The PCC is inviting expressions of interest for funding the provision of domestic abuse and sexual violence services in Suffolk in 2021/22.

In 2020/21 the PCC awarded £148k to community Domestic Abuse services and £180k to Sexual Violence services. This is in addition to the IDVA service supporting high risk victims of Domestic Abuse and Norfolk and Suffolk Victim Care which supports standard risk victims of DA as well as providing a service for all victims of crime. An additional £357k was secured in Covid-19 extraordinary funding from the Ministry of Justice and has been allocated.

We are keen to ensure the continuity of services in the community for victims of domestic abuse and sexual violence and sustain the support that victims have been able to access during the Covid-19 pandemic.

Support services must have the purpose of helping victims of crime cope with the impacts of crime, and, as far as possible, recover from the harm they have experienced.

Expressions of Interest should use the template provided and include:
• Name of organisation
• Name of service to be provided
• Brief outline of activity to be delivered in 2021/22 including any changes to services in response to demand and/or the Covid-19 pandemic.
• Total funding requested

Expression of Interest Form – DA and SV services for victims 21-22 (Word Doc. 965KB)

Please highlight any gaps in service provision or emerging needs you can evidence which you would like us to take into account in our decision making for the coming year.

EOIs should be returned to by 17:00 on 8 February 2021. Questions should be directed to or 01473 613888 ext 4690

Further information:
• The OPCC will respond to EOIs by 15th February.
• If of interest, full applications will be requested and will need to set out evidence of demand for the service, cost breakdown and expected outcomes.
• If requested full applications will need to be developed by 12 March for final decisions to be made before 31 March 2021.
• Funding is open to registered charities, charitable incorporated organisations and social enterprises, including companies limited by guarantee and community interest companies.
• Funding will be for the period 1 April 2021 until 31 March 2022.
• We encourage applications for grant funding from small specialist organisations that support groups with protected characteristics.

1 February 2021