
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The PCC is invited to adopt the revised Scheme of Governance and Consent (with the exception of the Contract Standing Orders and Financial Regulations).
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This report seeks approval to award a Victim Services Grant to Suffolk Rape Crisis for the amount of £60,000 to support victims of rape, child sexual abuse and sexual violence.
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This report seeks approval to award a grant to Bury St Edmunds Women's Aid Centre for the amount of £60,000 to support victims of domestic violence and abuse.
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Having considered the viability of the group and the options available to the Constabulary to fulfill the function of the IAG, the PCC and the Chief Constable agreed the dissolution of the IAG.
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This report seeks approval to award a grant to Fresh Starts - new beginnings for the amount of £60,000 to provide therapeutic support for child victims of sexual abuse.
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From 25 May 2018 the PCC will be required to comply with the General Data Protection Regulation (the GDPR). This report presents the PCCs Statement of Policy for compliance with the GDPR.
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This report seeks approval to enter into a collaboration agreement across the Seven Forces (Bedfordshire, Cambridgeshire, Essex, Hertfordshire, Kent, Norfolk and Suffolk) in relation to the provision of a Firearms, Training and Compliance Function.
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This decision paper sets out recommendations following the grant panel of March 2018. Three applications are recommended for funding totaling £56,921.
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This report provides an update on the national Modern Slavery Police Transformation Fund programme.
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This report seeks approval to the renewal of two collaboration agreements, in relation to Joint Professional Standards and Joint Information Management for periods of one year.
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This paper recommends that the current contract be extended for a further twelve months from 1 April 2018.
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This report seeks approval to award a grant for up to £30,000 to contribute to the delivery of six Caring Dads programmes across Suffolk and Norfolk in 2017/18.
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This paper provides for a decision to be made upon the precept level and council tax requirement for 2018-19, following consideration of the PCC's proposal by the Police and Crime Panel on 26 January 2018.
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Authority is sought to enter into a collaboration agreement in relation to three national services delivered on behalf of the police service as a whole, namely National Vehicle Crime Intelligence Service (NAVCIS), National Wildlife Crime Unit (NWCU) and the National Police Freedom of Information and Data Protection Unit (NPFDU).
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This decision paper sets out the recommendations following the twelfth grant panel. Nine applications are recommended for funding totaling £126,037.
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The PCC approves the award of a multi-supplier framework agreement, featuring both Type Approved devices allowing individual contracting authorities to create their own contract with either/both suppliers through a direct award decision.