Suffolk’s Police and Crime Commissioner is pleased to announce additional Covid-19 related funding for Domestic Abuse and Sexual Violence services in Suffolk. The funding has been made available by the Ministry of Justice (MoJ) for distribution by the PCC.
This funding is ring-fenced for COVID-19 related emergency funding to meet the additional costs local domestic abuse and sexual violence services have incurred or will incur whilst adapting their services during the pandemic, and to cope with demand increases resulting from it, during the period 24 March to 31 October 2020.
Funding may be used to (list is not exhaustive):
We encourage applications from small specialist organisations that support groups with protected characteristics.
See Section 12 – 19 of the MoJ guidance for more detail on general conditions and eligibility.
To apply:
Applications after this time will not be eligible due to the need to allocate funding promptly.
Please note there will be limited time to contact applicants with any clarification questions, so it is essential you clearly respond to requirements within the template or raise any concerns with the OPCC in advance of submission.
Suffolk PCC Q&A (PDF,133KB)
Application Criteria:
The Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner will needs assess all applications against the following criteria before submitting their recommended funding to the MoJ for final determination:
Additional information
Guidance on Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government (MHCLG) funding for domestic abuse safe accommodation.
Guidance on Home Office funding for national DA and SV charities will be available shortly.