Suffolk’s Police and Crime Commissioner, Tim Passmore has raised the policing element of the council tax by 83p a month (for a Band D property) for 2020/21.
This extra funding will see 20 extra police officers across the county in areas such as serious crime disruption, roads policing and rural crime. This is in addition to the 54 new officers which will be added to the establishment by March 2021 from the government uplift.
The precept increase will allow the Chief Constable to improve the standards of police investigations to bring more offenders to justice; enhance the Constabulary’s capacity and capability to tackle serious and organised crime, county lines and knife crime; make Suffolk’s roads safer and enhance the Constabulary’s ability to prevent crime happening in the first place, which is what residents of Suffolk have asked for.
Seven of these additional officers will form a new, pro-active neighbourhood policing team, which will be deployable to any part of the county to deal with operational threats and challenges, This team will comprise highly-visible, uniformed officers tasked to deal with violent crime, burglary, robbery, vehicle crime, drugs and anti-social behaviour. The remaining 13 officers will be deployed in an additional serious crime disruption team, the rural policing team, the outcome resolution team, a new domestic abuse perpetrator scheme and a new commercial vehicle enforcement unit,
The precept will also fund six civilian investigators to support the Sentinel teams introduced last year and the serious crime disruption team and ten police staff working in areas including modern slavery, domestic abuse and outcome resolution and digital support.
Full detail of the Precept plans 2020/21
Progress report – July 2020 (PDF, 986KB)
Progress report – October 2020 (PDF, 1,001KB)
Detail of the plan for the Government Uplift Proposals 2020-21
Update on progress to June 30 2020 (PDF, 685KB)
Update on progress to September 30 2020 (PDF, 474KB)
Press release: PCC confirms £10 a year policing precept increase
Details of the previous year’s precept (2019-20) and the reports detailing progress on the spend.